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Everything posted by Subz1987

  1. It was probably Sky Chase Zone from Sonic 2. That song really stuck out among the other songs in the game. That and the credits theme from Sonic 3 was what got me into VGM
  2. Dammit, you're forcing us to use Gameshark to get the secret tracks. Awesome job, guys. It took OC ReMix 7 years to get a Pokémon reMix on the site, and now a Pokémon project's about to be released. Awesome times, man. I feel like I can take on the entire Elite 4 with a Luvdisc.
  3. Wow, this came out of nowhere. Have to admit that I didn't think that this project would ever come out. You guys really came a long way since this project was originally canceled.
  4. A kid can take out an entire building full of terrorists with a bunch of pocket animals.
  5. That would be completely awesome beyond all belief.
  6. I'll be fasting anyway, but good luck to all of you guys who try it Saturday! You didn't start today, DarkeSword?
  7. I'm not a remixer or composer, but I had been playing the trombone since 3rd grade. I haven't played it since high school. Those were some good times.
  8. Love this song. I can imagine myself staring out at the Chicago skyline during a rainy day while listening to this song.
  9. I saw a Pakistani commercial last year that had Aerith's theme from FFVII playing. I heard the theme and couldn't believe what I was hearing at first. I haven't seen it again since.
  10. Hell yeah. You guys need to do that more often.
  11. I've never woken up to songs, but I've had OC ReMix songs playing in my head when I woke up. They're usually songs that I haven't listened in a while and were trapped somewhere deep in my mind.
  12. Totally. He pretty much proved that Youtube dude wrong. Not only did he remix that theme, but he made an awesome reMix of it.
  13. I've been listening to this for around 10 minutes before realizing that it was looping. Couldn't tell when it was looping. This is absolutely awesome. This is the best sounding orchestra remix I've ever heard.
  14. http://ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions EDIT: Actually, this page might be more useful.
  15. I used to browse vgmusic back in the day, and I saw a news post about OCR back around 2001. I followed the link here, scrolled down to P and cursed when there wasn't a Pokémon mix. I listened to a Sonic mix instead (having to wait 5 minutes before I could listen to it because of my dial-up connection). Been a fan of this site ever since.
  16. Good to see you back, dude. I'd prefer if you'd finish the Manoria Cathedral mix, but you finish whatever mix you want to finish. They're all awesome.
  17. Most of those Pokémon look completely retarded. And Skarmory doesn't need an evolution. He's already a beast. The fake starters posted earlier look really cool. The grass starter looks like a Grass/Flying type, while the fire starter could be a Dragon/Fire and the water a Dark/Water.
  18. I get a virus message when I view certain threads (such as this one. Don't view if you don't have anti-virus protection). It's being caused by an image in Fray's sig: http://www.winter-light.net/nbmont/FraySig.jpg. HTML:IFrame-BV [Trj]
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