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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Microsoft is allowing programs to be disabled with Windows 7. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10190909-56.html
  2. Maximum Carnage was easy... once you played every level a million times.
  3. Southpeak has put the soundtrack to Big Bang Mini up for download on BBM's website for free due to request from fans. It's zipped at 102mb and 24 tracks. Check out the trailer for the game too if you've never heard of it. The game is only $20 for a fun little unique shooter for the DS. http://www.bigbangmini.com - You'll need Adobe Flash Player 10 to view the site.
  4. Maybe get an exchange at the store you bought it from? It hasn't been 30 days since SF4 came out already, has it? I had a similar, yet really stupid scare myself one day. I forgot I put Gears of War disc below the CoD4 inside the CoD4 case. I didn't notice that I grabbed 2 discs, and to my surprise both of them fit inside the tray with the 360 standing vertical. I still don't know how I didn't notice that I somehow placed 2 discs in the tray. It made the most disturbing noise, but I'm lucky none of them became scratched and still work.
  5. I'm still the only Guile player I've seen. I guess nobody wants to play dittos anyway since I'm usually the one who picks their character first. It's funny when people need to wait for their opponent to pick their character first. Just play who you like playing and have at it.
  6. Vital information for Ken players.
  7. Haha, his face is the best. Also, I've yet to fight another Guile online. I'm so bad at this game.
  8. I'll second that the fight pads by MadCatz are actually really good. The d-pad is 10x better than the 360's. They didn't make a Guile one. :[
  9. Even though it took forever, the game looks amazing.
  10. Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu
  11. God, I'm so bad at this game. Out of 30 matches, I've won 10 times. 90% of the matches have been against Ken/Ryu :\ I'm getting so frustrated which rarely happens when it comes to video games, lol.
  12. It's not just you. Zangief is retarded. He beat me once just by grabbing. I literally could not get up. I hate how all of his throws are like a cut-scene. If arcade on medium was so freakin' hard, I don't even want to bother with the hardest difficulty because I don't want to have to spend money on a new controller.
  13. I got nothing, haha. I never ask for anything, so this is expected. I bought a bunch of stuff for friends/family this year though. Games, gift cards, boombox, WoW collector's edition for a friend.
  14. It rained here in Florida all day as well. I think it did this last year too. Merry Christmas!
  15. Same here. I even have 0 coins when I transferred my account too.
  16. You can always checked DDRFreak.com They should still have a machine locator link.
  17. Flow AAA with the Foot skin mod for fun, lol.
  18. Exactly. Silent Hill looks like a shooting gallery.
  19. Yeah, it is definitely lacking in the eye candy department. It's just a fun platformer. You play a tiny mushroom man that makes weapons such as a piece of sharp glass attached to a pencil with some gum lol.
  20. I just beat Mushroom Men. This game is definitely worth picking up. It's fairly short, but I had fun. I clocked in almost 6 hours of game time after beating it, but there's still a lot of stuff I missed as far as collecting goes. Most games lately I have to force myself to play it, like it's a chore. This has potential to be a successful franchise, depending on where they want to go with Mushroom Men.
  21. This is such an awesome album. Good job to everyone involved.
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