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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. Ristar - first game to have an interactive soundtrack?
  2. hey proph remember like two years ago we got into an argument over music theory?
  3. he's from Newington, CT... that's like five minutes away from where I live! I go there all the time! Newington is a spoiled rich kid suburban heaven where the kids think they're all tough and call it "N-town". how about i beat him up irl!?
  4. thank you Will Roget the Third aka BUSTATUNEZ for remastering this! http://www.rogetmusic.com/temp/drumultima_remaster.mp3
  5. UPDATE!!! 12/12/07 So I think I've basically finished it. I guess I'll submit it, but I want to see what you guys think first. Because I did this for a computer music project, I can't imagine that I would have much time to work on it while up here before break (especially considering that I have my third project due soon!) But please, lemme know what ya'll think. I'm calling it "Dances of Wind, Sky, and Earth". Pretty lame, but it goes with the marimba piece "Dances of Earth and Fire", so whatev ;D http://drumultima.googlepages.com/dances.mp3
  6. robos robos robos robos robos robos robos
  7. shhhhh i'm hoping if i turn it in with like, sound clips of people talking and like waterfalls in the background, i'll get a decent grade
  8. i have vocals recorded, i want to send them to you when i'm in the computer music studio. though they may suck. also where is our site >:{
  9. i actually find that theory being a big deal in jazz is a fairly common misconception. In the world of musical acedemia, jazz educators try to follow the Jamie Abersold school of thought when teaching, saying 'only play on this chord this scale', etc. But along with what zyko and Snappleman were saying, i find that theory is a supplement to jazz and not much more. I learned to improvise not by learning modes and studying ii-V-Is, but rather by listening to jazz and playing along, deciding what i thought sounded good or not. The result of this was me noticing patterns in my playing, and finding that I could define these patterns in words. In short, if you want me to play a "blues scale", I might say "well, 'the' blues scale, or my blues scale?" in short--jazz is more about playing stuff that sounds good than understanding why it sounds good.
  10. the order in which you learn isn't as important--learning theory will help your piano skills, and vice versa. I would actually recommend doing both at the same time. there are a few websites out there that will help you build your basic theory and ear training skills, one that i've particularly liked is http://musictheory.net/ . There are lots of lessons and trainers on this site that can help you begin to build your fundamentals. If you find yourself not liking this site, there is also http://www.teoria.com , but i'm not as familiar with this site. Anyway, give it a go, see how it works!
  11. my roommate is a composition major, his stuff is all very upbeat and lively. I'll ask him tomorrow
  12. EDIT: thanks will for remastering this!! http://www.rogetmusic.com/temp/drumultima_remaster.mp3 ----------------------- UPDATE!!! 12/12/07 So I think I've basically finished it. I guess I'll submit it, but I want to see what you guys think first. Because I did this for a computer music project, I can't imagine that I would have much time to work on it while up here before break (especially considering that I have my third project due soon!) But please, lemme know what ya'll think. I'm calling it "Dances of Wind, Sky, and Earth". Pretty lame, but it goes with the marimba piece "Dances of Earth and Fire", so whatev ;D http://drumultima.googlepages.com/dances.mp3 ------------------- So I'm doing this for my computer music class. It's supposed to be a music con crete project, but I'm basically undermining that assignment by doing this (I'm working with audio so whatever). It's ALL PERCUSSION! here's a very rough wip of what i've got so far. Sorry about the clipping and stuff, I'm still figuring out this software. http://drumultima.googlepages.com/rhythmwip.mp3 enjoy! ---------------------
  13. screw you man i'm hoping to find work after college
  14. tool tip: drummers have no more than two hands and two feet at a time.
  15. just make sure you tighten up the graphics before your super hot boss comes in with another game she needs designed
  16. I really love Reuben's music, I find his piano playing quite touching. He will surely be missed by this community, and our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
  17. if he's from singapore chances are his family speak english.. but i can get my singaporean ex-roomie to translate to singlish if need be
  18. God, this is awful. I'm so upset, this is totally not fair. Rest in peace Reuben Kee, you will be missed. God...
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