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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yes, it's legal. When I applied for a job at a nuclear power plant, they did a background check on me. They asked me for two personal references and two professional references. The first two to get an idea of what kind of person I was, and the second two to get an idea of what kind of worker I was. When they talked to my two personal references, they asked those two people for references about me as well; that is to say, they asked my friend Jeff to provide two people who knew me so that they could talk to them as well. Not illegal in the slightest. Most companies don't go that far; they usually just ask for one or two professional references. And concerning the point about employers not being allowed to ask if you're married or whatever during an interview, that's true. But if you happen to mention "I'm married" during your interview, that doesn't invalidate anything. So if they do a quick google search on you and see that you've told the entire internet that "I'm married," that's pretty much the same thing. As for this: So? That's the same as in a face-to-face interview. The interviewer could take one look at me and say, "Oh this guy looks like a middle-easterner, I can't hire him." He look look at my surname and say "Ansari; that sounds like a Muslim name. I can't hire this guy, he's a terrorist!" He doesn't ask it outright, so he just makes some assumptions and discriminates based on those assumptions. It could happen. Internet? Face-to-face? What's the difference? There is none, really. If someone is going to discriminate, they're going to discriminate, and it won't matter where they get their info, or even if they get info at all.
  2. Because you've published it on the Internet. You've created a dossier with all of your details and published it for the public to read. Once you publish that information, anyone can read it, and it's not illegal to read that. It's, like I already said, a character judgement. Employers don't just look at your resume; they talk to you, try to get a feel for what kind of soft-skills you have. Can you work in teams? How do you work with other people? Are you more of a lone-wolf type? Do you have leadership qualities? This kind of stuff doesn't always come out on a resume or even in an interview. It's not unreasonable at all. If I was going to hire someone for a full-time position and sink a load of money into salary/benefits and integrate them into my workforce, I want to know that I'm getting my money's worth. Or you do the smart thing and use social networking profiles to your advantage and advertise yourself.
  3. You guys know that when you interview for a job, they're not just trying to see if you're qualified, but they're making a character judgement, right? That's why people always tell you "have a firm handshake, look them in the eye, etc. etc. blah blah blah." Employers almost never hire a person based on qualifications alone. If they did, there'd be no need for interviews; you'd just be hired based on your resume. xD Employers have always taken a person's character into account, and yes, they will use the internet to do their research. It's very easy to misrepresent yourself in an interview, and employers will use whatever tools they can to make sure they're making the right decision. If that means not hiring some dude who spends his weeknights boozing and posting pics of himself vomiting all-over his carpet, or some gamer who brags about pulling all-nighter Gears of War 2 sessions, or some chick that posts slutty pics of herself at bars, then that's their prerogative. They're making a character judgement.
  4. The difference here is that we're not talking about whom he shot. We're talking about the sequence of events. In the original version of the Original Trilogy, Han shot Greedo. In the Special Edition, Greedo shot at Han first but missed, and Han quickly shot him in retaliation. This was done because Lucas wasn't sure about Han killing Greedo in cold-blood like that. It was a "retaliation shot." The DVD re-release of the Special Edition, Greedo and Han shoot at each other at nearly the same time; Han dodges and Greedo is killed. "Han shot first" is a common turn of phrase used by Star Wars fans to express their distaste with some of the revisionist changes made to the Original Trilogy. The problem with "Han shot first" is that it implies that Han shot Greedo before Greedo shot Han. That never happened. Greedo never got a shot off. Han didn't shoot first. Han just shot. Period.
  5. The verb "to shoot" doesn't require an object after it. Sure, it's nice to have, but you don't need it. I can say, "Han will shoot," or, "Han shoots." "Han shot" is perfectly valid grammar.
  6. Where where? The expression is "Hear, hear!"
  7. Alright, so we've got Ashamee, Doulifee, Tensei-san, Bleck, and me all watching Shinkenger. So far we've gotten up to Episode 4, so if you're interested in joining the fun, make sure you get all the episodes that are out and catch-up. Ash and I talked about doing a catch-up marathon this Saturday afternoon to get current with the episodes broadcasting in Japan. After that we're gonna hit it anytime a new ep comes out.
  8. Stop spamming. Only warning.
  9. Please edit your post and make it readable.
  10. Before you post, have a look around and familiarize yourself with the different forums and sections. Welcome to OCR.
  11. Makoto Jungle Jazz, baby!! Happy Birthday to the man, the myth, the music-maker.
  12. What happens when you post a shitty, vague, slightly bitter thread? I lock it. You got a problem or an issue? Talk about it intelligently, instead of being a douche. It also helps if you say what you're actually talking about and if you know what you're talking about.
  13. Threads about video games belong in Community, not Off-Topic.
  14. You see, my young padawan? I knew you would arrive at the answer yourself, given time. The Force is strong with you, young Jovian. But you are not a Jedi yet.
  15. True, but then again, authors weren't really supposed to talk too much about the Clone Wars anyway. It was one of those off-limits areas of Star Wars that people only tangentally referenced. Most of what we assumed about the Clone Wars before 2002 (when Attack of the Clones came out) was all fanwank.
  16. Giving this thread a bump since my remix got posted. If you liked my remix that's over there on the front page and you haven't listened to RTV, make sure you check out the rest of this album. There are a lot of tracks here that are way better than mine!!
  17. Baditude? No. Doesn't anyone else remember how much the word "attitude" got thrown around in the 90s? Even in Power Rangers, Zordon told Alpha 5 to find him five teenagers "with attitudes." Sonic, he can really move? Sonic, he's got an attitude? Anyone?
  18. Neither of those have hit yet. Arkham hits this week. If you want to buy comics, you can always get them from here: http://www.tfaw.com/
  19. Giving this a bump. Lots of great stuff going on. Oracle #2 came out last week; Babs beating up an entire street gang without the use of her legs. And then Calculator constructing the Anti-Life Equation in an MMO?! WTF! XD
  20. The song has to be in the game for it to be eligible. No "special tracks" from a soundtrack or anything like that. For instance, music from FF7: Advent Children that is not in FF7 is not eligible. So no, the Pole Position commercial theme isn't eligible. Neither are original tracks by game composers.
  21. It isn't a nightmare to follow now. Yeah, a lot of stuff happened, but there's very little in the way of contradiction. That whole post-RotJ mop-up era was a lot of the same thing over and over again (left-over Imperials trying to strike back). That's not complicated, it's just a lot, and even back then, you could still keep track of where everything was by looking at the number of years after RotJ the events occurred. Thrawn Trilogy, 5 years. Dark Empire, 6 years. Jedi Academy, 7 years. Hand of Thrawn Duology, 15 years. Bantam made it very easy to follow in the early years, and that tradition continues today.
  22. It's because the cool thing to have in the 90s was "attitude." Whatever that means.
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