So I tried to get a body video, but meh. I could see myself on the camera when I watched it, but now it's too dark lol. I'll try to get them to turn the lights on over the machine next time.
Why Not AAA
Seriously. The 360 is probably the best console this generation(not in a sales figure sort of way). I haven't loved a console so much since my SNES.
Anyway, this is a Wii thread after all. I wish Nintendo would change their act, but they're making boat loads of money doing it this way. Even a magazine recently shut down because of the audience that Nintendo caters to now.
This just in, Chrono Trigger Composer Yasunori Mitsuda copied Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" to make Robo's Theme.
Why? Why would you want the game to "fail"(man that word is so annoying nowadays). The Wii doesn't have that many great games, so why would you want to guarantee that The Conduit won't do well?
I thought Sonic was in because he was the most requested by fans, and Snake is in because Sakurai and Kojima are friends or something. Also, Snake was supposed to be in Melee, but they ran out of time? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.