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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. Well, damn, that's still good. Congrats!
  2. Great episode! The new format feels a lot more polished and has a better pace. I also thought the stinger was hilarious. Way to take a silly incident and run with it!
  3. I am really happy with my remix. I never knew that mediocre demo would develop into something I'm so satisfied with. No hard feelings towards SnappleMan. After that little incident we became friends and he actually enjoys my music now.
  4. I've become good friends with Tepid over the past few months and am always impressed with what he sends me. This track is obviously no exception. Great job, Phil! It's about time OCR hears your "new" style.
  5. I'm sure some of you know how unreliable my word is when it comes to releasing music. starla/injury and I are working on a chillout EP that we would like to have out by the end of the year, but we'll see.
  6. Great stuff, guys! I love the album!
  7. It was long as in time to make it. I started production on the song in late 2007, but the initial demo was soon scrapped, except for a few ideas. The final arrangement is about four and a half minutes long.
  8. Please take me off the list. A couple *expensive* things came up.
  9. Oh, hai, it's Friday. I'm looking forward to this.
  10. I'll be working on the mixdown and mastering this weekend. This was one long-ass remix in the making.
  11. Ah, my favorite 80s song. For quite some time I've been on a quest to find as many remixes/covers of this song as I can. You did a good job with this and I really like the solo in the middle.
  12. Dude, I freakin' love capsule! I was bummed when I found out this year's album is going to be a "greatest hits" compilation, but Yasutaka Nakata is one busy guy.

  13. Congrats, dude! I miss ya!
  14. I'm happy to see VGDJ is indeed coming back. Brushfire has a great "radio" voice, but zircon and pixie will really liven up the show. I'm curious to hear about the new changes. I hope you continue to request voice clips from ReMixers. (That was always my favorite part of the show.) It adds quite a bit of depth and personality to the segment. I like the idea of getting sound bites from various Remixers saying, "This is _____ and you're listening to VGDJ." I'd be up for it.
  15. There is also sephfire's "Under a New Moon", which is a ReMix of Fatty Acid's "Under a Full Moon." I also have that remix of pixietricks' "Dreaming Still" that I doubt will ever get finished.
  16. Happy birthday! Thanks for being an awesome friend!
  17. If it makes you feel any better, I still can't beat the hover bike stage in Battletoads. I think I tense up too much. I'm not that great of a gamer anyway.
  18. I'll probably be going; just need to hear back from some people about rooming.
  19. Congrats! I know you two will accomplish many great things together.
  20. I love how ADD this is. You are correct. Thanks for using my ReMix. I have no idea what other ReMixes you used.
  21. My first video game remix (and second production overall) was a remix of this track. Actually, it wasn't exactly a remix, but more of an attempt to recreate the song by ear. This was back in 2003 and I was using FL Studio 4.x. (I can't remember the exact version.) I believe it took me a couple days to complete it. I was into making cheesy-sounding dance music back then. I don't have it anymore, but I'm sure Sadorf does. I'll provide a link if he has it.
  22. I'm finally getting back on track with my remix. Tepid has taken over guitar duties so things should start rolling along soon.
  23. I've said before that Hy Bound deserves more attention and hopefully this track will make many more people aware of how good a producer he is. You know I love this track, but once again, great job!
  24. I haven't researched studio subwoofers all that much, but be sure to invest in some bass traps.
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