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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. I do! Yeah, I recently discovered there is a community of extremely obsessive fans who analyze the show to no end and who think Gadget is the hottest cartoon character around. Talk about sick. Anyway, my favorite shows as a kid were TaleSpin, Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers, Tiny Toon Adventures, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the various Mario series. Say what you want, but I love cartoons and still watch them today. (Though, the writing for TMNT makes watching it almost unbearable.)
  2. Really nice work, Harmony. I love how you explore different styles in each of your remixes. The spoken vox is great and what you did to your voice at 0:40 was used as a nice transition. I did feel this mix was somewhat lacking in low end and the vocals were mixed a little too quietly at some points, but these are minor complaints. Kudos to you!
  3. I agree. Listen to this guy for some examples. You have done a great job so far and I am really looking forward to the finished product. Great song choice, too. We need more Manoria love.
  4. OCR is what got me into music production and over the years I've met some cool people that I enjoy talking to on a regular basis.
  5. I moved with my family. It was time for a change and I was getting sick of Washington.
  6. I'm from Washington, too. Lived there for 19 years then moved to Cali.
  7. Here is a sample of the song he mentioned. Besides the various FX applied to the vocals, the pitch drift has also been altered (ex: listen to how jagged the transition from note to note is). Melodyne is excellent at modifying pitch drift, among other aspects of the voice.
  8. I don't have my very first song anymore, but I do have this, which was made one or two months after I started making music (back in '03). Here is a remix I finished last November for a competition. I know I can do a little better than this since I was in a rush to finish before the deadline.
  9. I love this. It's catchy, it's fun and it's unique. Great job, Shael and everyone else involved!
  10. I know, time is flying. Happy birthday!
  11. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. I love the rubato action at the beginning since, to me, it captures the feeling of Chrono Trigger. This is nicely reiterated throughout the entire piece. Great job, Sam!
  12. I never watched the show, but this looks pretty fun.
  13. Thanks! I'm glad you like it, Jerry. It's somewhat of a different style for me, but maybe I'll do something like it again one of these days.
  14. ... For Christmas I would like this, a crosscut shredder and Best Buy gift cards.
  15. I haven't listened to the album all the way through yet, but from what Danny has sent me over the months has been amazing. I remember hearing "i.transmit.this" in its early stages and what it has developed into is incredible. Great job, Danny! Also, thank you for letting me be a part of the kickass EP. Nice job to everyone involved. *applauds* A quick note about my remix: The way I mixed and mastered it was intentional. I wanted it to have a gritty, chaotic and somewhat vintage feel.
  16. Go with at least the KRK RP-5 monitors. I use them and think they're pretty good, even with the 5" woofers.
  17. Just because he is new to the site doesn't mean he is new to music production. The belief that *every* newbie knows nothing about making music runs rampant around here, unfortunately. This is fun, but tons of reverb. Not only does it muddy up the sound field, but it makes it fatiguing to listen to. Otherwise, good stuff.
  18. Congrats, dood.
  19. Yeah, driving from Sac. really blows. A little scary once you reach the top. Cool, whatcha gonna do up here?
  20. Yeah, I was joking. Anyway, I'm a little surprised they would release it so quickly. Fun, fun!
  21. Wee, let's have a Reason 4 meetup.
  22. How 'bout y'all meet up a few hours east of San Fran. at the best lake in the country. Heh, heh.
  23. Can you upload this again please?
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