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Everything posted by ocre

  1. I feel I have to chime in with some DKC3 defense here. On a recent play of DKC3, I had a lot of fun finding all the bonus barrels in all the levels and clearing it to 103%; a lot more fun than I can remember having with DKC2, as great as that game is. The level design is still brilliant, the music isn't horrible, there's no shortage of challenge, there aren't really any bizarre design flubs. I don't think it's that DKC3 is a less good game than DKC2, it just has a very different flavor. Maybe it's the lack of a pirate theme, maybe it's the more 'Northern,' brighter environment, or the non-Wise soundtrack. Maybe people just don't like Kiddy. I stand by the opinion that DKC3 is as good a game as DKC2.
  2. Funny thing is that it will undoubtedly already be part of the disc at launch. X-D
  3. Looks brilliant.
  4. There's still hope for Fiona and Hewie (from Haunting Ground) too!
  5. Woohoo! Zero! (and She-Hulk)
  6. Vire? 10char
  7. Happy birthday, Sixt!
  8. They hide behind an agenda of 'Smile Production' but you should see the leaked documents.
  9. And don't forget to vote in all brackets for your votes to count for the round. And I just realized my pokemon trainer sig and the Zero in the bracket pride sig share the same pose, lol.
  10. Huh. I thought Satoshi Tajiri created Pokemon. Ah, this guy was a writer for the anime. Gotta be thankful to him for writing all those episodes; whatever portions of his writing that made it through localization anyway. May he rest in peace.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. The music from Donkey Kong Land.The DKL soundtrack is a testament to the fact that you can make amazing and catchy music even with limited hardware specs. I like this track in particular because I get it stuck in my head at least twice a month. David Wise and Graeme Norgate make some great music. If I don't see any Shantae music in this thread I'll bite someone. EDIT to reply to SubNormal J3's reply below: Oh yeah. and the (which was reused in the N64 game Blast Corps) were brilliant too.
  13. This is clearly your first dealing with Brandon. (I love how he only cited my post specifically as nonsense.) In any case, since we have to be on topic and adult in this thread, I'll comment on how the Dashboard 'pages are 2D'. That's funny. That makes the interface look kind of plain. Reminds me of switching internet browser tabs on the iPhone.
  14. I do too too too...
  15. Just a reminder for anyone who wants their vote to count for the round, you have a little over a day left! Voting closes 12PM EST - October 31. You guys who have voted incompletely (votes were cast but not in every battle) as of right now, neblix and Digi_Dude_87, get your votes in! By the by, how many Z bracket WIPs ya got so far? And thanks for providing the source tunes, KB. I needed to look them up, myself, as I wasn't too familiar with the MSP or Pegacion themes.
  16. Anyone who owns HeartGold/SoulSilver and still hasn't gotten their Mew via WFC, the event ends tonight (saturday)!
  17. May I ask what directions you think those are?
  18. Well, everybody, it's all over. Go on home. Seriously though, who knows how many game-defining features were preserved through the development of a game due to Inafune being on the team. Mega Man is his baby and now it's in the hands of other people(then again, I'm certain his role in their development had diminished, I'm sure he had a lot of influence). Great parallel in the aforementioned Miyamoto. How would Mario and Zelda suffer without Miyamoto upending the tea table and checking for uncharacteristic elements because he knows his own character so well? My friend tried to ease my concern by telling me that Inafune wanted ML3 to be 'up to the fans'(as seen in the recent design contests) but him dropping such a highly anticipated project is a slap in the face. He made claims for years that he always wanted to make ML3. I doubt he meant he just wanted it greenlit by the higher-ups so he could run out the door of Capcom. * le sigh* At the end of the day, if he 'hated his job,' then I don't blame the guy for leaving. Go do what you want, Inafune. You deserve it.
  19. Rell! Haven't seen ya in IRC in a while. Don't be a stranger. :)

  20. Happy birthday, Plot!
  21. Oh, I'm all over those FREE downloads.
  22. Vive le Doulifée! Happy birthday to a brilliant tactician, a sound advisor and, more importantly, a true friend.
  23. That and the Wii sequel to Another Code (aka Trace Memory), Another Code: R which I was ANXIOUSLY awaiting. And apparently Cing went bankrupt.
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