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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. Okay, that's cleared up, but I'm still not seeing much need to drop Firefox for Chrome, especially so early. Yeah, I read their yuppie comic and it made it sound pretty impressive, but honestly I'd like the hype to die down a little before I go adding yet another app.
  2. I am kinda glad I didn't blow $60 on this game, though I did have a lot of fun with SCII in college.
  3. Honestly all I got from "zombies" was a gross-looking hand, so... here's hoping for something more up my alley.
  4. Fuck yeah, good job everybody.
  5. Looks like I'm keeping Firefox.
  6. That's true, but you have to realize that Japan doesn't stock nearly as many 360s as you'd think. That is to say, far, far less than Wii or DS or PSP.
  7. Fuckin' A, man. Happy Birthday, you two.
  8. I saw The Tick season one "on sale" today, but man... $32.00. Too much. (That's Sarcastro. Last episode only.)
  9. ITT we tell you to use Firefox or Safari.
  10. Dude, Vilecat, I have this song on by Everything But The Girl and it synchs perfectly with the hips. It is entrancing.
  11. Those might be unlocked through skills later, though. I can't say for sure, but with the huge-ass skill list they have, anything's possible. I think aerial recovery (you must recover!) was unlocked through EX skills in Symphonia, too.
  12. Don't bet on it. (I should be drug out in the street shot)
  13. Now you have one, though. Don't count on this getting ported. If it happens at all, it will be a long while out.
  14. It's the J-pop song... in English. A Tales first.
  15. Seriously, look at these freakin' battles. This looks hella fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VPAgPfnxR0
  16. As in no other games for the 360 for a while besides this? Hmm. I suppose, but I'd hope you have some other game you'd like to get for it later, too, since you can only beat a Tales game so many times before you need to move on to something else. I beat Symphonia, like, 6 times in a row, and I haven't played it since. I mean, I still love it and all -- lots of replay value in the battle system, good characters -- but you can only play something so much.
  17. I would have bought this yesterday, except my dad's 360 got the red ring of death randomly, so... even if I went out and bought it today, I won't be able to play it for a while. But yeah, it does look like loads of fun. Omg the overlimit combos are insane.
  18. If I had time to play smash, I'd be playing DK and Zamus. But I don't. Maybe I'll see Ken on Survivor, though. I hope he fucking wins it. He's a good man.
  19. AUGH we had a massive power outage in Richmond and flooding and shit... so now all I can do is vote. Well, vote I shall.
  20. Is it fair to bump this thread? I found all this stuff to be irreplaceable. As in, how could I live without it?
  21. TBH, I'd like to know how one scores a media deal with a major airline, of all things.
  22. Allow me to let you in on a little mantra of mine. Basically, art is art. You can spend your whole life cataloging it, perfecting it, arguing over it, whatever. But when it comes down to it, if you don't have a better reason to do it other than to "prove something" or "be a cool dude" then you may as well get used to being disappointed. I probably suck more than a lot of really fantastic artists. I look at my junk on the wall from years gone by and I think, "man, this stuff is so blah." And to most people, it probably is. The point, though, was that I liked making the stuff. It means something to me. There's some kind of piece of my soul in that drawing I did of a scar-faced sumo wrestler in 10th grade, no matter how dumb it looks now. We all grow, we all change... but for me, it's enough just to say, "what the hell, let's have some fun with this thing." So, I am going to draw zombies. When I end up somewhere at or below the mid point in votes, it's cool! I had fun, I put myself into it, I grew a little. lol blog
  23. I am back from D.C. and ready to draw! Yes, I am starting now.
  24. That's a hard call. If Prot executed a brute force attack on the current OCR, say, and we all knew he'd keep trying as we labored to patch the hole in the code, say... what could you do? If something is under attack like that, what do you shoot for? That the hacker gets bored? I can see where you guys are coming from better now, though. However, if VGMix2 was as compromised as people keep claiming it was back then (I wouldn't know, I only went on VGMix a handful of times that year), even if they did "keep it up" while they worked on VGMix3, it would be pointless since the site wouldn't function anyway. Unless Prot had a change of heart and undid what he started himself, I suppose.
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