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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Oh sure, one might say that they are merely trying something different. But after seeing so many, many artists make it big and then decide to replace elements in their style with more traditional, digestable material for more "casual" listeners, an obvious pattern is emerging. Why would everyone go this exact route and call it "experimenting"? It's just glaringly obvious to me how this single is supposed to catch and reel in the attention of people normally confined to rock music, not neccesarily because they think it would make the music more interesting.
  2. Not bad in itself, but here is just another classic example of how an artist gradually waters down his core formula to make it more pop-accessible as he gains in popularity.
  3. When developers think that female demographic = Cooking Mama and The Sims, it's no wonder they'll end up feeling alienated from the industry.
  4. Digital DJ'ing is the future in will eventually phase out the old vinyl turntables. And I don't mean that in the usual cliché sense, I really mean it. Digital/online distribution of music is much, much cheaper and more accessible than printing vinyl, which is often riddled with limited and hard-to-get releases. Downloading tracks from services like Beatport onto your laptop, and using that along with some controller hardware can only be healthy for the club culture.
  5. I wasn't really talking about the cheaper software, those are clearly within range of anyone. But when you see songs everywhere that use top-notch East West stuff, yet sound blatantly uninspired and doesn't use an ounce of the tools' real potential, you can be sure it's just some John Doe who torrented it and cannot be bothered with learning the software correctly.
  6. Big celebrities don't really make that much money from their music. What they do make money from is doing commercials, interviews, attending at high profile nightclubs, etc. They are simply a brand which people invest money in, the music part is really neglible.
  7. This time it's Leonard Rosenmann. He was quite old, born in 1924. Noteworthy scores include the original animated adaption of Lord of the Rings, Star Trek 4 and Robocop 2. I have some of his soundtracks and found them pretty enjoyable.
  8. I wasn't really talking about the whole console vs. PC thing, but more about Epic and how much they've been changing lately. Been an Unreal fan since the first game and I can't help but die a little inside now.
  9. http://kotaku.com/367219/unreal-engine-4-targeting-consoles-not-pcs With the way things have been going for them lately, I suppose this means we won't even be getting any more Unreal games. They'll just be chunking out GoW sequels and license the engine to everyone and their dog.
  10. Just tried the SNES Universal Soldier, and it's in fact the Turrican 1 music. And it sounds really horrible too, like they just ran it through a converter and didn't bother doing anything else.
  11. Universal Soldier was pretty much Turrican 2 with different sprites and level design. I think they even kept the same music by Hülsbeck. If you manage to rip it you've basicly got the SNES version of Turrican 2.
  12. I would say that most of the "worst" pirates who simply download anything they can get their hands on are just regular joes wanting to pass the time and maybe put some material on myspace or forums or whatever. If you are actually a professional, serious producer earning money from what you do, you'd probably be more inclined to buy what you actually need and disconsider what you don't. So what I just said was a more elaborate version of "these guys weren't going to buy it anyway", and that's my perspective on the whole thing. The sheer accessability of software has simply made the industry available to a demographic who probably wouldn't even bother with the effort otherwise.
  13. It's because a lot of the software out there isn't really meant to be accessible to casual bedroom producers who just want to play around. If it's simply one torrent away from their fingertips, of course they're going to get their hands on 5-gigaflop orchestral libraries.
  14. Shouldn't be any significant loss of quality, the big plug is just there for compability with studio hardware.
  15. If you're saving them all in the same folder you should be getting an overwrite warning.
  16. To the right you'll see icons for remix previews and source SID files. Also, nice to see people pursuing good music instead of remaining in their little bubble of nostalgia.
  17. The Sims is pretty much what you make of it.
  18. Techno is no less of a complicated genre and zircon doesn't do techno. Also, I'm an elitist asshole etc etc.
  19. I love the presentation in this, complete with mocks of Xbox Live kids and bittorrent pirating. Also, the gameplay segment showing soldiers sitting on airplane wings brings back fond memories of exploiting the game mechanics like that in BF1942, hoping the pilot wouldn't do a barrel roll or anything.
  20. Export to wav and encode them in RazorLAME or something.
  21. 32. I was pretty bad at the Master System games, even though I owned one. At least I got 25, 40 and 41.
  22. South Park Rally (PS1) - I paid $55 for this. Final Fantasy Origins (PS1) - The biggest additions were completely redundant FMVs and loading times. Soldier of Fortune (DC) - Again, loading times galore. Not sure why I got this when my PC could handle the game just fine. Sega Rally 2 (DC) - Should've gotten Daytona 2 or PGR. Lineage 2 (PC) - Grind, look at some boobs, grind some more. Metroid Prime 2 (GC) - Maybe not a terrible game, but I spent about 1 hour with it and never touched it again.
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