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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. I totally didn't expect to see this posted today. Thank you all so much for the comments and djp for the great write-up! For those of you who would like this song in higher quality, I have a 320 kbps render available here. That is awesome to hear since I've just started playing the game and absolutely love it!
  2. I might be able to go. I don't care about the date, but I'd prefer to go on Friday for the tour.
  3. Being a subscriber of Electronic Musician, I decided to send the gang an e-mail through MySpace about OCR being in the magazine. Here is the response I received: Hopefully Tracy will pester the higher-ups so she can write a longer article.
  4. What I plan to do is either automate a low-pass filter so the strings exit more smoothly or pause then have the strings play a final chord built from the tonic. I'm doing the latter in another remix, though, so I'll probably go with the LPF idea.
  5. Thanks for the comments, guys! Argle, the piano is just a placeholder for vocals. pixietricks will record them after she releases her album.
  6. In addition to changing note velocity, delaying and rushing notes a little can help humanize piano playing.
  7. Comparing this remix to something by zircon or even BT, for example, the perceived loudness is about the same. The vinyl sample, being a stylistic choice, only plays during the break. In what way(s) is this song overdone (especially when compared to certain ReMixes accepted to the site)?
  8. Thank you for the kind words, James. I am happy this remix had such an impact on you. The ending will get the treatment it deserves. Hopefully it won't leave you with that same empty feeling.
  9. I agree. This is a very nice mix. Great job!
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. Well said, po!. I also work with EQ the same way.
  12. Just post them in white text.
  13. Good shtuff!
  14. I've had problems with my ears in the past so now I try to protect them as best I can.
  15. I saw this yesterday and was completely taken in from the start. I felt like part of the group. The camera shaking didn't bother me at all; I actually liked how it was handled. Also, nice work to the sound department for an amazing job. Even while wearing earplugs, I could tell the audio was incredible. *SPOILER* What bothered me the most was when the group is at the military triage center they seem to completely forget about Marlena and her serious condition. It would have made more sense to first get Marlena the care she needs. Instead, this scene of the movie is handled very "Hollywood-like". Marlena is absent for a minute or so while the group tries desperately to get military personnel to help them rescue Beth. Then Marlena is back on screen and by the looks of her you know she is going to die soon. How they handled it (usually) works fine in the movie world, but for this type of film it wasn't entirely believable. Still, it was a very good movie that gave me a feeling no other movie ever has. Go see it!
  16. Happy birthday to one swell judge. :!: Cookies for you!
  17. I'd have to go with option one. I give everything that's posted a listen, but I'm very picky when it comes to actually keeping ReMixes.
  18. Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team - Level 5 MP3 MIDI Dave Wise rules! EDIT: Link fixed.
  19. I have not dealt with note velocities yet. I do most of that when the arrangement is complete. Drum programming is not complete yet. Are you talking about the FX crash? If so, I used it because it adds to the uplifting feeling of the song. If you're not talking about the FX crash, I can't think of what you're referring to. Yes, I was using a vinyl sample for the crackle. I wanted the bridge to have somewhat of a trip-hop feel. Listening on my monitors, I think the crackle sits in the mix fine. I have spent hardly any time on the ending. I already plan on filtering out the chords. I mentioned in red text that the stuff below was irrelevant. Those updates were concerning an older take on the song. Version 3.2 is only concerning this new rework. (Versions one, two and three were only sent to a few people.) Thanks for your breakdown. I did this demo in like two days so it most definitely needs some polish. All in good time.
  20. Happy birthday! Have a cookie!
  21. Happy birthday, doods. Eat lots of cake!
  22. Listening to your track right now. Pretty sweet stuff. Don't be a stranger now. Also, feel better soon, Elly!
  23. Great job everyone! Looking forward to hearing all the entries.
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