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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. looooooooooooooooool
  2. Bleck, you're kind of arguing in circles again. Or am I missing your overarching point?
  3. You guys and your newfangled art techniques! Imma draw something. Zombieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Hmm. You know how in Wind Waker the ReDeads make elephant noises? I always thought that was neat-o.
  4. DKC was the first game I owned, but not the first I played. I still pick the trilogy up when the mood strikes me, though the first in the series definitely has not aged well. The rest of Nintendo has yet to fall away, but DK's been dead to me since 1996. Every other game bearing his name has just been a solemn reminder of better times. If the same Nintendo that continues to put out all these casual games can release Wario Land: Shake It and Kirby Super Star Ultra, then they can damn well develope DKC4. But you know what? DK without David Wise just isn't DK. Try telling THAT to Iwata. I'd kill for the chance, believe me. But even so... How much more advertising will Wii Music receive over both of the afformentioned titles? They will not be advertised, and thus they will not sell over the casual game of the month. Hell, Nintendo practically signs their checks with the $250 copies of Wii Sports that keep selling out, if you catch my drift. But... then I can't blame them, either. I simply have to look at myself to see why Nintendo is taking the road they have been: I play Pokemon more than any other game these days, but even then I only play once every so many days. Weeks, maybe. I work, I am a busy man, life is bigger than the task of breeding a better Shellder. Nintendo's big hardcore audience? They're grown up; too old and busy to keep them afloat. They make the casual games because they're trying to market to not only the kids of today, but the rest of the human race that missed out on gaming while the world turned. They might throw us a bone or two from time to time, but the truth of the matter is that if they DON'T stop selling games to us, then they will sink. Sure is a unique situation that they've got themselves into, huh? And yet, if they went down the path their competition has, they would have failed... maybe for the last time.
  5. Delicious. Also... I thought the exact same thing, myself.
  6. righty-o, bleck. atmuh, don't let the man get you down.
  7. Fantastic album, guys. Nice work.
  8. zomg guys. I think I've only been waiting one year for this (?), but news that this might actually be released before too long is bitchin'! Congrats, guys!
  9. I need to feel pressure. I always wait until I have just enough time. I'm weird.
  10. Cool thread man, thanks.
  11. Killer7 was probably my favorite game out of last gen, no joke. Sometimes violence and sex can be handled in a way that isn't totally boring run of the mill exploitation. Sometimes there's out of the ordinary exploitation! Duke Nukem 3D was kinda cheesy and... well, a lot of the appeal was due to the fact that it had a spin on sex and violence. I believe the rest of the appeal lied somewhere between the kickass arsenal and the jetpack. The one-liners definitely helped. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_K8prLfso
  12. It doesn't make a bit of difference, guys.
  13. I love soulcalibur on principle, and I played a hella lot of SCII back in the day, but... without online, and being an old guy now, having friends who work full time, it seems like a waste of $60. I know I'd love the game, but since my 360 has no Live account there's nothing to do but beat up on the stupid AI and the rare local match against my sister. I mean, the single player alone cannot possibly justify the puchase, agreed?
  14. Somewhere, Xenu sheds a tear.
  15. What else did you think I meant? I still have an old pc with win 95 installed in my attic that I keep around for stuff like that. I think it'd be petty cool if they brought back Proton as a surprise cameo in DNF, myself.
  16. We don't care. Stop posting. In other news, neener neener.
  17. Wait... he didn't, in actuality? 'Cause the internet told me that he did, and now I feel dumb for believing that.
  18. You are WEAK. If I can anticipate DNF in earnest, then I can anticipate that just about anything can happen. I mean, Chrono Trigger is getting ported to the DS. Now I just need a port of SMRPG and for DKC4 to be made and all my early gaming fantasies will more or less be fulfilled.
  19. Sorry to hear it. I remember hearing on the radio a few days ago that "no, he is NOT dead." Apparently, when wod got out that he wasn't well, someone thought he'd died. It's a shame, he was a pretty cool actor. He wasn't completely goofy, you know? He had a serious element to everything.
  20. In other news, I am in fact Italian.
  21. gb2/b/ I loved all the kickass expansion packs they released, and I had some fun with the original, too. It remains the only other PC game I've ever owned besides Roller Coaster Tycoon. ... Anyone else ever play "Duke it out in D.C.?" http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tUwbH3XaiBI All the levels were pretty interesting besides the Smithsonian, which I always got lost in, somehow.
  22. With the other two alternate forms they've already given us, I think people are going to expect *more* forms by default. It's true, though, that they could be Gen V pokemon... but yeah, I'd rather them not be, since I've hadly exhausted D/P at this point. Hell, I think PDP is the most fun I've had with the series since I beat Yellow for, like, the 12th time.
  23. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iMuxEIyvfOQ New Platinum trailer shown at Pokemon Festa! *Double Battle with Volkner and Flint *Piplup boat *New Pokemon available in Amity Square *Faster Surf speed! *So far, 3 online minigames that support multiplayer *Battle Factory, and a new place that incorperates card battles?! *Once again, showing the cool cutscenes on Mt. Coronet *Confirmation of the silhouettes
  24. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh quote war my eyes my eyes
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