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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. OC ReMix has made me a bitter, angry person. edit: yes this is an enhancement
  2. It is both stupid and offensive, in the not-work-safe vein. Change it.
  3. I'm gonna have to go with their song "Jenny," just because it's so beautifully awkward. "We just looked...out! Across the city from out little spot on the hill! Oh it was so pretty from way up there! We talk about how the lights from the buildings and caaars, seem like reflections of the staaars, that shined out so pretty and briight, that niiiight...." "....It was daytime." ".............The daytime of the night."
  4. Because you have access to the internet and should be capable of finding these things out yourself.
  5. Keep in mind though that Sin & Punishment has selectable control schemes as well, so even if you only have a GCN controller, if you fiddle with the options, you'll find something to your liking. But Classic Controller is a solid investment for VC games.
  6. Some of 'em have long ass names, like: Gundam Wing: Endless Duel: HeavyArms Let Me Lift This Load OC ReMix That shit is too long. We need to enact a title word-count limit policy.
  7. But it really isn't. I mean, I haven't watched the show, but I've read the entire manga series, and it's not about a board game. It's about PEOPLE who play a board game professionally. It's about what they go through as pros, their rivalries, successes, and defeats. It's a great drama series, especially in the latter half.
  8. QFE. IMO the best time to ask for music is when you can provide a working demo that includes sections of all the playable areas in the game, as well as any and all cut-scenes. That way a composer can get a feel for all of the different kinds of music needed. Unless the music is really integral to the gameplay itself, you don't need music until most of the game is already done.
  9. My point is that people shouldn't be posting top ten lists without DISCUSSING the topic. These are discussion boards, and OCR generally discourages topics where people just post a favorites list and then don't talk about stuff.
  10. Let's not turn this into a favorites thread.
  11. Oh come on! It's not like it's difficult to figure out! The choir melody is so easy! Just write a waltz or something. D:
  12. You shouldn't have started this thread. You need to let the project managers or an OCR staff member start the feedback thread.
  13. Let's get a frappr map going for ocr. http://www.frappr.com/ Can't set it up right now, I'm @ work. QUICK SOMEONE DO IT BEFORE I GET HOME
  14. That's why you watch School Days, which actually stays true to its H-Game source by having the main guy sleep with everyone. Plus they actually had the balls to combine two of the most violent bad-endings in the game into the ending of the series. The show starts off so innocently, but in the end is so dark and twisted; it really gets under your skin. People like Cowboy Bebop because it's quite unlike any other "cartoon" they've seen before. Because it's older, it's one of the first shows people watch, so they get drawn into the sophisticated atmosphere. Also, Yoko Kanno did the music, and you really can't beat that.
  15. ADV Films doesn't make anything. They're a licensing company. And making a topic about "Anime" is like making a topic about "Movies" or "Books." It's so broad.
  16. First song I ever wrote for a small ensemble: http://darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/dragoon.mp3 One of the last songs I wrote before I started using FLStudio in earnest: http://darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/fight.mp3 First remix I ever finished. It's of various Sonic boss themes: http://darkesword.com/listen/remix/mp3/darkegg.mp3
  17. It's a very old promotional piece that was probably available in some Japanese magazine a long time ago. I recall reading a version that was published online somewhere, but I have no idea where that was. Regardless, it's not what you may be thinking in terms of a $10 manga tank sold at the bookstore (Legend of Zelda, however, had loads of those).
  18. Which is exactly why we don't do it here. But having an outside tool that we can mention when the question comes up is nice to have, because the question DOES come up (vocal mixes, piano mixes, etc. etc.). Personally I'd prefer it if the word genre wasn't used, as it implies classification, rather than description. I think something like OCR Tagged would be better, because the term tag implies limitless descriptors, rather than pidgeon-holed classification. That way we can tag stuff with like "violins" or "4-on-the-floor" instead of "Orchestral" and "Techno." But hey, I'm not programming it, so whatev.
  19. .sfpack is a compressed format, just like .zip or .rar, except it's specifically for soundfonts. Use google to find an .sfpack unpacker, use the program to decompress your .sfpack files, and then use the resulting .sf2 files.
  20. *shrug* I'd hardly call VGMix3's planned feature set a bunch of bells and whistles. A lot of it promises to be really useful, particularly the project management tools for organizing album remix projects and stuff.
  21. Just wanted to pop in and say you guys are doing a nice job. These look great. This project has come a long way since Dafydd originally suggested it to me. ROCK ON GENTLEMEN
  22. Well, not exactly back. It's not VGMix3. Right now it's just a prefab music oriented CMS and some forums. It doesn't have any of the talked-about features we'll eventually see when VGMix3 finally does go up. It's another stop-gap. Not that that's bad, I'm just saying.
  23. Here's a remix of Dr. Light's Capsule theme. Mega Man X4 - Searching for Light
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