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  1. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Music's done for WATER. Finished it last week. I wanted to be able to announce it's done at MAGFest.
    What I need to do now is put together the visual identity for the albums. I'm considering redoing the artwork for WIND and coming up with a better look that I can use across the series.
    Alright. Is it out of your system? That's the last time anyone gets to make that joke.
  2. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from k-wix in Street Fighter V   
    I'm using a Fighting Commander 4 Pro.

    Dude no. Use x360ce.
  3. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    One claim per game for now. Games available are Pokkén Tournament, UMvC3, and Killer Instinct.
  4. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in [STAFF FOUND!] CastleMania - Castlevania Remix Album   
    Alright, I'll make this short and sweet. I know we have the excellent Vampire Variations series of albums that covers the Castlevania series, but I'd like to propose a new CV album with a special twist.
    CastleMania is an album of Castlevania remixes done in the style of pro-wrestler intro tracks. You know how all those wrestlers in the WWE have their own walk-in music? I want an album of remixes that casts Castlevania characters like Simon Belmont and Alucard as pro-wrestlers with their own entrance tracks. We can do the full production on these tracks too, with some light voice acting; an announcer introducing the character, the character themselves doing some catchphrase-filled crowdwork, some crowd noises to make it sound like it's at a big event arena.
    I obviously cannot run this album, as I have Final Fantasy V to work on, along with this year's FGC albums and some other personal projects. I'm looking to put together a team to take this album project on, preferably someone with knowledge of Castlevania, or pro-wrestling, or both. It doesn't have to be a long album either; even a six-track EP would be cool.
    Anyone game? I really want this to happen. The pun-based title is too good to pass up.
  5. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from timaeus222 in CD Baby False Claims On YouTube   
    Hey now, don't rag on CD Baby. We used them for our Mega Man album.
  6. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Rukunetsu in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    My friends, it seems as though I've spoken too soon. SFV, UMVC3, and KI will all be at Apex this year.
    Requirements are ever-shifting!
  7. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to Brandon Strader in Happy Groundhog Day!!   
    How long have you been sitting on that one DS? I wish Groundhog Day was every day so you could have shared that sooner  
  8. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to Chernabogue in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Yeah, sub something even if it's a 30-sec track! It's ALWAYS better than turning nothing in!
  9. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Happy Groundhog Day!!   
    As I understand it, Phil predicts an early Spring. It certainly feels that way here in NJ.
    Also, for anyone who is also a fan of the movie Groundhog Day, I'd like to recommend listening to I Was There Too: Groundhog Day with Stephen Tobolowsky. I Was There Too is a great podcast by improv comedian and film buff Matt Gourley, where he interviews people who had small parts in big movies. Stephen Tobolowsky has some fantastic stories about when he worked on the movie and what he did with his character, Ned Ryerson. Highly recommended!
  10. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Chernabogue in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    Put you guys down for SFV.
    I've already got Beatdrop on Melee and Garrett on 64. DjjD is doing Smash 4, so I'll put you down for Brawl! Please try to get @Tuberz McGee and @Furilas!
    I'll put you down tentatively for Guilty Gear. If it's not featured, we can figure out another game for you. Definitely want you back this year.
    Got you down for it.
    Thanks guys!
  11. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Arrow in 1001 Knights - A people-positive art anthology (with music by me!)   
    1001 Knights is an art anthology project focusing on creating people-positive characters with feminist overtones, created by Annie Stoll and Kevin Jay Stanton.
    Kickstarter: bit.ly/1001Knights
    Official Site: onethousandandoneknights.com
    Twitter: twitter.com/1001_Knights
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/OneThousandAndOneKnights
    Track Artwork: Annie Stoll (twitter.com/aniistoll) & Kevin Jay Stanton (twitter.com/kevinjaystanton)
    Annie is a friend of mine that I met at ConnectiCon a few years ago. I was there for OC ReMix and she was our table neighbor, promoting her webcomic, Ode. While planning the Kickstarter campaign for 1001 Knights, she put out a call for a musician to do trailer music. I volunteered, and was immediately impressed with the incredible artwork being produced for the anthology.
    Annie asked me to put together a piece of music that felt mysterious and important, with fantasy and fairy tale overtones. I wrote a piece called "Gather Your Courage," which would serve as the main theme of the 1001 Knights project. Annie, Kevin, and I were all pretty happy with this piece for the Kickstarter trailer, and everything seemed set.
    I loved what I'd written in "Gather Your Courage" so much that I felt like experimenting on my own. I decided to arrange my own piece in 6/8 time, and ended up writing this piece, "The Winter March," a heavier, more militaristic arrangement. I sent it over to Annie and Kevin, and they loved it so much that, eventually, we decided to use it for the trailer instead.
    "Gather Your Courage" is still the main theme of the 1001 Knights project, and I'll be posting it in the coming weeks. I'm also planning on releasing a small EP for purchase including these two tracks (along with a few more original pieces), which is why this track is streaming-only.
    But for now, please enjoy "The Winter March," and be sure to head on over to Kickstarter and back the project!
  12. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to wildfire in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    Try out this link, it should allow you to add yourself to the group. 
  13. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from VinnyMac in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    Hey everyone. Figured I'd get this discussion rolling now.
    So during Magfest I know that everyone likes to coordinate when we go out and get food, when we're gonna hit concerts, and other general hanging out. In the past we've used GroupMe, a mobile messaging app, to coordinate. Other options are Hangouts and Facebook Messenger. I personally would ask that nobody include me in group MMS and SMS texting (it costs me money on my phone if you're not an iPhone user).
    The "OverClocked ReMix" group still exists on GroupMe, but I'd like to propose we make a couple of chatrooms for coordinating. One for food meetups ("anyone getting lunch? where are you guys going? what time?"), one for concerts and panels, and one for general hangout/magchat stuff. What do you guys think?
    I've renamed the OCR group to OC ReMix @ MAGFest 2016
  14. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from zykO in MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)   
    Hey everyone. Figured I'd get this discussion rolling now.
    So during Magfest I know that everyone likes to coordinate when we go out and get food, when we're gonna hit concerts, and other general hanging out. In the past we've used GroupMe, a mobile messaging app, to coordinate. Other options are Hangouts and Facebook Messenger. I personally would ask that nobody include me in group MMS and SMS texting (it costs me money on my phone if you're not an iPhone user).
    The "OverClocked ReMix" group still exists on GroupMe, but I'd like to propose we make a couple of chatrooms for coordinating. One for food meetups ("anyone getting lunch? where are you guys going? what time?"), one for concerts and panels, and one for general hangout/magchat stuff. What do you guys think?
    I've renamed the OCR group to OC ReMix @ MAGFest 2016
  15. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from DjjD in Mega Man: The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2013   
    God Bless America.
    Anyway, I want to discuss another thing I'm seeing with novice mixers. A bit of a disclaimer: I'm going to talk now about my own approach to arrangement, and hopefully that will help you. I know that a lot of people can approach arrangement in their own way, and that's fine, but I want to talk about this because I want people to use these competitions as a learning experience. On with the show.
    Sometimes when I listen to entries from newbies, there's a sparseness there that really hurts the track. The issue ends up being that what I think of as the four basic elements of a song aren't present. Years ago I wrote an essay called "The Four Man Combo Approach to Arrangement" which explained how to make a full arrangement using the analogy of a four-man jazz combo. Because that analogy is not particularly relevant to everyone here, I'll paraphrase and be a bit more general.
    Generally speaking, there are four basic elements to a song: lead, accompaniment, bassline, percussion. When you have these four elements represented, you can achieve a basic fullness in your arrangement. Not coincidentally, basic NES music (like Mega Man songs!) follows this pattern. You've got your two pulse waves (lead and accompaniment), triangle (usually bass), and the noise and sample channels (usually percussion).
    The lead is obviously the melody; it's what everything else is built around. It generally sits in the middle or upper register. The bassline works with the percussion to establish the rhythmic "feel," but also lays down a foundation for the chords and harmonics structure of the piece; it generally sits in the lower register (i.e. bass). The percussion is there to establish the tempo and the general rhythmic "feel" of the track. You can do this without percussion, but more often than not this is the easiest way to do it.
    I'm talking about accompaniment separately because I feel like this is the one that people often overlook when starting out. Accompaniment can be a lot of things: sustained chords, syncopated chords, arpeggios, etc. The important thing about the accompaniment is that through the chords (and in tandem with the bassline), it gives the melody context. Accompaniment helps to establish the harmonic feel of your song; it lays out your chord progression and establishes key and tonality. These are really important things, especially when arranging melodic music like you find in Mega Man games.
    Now, when I talk about having the four basic elements of arrangement, I'm not telling you that you should only have four instruments in your track. You can have as many instruments as you want, but generally speaking, all of those instruments are going to fit into the specific roles. You'll have a couple of lead instruments trading on the melody or playing counter-melodies and embellishments, you'll have some strings or piano or brass or synths laying down your chords as accompaniment, and then you've got your bassline providing a solid foundation for everything to sit on, and then your percussion tracks set up the groove.
    So I want you newer guys to think about this when you're writing your track. Are you establishing the chords and using accompaniment effectively? Is your melody clear or is it fighting with the bassline because it's just too damn low? Did you forget about bassline and accompaniment altogether? Play your song back for your teammates and ask them if they can pick out the four elements.
    Hopefully you guys will take this to heart and we can start hearing some fuller, more balanced arrangements. Happy mixing.
  16. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to DCT in VGM Rap (or vulgar rap-hate) thread (split from MM4 'Get a Weapon Weapon' reviews)   
    It's true; I'm actually doing drugs this very moment.
  17. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Aleix Ramon in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Helping your competitor?! How brazen!
  18. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jorito in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Helping your competitor?! How brazen!
  19. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Helping your competitor?! How brazen!
  20. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Just know that the calendar is there for you to use, so if you want to put mixing rounds on the calendar, that's fine by OCR.
  21. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Sir_NutS in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Just know that the calendar is there for you to use, so if you want to put mixing rounds on the calendar, that's fine by OCR.
  22. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jorito in Introducing the Competitions Calendar   
    Hey everyone, djpretzel and I have finally gotten around to working on calendar and event permissions.
    We've created a new usergroup on the forums for Event Schedulers. These folks are able to post to calendars and approve their own events. I've added the folks who regularly run competitions to this group: MindWanderer, SuperiorX, HoboKa, and Bundeslang. Anyone else needs to have their events approved by a moderator (like me). If you are planning on running a recurring compo or a tournament, I can approve your events for you and if things work out, I can eventually add you to the ES group.
  23. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to Digital Coma in OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert   
    Hi all,
    This is Digital Coma, the "director" or organizer for this album. It's been more than a decade since I was last involved in OCR and Kong in Concert feels like a lifetime ago, but I thought I'd drop by and say a few words after all these years.
    It's pretty neat to see that KiC still has an audience almost 12 years on. Looking back, it's safe to say that I didn't always know what I was doing with what was to be the follow up to OCR's very first remix album. We did things on the fly, we struggled to put together a team, and there were plenty of mistakes made along the way. But what started out as a small summer side project with no lack of naysayers and haters ended up a surprisingly big hit, and in the end we had a solid homage album whose impact in the community I'm happy to see continues today.
    I won't say much more since I like that there's some legend surrounding how everything came together. But I do want to give thanks to everyone who's enjoyed the music over the years, and a special thanks to the remixers, djp, and OCR for making it all possible.
  24. Like
    DarkeSword reacted to OverClocked PodCast in OverClocked Podcast - 9 - Shariq Ansari (DarkeSword)   
    It's so easy to interview Shariq. He always has something interesting to say. Glad you liked it!
    And I apologize for mispronouncing your name AND misspelling your ReMix. We are officially the worst.
    But, just so I feel a little better, it's "Reichwind" and not "Reirchwind"
    Sorry, had to 
  25. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Drawn by Dai in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    It's possible this is related to the content of your posts. Next time this happens, make a note of any special characters or the length of your post.
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