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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. This was SHOCKINGLY good.
  2. You do know Mainframe is picking up the series again, don't you? There's a rumor that they're letting fans submit ideas for the plot. Or at lest, that's what I've heard.
  3. Joe Boyd Vigil himself uploaded these. Enjoy, they're free. http://www.last.fm/music/Joe+Boyd+Vigil/Toonami%3A+Deep+Space+Bass (click a track, and pay attention to the black media player in the top right -- click where it says "free" when it starts playing.) Boy, some of you guys really need to read more of my posts. A friend of mine still has his physical copy, though. I ripped my tracks from that.
  4. Hell, I live in Virginia and I think Squidbillies is funny. It has to be a southern thing. Williams Street IS based out of Atlanta, Georgia, after all.
  5. I totally forgot I had this pic... it was created around the time TOM #4 showed up.
  6. Agreed. This plus the 10th anniversary clipshows they put together last year really seem to at least be a fair sendoff, rather than a quick slash to the department.
  7. Hey OP, check out Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra! All their other ska music is pretty badass, too.
  8. No joke. I am starting this shit tonight. Here's a hint: it's final.
  9. See. This is why you don't go into a movie theatre exhausted. I knew I should have seen the end.
  10. I went and saw it in theaters, but I fell asleep before the last race started, so I never saw then ending. Whether you want to attribute that to me being tired or the movie being bad, you decide. I can't.
  11. Talented people are capable of understanding us.
  12. All you people who claim that Toonami was dead as soon as Moltar left? I can't even begin to understand you. Moltar was awesome, sure, and maybe some people didn't appreciate TOM... but was Toonami JUST about the host, or was it about the shows, too? Because, to me, up until about late 2001, Toonami was putting out the best of the best. You know, I forgot to mention, the first and only time I've ever seen Gundam 0083 and 08th MS Team was on the midnight run.
  13. If this ends up being a double post, them I'm sorry, but I gotta bring up all the kickass things Toonami & Williams Street brought us over the years. They showed the DBZ movie Dead Zone IN JAPANESE, UNCUT at midnight, and then did the same thing for Tree of Might & World's Strongest, like, a week later. It was AWESOME. Then there were the uncut episodes of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight, before the Midnight Run became what it did. They paid to have the final 13 episodes of Sailor Moon R dubbed! They ran a marathon of the entire series, building up to the unveiling of ALL 13 episodes back-to-back for the first time. It was the tits. The 20-hour marathon of DBZ? "DBZ20XL." A bold move indeed. Of course, paying to co-produce Big O season 2 and IGPX. Seriously, all the music, clips, montages and one-liners themselves were enough unto themselves. "The revolution will be televised." Indeed, sirs, it was. Toonami revolutionized a cable channel, sure, but it also set fire to a cultural revolution in the hearts of thousands of youth in America.
  14. CN paid for the second season to be made and aired it exclusively. All 26 episodes aired at least twice on Adult Swim alone. Really, both seasons end on a cliffhanger, but season 1 had far fewer loose ends, I think. There was the incident of the very last episode's first airing, actually -- or, rather, how it didn't air. When the final episode was supposed to air for the first time, they had a webcast going at the Williams Street studio. The people there made some comment to the effect of, "is anyone even watching this shit?" And then they showed the second-to-last episode again instead. The following week, they apologized and showed the ending, even deigning to bump a premier Family Guy episode out of the timeslot. Ever since, it's been clear no one in charge at CN cares about anime one bit.
  15. I hate Tom & Jerry. Looney Tunes has its moments, but it's NOT something I'd care to watch too much of. The stuff was already "classic" when I was a tot... it's ancient history, now. Kids don't care about that stuff. Adults might, but they're not the ones watching daytime cartoons. Without Toonami, though, we never would have gotten IGPX or Big O. The latter is a favorite of mine to this day.
  16. Toonami's been dead to us all for a while. Personally, I think that it kept getting better and better up until 2000 or 2001, and then things just went down hill. That was the apex. Two things remain of "old toonami," which I feel are important to mention. 1.) http://toonamiarsenal.com Has an archive of EVERY SINGLE CLIP AND INTRO and also the complete episodes of the IGPX pilot show and basically everything else you could ever want. Just go now. 2.) http://myspace.com/joeboydvigil Joe Boyd Vigil was presponsible for the vast majority of the excellant music on the block, from 1997 to 2002 (basically, 90% of when Toonami was awesome). He has 3 albums under his belt, and Deep Space Bass (the one with all the tracks from Toonami) is free on Last.fm (along with 3 bonus tracks). His other two albums are completely original. He's working on his forth project right now! Check him out on Wikipedia, too.
  17. Did the flashing animation of the Spike Link hurt anyone else's eyes? I think I would close my eyes on the timed hit on my second playthrough, just because of how it irritated my eyes with that huge white flash.
  18. Vesperia is actually pretty good. Groundbreaking? No. Looks and sounds pretty, though. Nice party of characters.
  19. Pretty mediocre. As expected.
  20. This is perhaps the greatest song of manhood ever conceived. Plus it's Bob and Tom, so it's all the funnier. I wish they'd broadcast in my area ;-; I'd sing along with this at Magfest, sure.
  21. You know, even though OLR's project is done, there's a good chance this will be released before theirs... haha. Shame no one wants the map theme. I don't have the first clue about remixing, but if I had the skill or the time I'd definitely do it. Seems like a pretty easy source for inspiration, to me.
  22. Wow, 21 huh? THAT was a fun birthday. Enjoy it bro.
  23. "Fuck yes," is all I can manage at this point. Bring it on, people.
  24. It's just like one of my Japanese anime!
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