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Everything posted by Ralphis

  1. Well, I've been inspired over the past few years by some of the great Hydrocity mixes I've heard from , , and, of course, housethegrate's . I have made a few attempts at arrangements over the years but have felt that I've taken a significant leap recently as far as production values go so I'm deciding to post something for a change.I've done this almost entirely from memory and started with the B section when putting this together. I also wanted to go for an 80s sound through and through, which has lead to a lot of synth usage throughout thus far. Still a serious work in progress and much is to be done, but I did want to show it off and see if anybody had any input, comments, praise, criticisms, or pure hatred regarding what is done so far! http://ralphis.unidoom.org/stuff/hydrocity.mp3
  2. Sounds like a Justin Timberlake song or something haha
  3. That's how similar they are! Thanks for the catch broski
  4. The Emotions - Best of my Love & Sonic 1 Labyrinth Zone (B section) Noticed a similarity when I was like a 6 year old in the car with my Dad and heard the former song on the radio
  5. So, what's up with this?
  6. Love the chord structures and overall sound but, like the previous poster mentioned, this could definitely use some more bottom to drive the track. The high pitched bells really didn't bother me personally, I loved the song. Very early 90s
  7. My mix is in, that's another one down
  8. Well I'm taking this opportunity to not only -not- drop out, but to tell you that my mix should be done in the next day or so here. I'm sorry that this slipped my mind, but mine is almost done and I should be turning it in before the end of this weekend.
  9. Welp! Didn't even notice the competition started so I'm working on short notice but I'm pretty familiar with Boomer's theme since I've remixed it for one about 900 times so we'll see if I can cook something up in between working on my Megaman 9 Remix track this weekend
  10. For everybody putting themselves and their abilities down before the competition even starts, just keep in mind that I (a virtual nobody around here) gave Zircon (the reigning champ) a run for his money in the first round of the last tournament. I ended up losing, but I had a lot of fun doing it. I actually loved the idea of the revenge round but it wasn't organized and maintained as well as the main bracket which was a bummer. Anyway, I guess I'll throw my hat into this even though I don't care for most of the later X games' music. Maybe I'll find some new appreciation for those songs or something: 1) Boomer Kuwanger (X) 2) Flame Mammoth (X) 3) Spark Mandrill (X) PS. I'm intending on getting past the first round this time, with the ultimate goal being beating Zircon down if he's entered up
  11. Does anyone know if K. Rool and his crocs are going to show back up in this? I've seen no indication of this in the trailer. Are they owned by Rare??
  12. 4/4 and 3/4 are cool and great. but 7/4 rules
  13. Not to hijack this thread away from Gary Coleman, but I just checked wikipedia and the dude is only 34 now. Maybe I'm missing some type of in-joke here or something though?
  14. Don't you guys think you sound kind of lame when you say "THIS RAPED MY CHILDHOOD". I mean, it's only like one of the most melodramatic internet forum cliches ever. Anyway, movie was alright. Good effort on a low budget, certainly better than most would ever be able to go through with and pull off so I'll give him props for that. It got a bit tired with the find bad guy, fight, repeat. The dude playing Wily looks like he really cared and invested himself in his role and every time he was off screen I was patiently awaiting his return. The actress for Roll was bad, but I actually really disliked Dr. Light's actor. He seemed way too distant and...I don't know. He just seemed really off to me. Anyway, big thumbs up to the dude that played Wily.
  15. Just wanted to say that after going back and listening to everyone's tracks, my two favorite mixers in the entire competition were GeckoYamori and Txai by far
  16. Neither of mine would have any chance in hell of getting posted
  17. I have no clue what you're hearing that sounds so similar but I'm definitely not
  18. Bleck hates everything
  19. Having never heard the original version before now, I like the newer one better. It still has that early 90s ballad feel to it but it sounds a lot better all around, vocals included I like the original wind's nocturne better though
  20. Pretty damn awesome. I wish I could figure out vopm enough to make it not sound like garbage
  21. Someone should make a boot replacement for XP that makes it like that
  22. Just sent my revenge round mix in. Unfortunately, between having to take care of a sick family member and then getting sick myself, my best friend surprising everybody by showing up back at home for the weekend before he leave for Afghanistan, shoveling out of two snow storms, and thinking about Valentine's Day crap, my song is very incomplete. As a matter of fact, you won't find any of my opponent's theme in my song! It was fun while it lasted though
  23. I play trombone, I could give it a shot
  24. I had a thought too on how to progress, but I'm sure Doni won't like it as much What if you take the people who were eliminated in round 2 and match them up in their own revenge round and once two emerge as victors there, they match up against the two winners from this revenge round. Then those two can go on to face the two from the semi-finals of the main bracket. That's another two revenge round fights which will lead to a 1on1 revenge round. The winner of that can face the runner up of the main brackets and that battle can decide who gets one last shot at the winner of the main brackets. That's my suggestion anyway!
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