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FAC - Fan Art Competition 15 - Weapons - VOTING!
Aninymouse replied to atmuh's topic in Competitions
I did a quick thing of the Flame Lance from Fire Emblem. I wanted it to be more complex, but time didn't allow. Looking forward to seeing the stuff you guys came up with. -
FAC - Fan Art Competition 15 - Weapons - VOTING!
Aninymouse replied to atmuh's topic in Competitions
I know I only have some hours left, and I haven't drawn anything in... well, since my senior art teacher broke my spirit (but that's another irrelevant story) years ago, but I wanna give it a shot, even if all I can manage is lineart or something. Seriously guys, this does sound like a lot of fun to me. Just try and throw something together! Trying to make something interesting is better, imo, than putting it off because you don't have the "right conditions" to make it "perfect." Here's some advice from someone who quit art: if all you care about is making "perfect" pieces or impressing people, then you're sadly misguided. Art is about a freedom of soul and expression. It transcends us... even campy fanart. Artists don't get to decide if they're "good" or what have you... and that's probably for the best. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Bidoof, Bidoof, Bidoof is on fire! -
For future reference, "blatant" has the opposite meaning of "subtle." That's not saying much. All of the other Batman movies were pretty terrible... even Begins, while a welcome departure, wasn't nearly as good as this film.
zomg lol
The movie was absolutely fantastic. The Joker, Harvey Dent, Gordon, Batman... they formed some kind of quartet of greatness. Maggie Gyllenhaal did an okay job (better than what's-her-face did in Begins), but she lacked a certain human level of interaction you'd expect from, well, someone who's known so-and-so for years and years and what have you. It's a superhero movie, granted, so you have to suspend your disbelief at times, you know? The Joker being so freakishly SMART through the whole movie was almost to the point of deus ex, since his hand wasn't apparent in the work at times... but he's always been somewhat of a genius in the comics and the animation at times, so I went with it. The bike thing? No problem there, really, if you can go along with ANY of Batman's gadgets, I'd assume. Most of his gadgets actually aren't all that unbelievable. But whatever. The biggest "lol wut" in the movie came from the seemingly unimportant cell phone sonar system thing... and I guess that was the only thing that detracted from the movie for me. BUT By the time Harvey took the screen again, I'd forgotten all. about. anything. else. Some complaints I'd read before seeing the movie: *The dialogue was too ham-handed *Harvey's alter ego wasn't as good as Harvey *Real-world common sense dropped at a whim Points 1 and 3: It's a superhero movie. It's not supposed to all make sense scientifically; there WILL be plot holes at times and lapses of logic. The RELATIVELY FEW times this becomes apparent in The Dark Knight are forgiveable, in my opinion, compared to all the Marvel movies or even Begins or ANY OTHER superhero movie, for that matter. If anything, The Dark Knight was the most believable superhero movie in recent memory. Point 2: A matter of taste. The damage done to him, in my mind, seemed JUST enough of a justification for his behaviour. Also, his final scene in the movie was BY FAR the true and final climax of the movie. My heart was racing! I think Aaron Eckhart has proved himself as a talented and relevant actor with this movie; of his few previous roles that I recognize, all were forgettable. BEFORE NOW. Did you believe in Harvey Dent? I did. I didn't even want to, really, but I did. tl;dr AWESOME MOVIE FUCK YEAR!!
Opinions cannot be 100% rationalized. Opinions are opinions.
pikmin 3 next year. I heard Tales of Symphonia 2 might retail for $40. I'm all over that, baby!
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Brushfire's already gone to sleep, so best to check back late tonight (if you live near the USA I suppose). Also, being the standup guy that he is, he's letting me have his TM86. I'd used mine already, so I appreciate it. I've seen clips of the Darkrai movie (and read that mini-manga), and it seemed pretty decent, I guess. Honestly, I just miss the focus on characterization and drama over action of the first movie. That remains my favorite. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
So, Brushfire told me the movie itself wasn't even as good as Rise of Darkrai, in his opinion. A pity. I thought it looked cool from the trailers. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Enjoy the movie! It looks to be a pretty good one this time. I never saw the Lucario/Mew movie, you know, but I thought that looked like the last really good one. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
It must be difficult for them, however, since Pokemon is such a complex game. Also, you have to consider that the hardcore competitive community in Japan is smaller than the one in the USA, so certain trends would be hard to pick up on without a lot of research since the sample in their native tongue is smaller. Also, the methods of most Japanese players -- even those who are really good -- tend to differ from American players of similar skill. -
Prayers for bLiNd (UPDATE: He's home)
Aninymouse replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in General Discussion
You know, I wasn't aware that Colitis was a chronic condition. Apparently, there is always the chance that this could flare up again later, though according to Wiki, the colon can be removed and "replaced" if symptoms are bad enough. My dad has a kidney condition and a hormone imbalance, as well as sleep apnea. The ways in which these chronic conditions affect my father are subtle in that they aren't terribly obvious, but they take their toll. I know how difficult it is to see someone you love suffer quietly. Sometimes, I think, it hurts even more when the person suffering is strong, since at times they refuse to fully acknowledge the danger they might be in. I'm kind of a hard-nosed S.O.B. at times, but seeing my father in pain or completely drained from lack of rest has moved me to sobs. I hope and pray that for you two it will never have to be like this. It's really important to have faith, but you have to remember and acknowledge that there are things on the medicinal side that you can and should pursue. You have to take care of yourself while you're able to. -
Prayers for bLiNd (UPDATE: He's home)
Aninymouse replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in General Discussion
"Christ gives me the strength to face anything." Philippians 4:13 Also... I don't have the best relationship with God these days, but even in times where my faith was very weak and the danger and strife around me seemed overwhelming, I have always remembered this passage from the Lord's Prayer. Sometimes, all I could do was to say it aloud, and pray to God that he would give me the strength, courage or wisdom to see me through. I believe that if we come to God with an earnest heart and ask for something, he is just to give it to us in his own way. Come to God with faith like a child and you can do anything. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me. My prayers are with you, Jordan. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Hellooooooooooo Serene Grace. 80% chance of a -2 in Special Defense while hitting with 120 power coupled with higher-than-base-100 speed and 60% flinch Air Slash? Game Freak, are you sure? -
Prayers for bLiNd (UPDATE: He's home)
Aninymouse replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in General Discussion
Jordan doesn't know me, but he's the first ReMixer I ever came across. I've been a fan ever since. Everyone around him knows he has a real gift for music. Keep positive, Jordan! Concentrate on your will to live, find hope! -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I said it was the only way, not the best. There is no other option. Sorry, my friend. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Sounds on topic to me. If your pokemon has EVs on it and you're trying to figure out it's IVs, and you DIDN'T keep track of them, the only thing you can do is erase it's EVs with berries until it stops saying "____'s _____ was lowered," etc. That's the only way. Also, MetalKid is awesome. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
My life of Pokemon crime ended with Yellow. But... yeah, Silver is such a badass. I liked him a lot. I'm not sure they can do much to top D/P, if they ever even try to. Just... so much to freakin' do. I mean, 493 pokemon? It's already almost too many. They can't keep adding 100+ new guys a pop forever... And even if they do, I'm not sure I'd want them to. The way I see it, a lot of the pokemon in D/P were designed to make a lot of the terrible or forgotten ones of times past usable, or at least not as forgotten as they used to be. I mean, Chimecho isn't exactly a top 10 pokemon, but at least now it has an ultra-cute baby pokemon... yeah So, like, I think that if and when the next wave rolls out, that they need to spend some time filling in gaps with totally new guys that are all unique and useful. WHAT A TWEEST, I know. I mean, as much as I look forward to things like Pachirisu... cough. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
To make a long story short, one day in my 8th grade science class a kid named Jimmy who I wasn't even really friends with asked me if I wanted to buy his Pokemon Blue AND his Gameboy Color from him for ONE DOLLAR. Being that I was in 8th grade, I didn't carry any money, so the next day at lunch I gave him the dollar and I got the game AND the teal Gameboy Color. He said he was bored of it. Then I had a friend named Steve who let me borrow his old brick Gameboy and his Pokemon Yellow. A few weeks later, he let me keep them. Then he became a giant paranoid asshole, but I kept the damn things and never looked back (and moved to Virginia). And I've never stopped going since. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I'm almost 23. "No" seems like a good answer, but then how can I be objective about it? Then again, it is a game, after all. Maybe it's not "mainstream cool" like Rock Band or Wii casual game #53, but Pokemon's been around a hell of a lot longer. I'm still trying to decide if stealth rock was a really bad idea or not on the part of the overall game design. I mean, on one hand it helps to keep Gyarados and Salamence from being too powerful, and nothing can escape it's damage, unlike all other type of spikes... but the way it cripples otherwise awesome pokemon like Charizard, Yanmega and Moltres is pretty crazy. I think that if one move can cripple so many pokemon indiscriminately, it shouldn't have been made, or at least made so WIDESPREAD. I mean, everything and its mother learns stealth rock. I mean, think about this: a TON of the best pokemon in the whole game have a double weakness: Weavile Garchomp Dragonite Swampert Tyranitar Forretress Scizor Heatran Heracross Breloom Celebi Gliscor Gyarados Salamence Magnezone ...and yet, in the current metagame, Yanmega is the only double rock weakness among the top 75% of Pokemon. I think that when all those other Pokemon that are perfectly capable of destroying teams can get away with being one-shotted by a moderately weak attack of a certain element, the same should be able to hold true for those weak to rock. But it is not so. All it takes is one move in a battle of, say, 60 or 40 moves or so, and suddenly a large group of pokemon aren't able to work anymore. If that pokemon that set up stealth rock spent its turn using, say, stone edge instead, they could still one-hit KO those pokemon, just like even weak thunderbolts will topple even the bulkiest of Gyarados. Sure, there's the chance that a pokemon like Lucario might come out and take almost no damage, but the same can be said about the REST of the pokemon world as well. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Over time, I've acquired a few shinies. I was pissed at losing Cascoon, but honestly I've been lucky enough already. I have all these, and none of them are hacked or from huge PokeRadar chains: Pearl - Geodude (nicknamed him "gonads" in Japanese) Sapphire - Meditite Sapphire - Azumarill Sapphire - Linoone Emerald - Magnemite Diamond - Gallade Sapphire - Metagross Diamond - Floatzel I saw Cascoon on Pearl. I have 3 hacked shinies from GTS, too: Lv.100 Roserade, Lv.35 Deoxys and a Lv.40 Latios. I think I'm setting pretty good. Strangely enough, I've never seen a shiny on my Leaf Green. -
Aninymouse replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I saw a shiny Cascoon in Eterna forest last week, but I got a critical hit on it... I was very pissed. -