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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. been on an animal collective kick, lately this is fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejQPxyaDzYw what's this forum's general opinion of em ive seen some variance about
  2. Matter of fact it's probably a couple of things i never do I'm posting a thread and I'm promoting a thing This thing: http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/album/the-felt It's a damned cool concept for an album, and cool ideas seem to be what hussie's all about these days. I think this is one of his better ones, and the artists involved pulled it off rather well. GET ON IT
  3. i dont know if id be in the minority on this but i damned sure would like to hear shael put some more electronica(¿) pieces together most of his remixes are favorites of mine
  4. i found psilodump as a result of ocr which is kinda neat. ocr got me into more varied music in general, which led me to discovering chiptunes, which psilo used to make so somehow ocr is responsible for my insatiable lust for this rockin swede's musical experimentation
  5. Cheesasaurus Rex with long hair and a gutstrung guitar head banging and growling about macaroni
  6. having a wonderful time being terrible

  7. i dont give a damn about the physics or the nostalgia etc etc blasklsdlkghsklgsk that running animation is UGLY
  8. mj and 50 cent are like one and the same yo imma compare em and you aint gonna stop me SHO ITLL MAKE YA HOT BABAY
  9. bleck thats a universal constant dont just apply it to this video game
  10. PLEASE id change a ton of things like id make the masks actually useful, and there'd be transformations, and the day/night cycles would do more than just change the way towns look, and i'd make the story focus on something like an impending apocalypse instead of the same old boring power hungry magic pig in robes now THAT would be a zelda game worth playing
  11. go to becks website and listen to the songs with his voice in them instead of the actors way better
  12. hey guys did you know that just about all the music in this movie was composed by beck take that information to heart and guess how i felt about this movie :]
  13. hey whats up dude you just like came back out of nowhere!

  14. guess whos shroomin wednesday night
  15. well, personally, my favorite remix is...
  16. yep! except my current machine doesnt even match up to their minimum specs! i dont buy them i grow them and that aint the point nohow you wanna pay my rent? then ill front you the cash to build me a pc :][ if its a lan party you aint got SHIT to be complaining about
  17. man fuck all y'all with computers fast enough to run this thing >:[ i probably wont be able to play this until the damned protoss campaign is released
  18. nah youre probably thinking of truck/stair dismount im waiting on a new paycheck and then probably gonna get the wii version i was real surprised to see it on the shop channel
  19. youre such a dick the one game i ever actually got my hopes up for god i need to build a new computer so BAD because i cant run the beta for shit currently
  20. there exists a computer that operates by means of cassette tape, called a spectravideo i first played a game called ninja, on said machine you can, too
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