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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Cool, it wasn't clear to me. Good luck obtaining permission, i do hope your project can be beneficial to the charity you represent...especially with the noble nature of the concept.
  2. IIRC Gluck obtained permission to do that...do you plan on obtaining permission? Also Gluck had kept a small portion of the profits, sadly enough. Will 100% of the money go to the charity? What does, Dr. Simone's charity benefit? In other words what do they do?
  3. My interest is piqued, however many questions come to mind: -Is this actually legal? Can you obtain the rights to sell the songs, even if it is for charity? -Who is Dr. Simone, and what is his/her involvement with this concept? From your original post, this is presented in a rather vague manner. -What kind of arrangements are you expecting to hear from this project? -What style of singing do you plan on doing on your "reserved tracks" (meaning you MeleeGurl). -Will you be able to stick with this project until it's completion, or are you going to bail out? for now those questions will do, i may be interested in singing, i don't know about arranging however...i'm a low end baritone.
  4. I'm soooo in favor of that, makes it much easier to figure it out rather then doing it the other way.
  5. The MOTD does say, "No pornographic sprays" and yes admins have a way of finding out who sprayed them...i banned someone recently for using a porn spray.
  6. yes the rays have clinched a playoff birth.
  7. well now, witch hunt much? yes, i can be a jerk. does that mean i shouldn't be an admin? no. the only thing that i do that would warrant using my admin access for my own gain is to put up mapvotes, and that's usually to gage interest in a mapchange. i do my job in terms of keeping things under control and ban people when necessary. i use kicks as warnings if need be as well. to tensei: why do you not believe that i kicked the 2nd guy that one time on accident? the admin menu stays open after a kick or ban, and this was right after we switched mods so i was still getting used to it...again, ever since then you seem to see every little thing i do with admin and like to point it out negatively. the ("Do you have a problem with my authority?") came because you constantly seemed to keep questioning why i did things. i've told you this before on irc. as far as the spawn camping tonight, i killed two people at the badwater spawn, both at least a minute apart. after i killed the first person i ran away and let people get through, then i went back. i was aware that i was in a gray area for this, so i didn't constantly just spam stickies until i died there. edit: make that three, a pyro saw me running around and i killed him in self-defense (not at the spawn doors). Bahamut hasn't told me not to do anything i have been doing, and i'm sure he knows i can be a jerk at times.
  8. This album is awesome, worth it for Boomer Kuwanger alone.
  9. i will not be playing, kamoh is bound to change the rules again as always...already happened once before and now once in this tournament. good luck gentlemen.
  10. ok why can't i use the character all 5 rounds? answer the question and stop being so literal.
  11. why can't i use the same character all 3 rounds if i want?
  12. explain and reasoning for point of this rule please. as of now i'm not playing because of it.
  13. could you please explain what this rule is?
  14. i also am admin as well as beatdrop i believe and the hlxstats apppear to have been reset.
  15. yes exactly, who did that work for us! also HEY, i still bought you coffee when you got lost!
  16. the most logical thing to explain where he is now is this: He works non-stop in a recording studio in Nashville and has no time for anything else anymore. Before he disappeared he told me that's where he was going to, he said he was moving to Nashville to work in a studio, and not going to have internet for a while...i imagine he actually is busy working non-stop anyway.
  17. At this point i really want to go, i just need to make a decision on it soon so i can get plane tickets and whatnot... Tenative for now, interested in rooming with others.
  18. Yes you misunderstood him, he's getting his video card tomorrow.
  19. Zambrano will be back soon. Cubs don't need to worry yet.
  20. I'm predicting an Angels v. Cubbies world series. I like how well Tampa Bay did this year, great to see Boston have to fight for a spot. Cubbies are going to get more attention when postseason comes around though. Audix, hitting for the cycle is damned impressive btw.
  21. how about an engineer who sets up a sentry outside of the exit of a spawn?
  22. this is unusual, after a little while of browsing and working with chrome, i found that it worked the opposite of what i was expecting...SLOWER the browser slows down a lot after a little while for me. right clicking to open tabs seems to fail for me for some reason. and chrome doesn't seem to like playing quicktime player inside of itself for some reason too. (works just plays very slowly)
  23. honestly it just sounds like you need to support your breath and energize more. what i mean by support is use your diaphram rather then your chest to breathe/push the notes. also try doing it not so softly, that'll help with the support you're trying to do as well. if this is high for you, the higher you are the easier the notes will be if you're louder and are supporting them. i hope that's what you're asking for.
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