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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Did they just play Wii Tennis at the Academy Awards?
  2. This is going to be so great. I can't wait until OCR tournaments start. But maybe I should focus on getting a Wii first...
  3. It is my goal to defeat GT, and prove the East Coast's superiority once and for all.
  4. Chromatic Irony (11:53:51 PM): so apparently Ike's fan chant is "we like ike" Chromatic Irony (11:54:02 PM): i guess i'm going to be playing ike exclusively Rgs10168 (12:02:52 AM): HA Rgs10168 (12:03:07 AM): I hpe to God that Sakurai gets his own reference
  5. I don't know if Sheik got worse or not, but Marth getting a 50% KO is beyond gimp.
  6. This is definitely my favorite Brawl video that I've seen: http://www.stage6.com/Smash-Bros-Brawl/video/2192246/AsukA-(Sheik)-VS-ShiroiKen-(Marth) I love how Marth is even more gimptastic than ever.
  7. Luigi owned. Down air to fire uppercut ftw.
  8. I'm up for getting trounced some more. AIM- rgs10168
  9. If someone already asked this I apologize, but is the c-stick enabled in 1-player mode?
  10. More like LIE G N am i rite? But seriously, yeah it seems like the companies are going to just keep going Blu-Ray exclusive.
  11. I'll probably be at either the Boston or New York Brawl tournament. We'll see.
  12. Have you guys read Mew2King's Brawl review? http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=516492&topic=41341001 Hilarity.
  13. This is awesome, my wife and I were just talking about getting a new computer (this one just crashed on me today). When we save up some money, expect a PM.
  14. Haha, Falco is still broken: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hwaa_Lt9sqQ And Toon Link is just weird: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BnRmDoJm0VI
  15. Honestly, play who you like. Whether you want to play for fun or get into the tournament scene, you'll go much further playing as a character you enjoy than just going with a character because they're higher on the tier list.
  16. I hate the Pats because of what they did to our state. I don't have anything against the players personally...it's just that a few years ago the Pats said they were moving to CT, so we started this huge multi-million dollar project to build them a stadium and renovate out capital city. Then they backed out on us, and I've hated them ever since.
  18. If there's a God, and if said God loves me, the Patriots will not win this game.
  19. I totally deserved that. But I've played it, I swear! I know how to beat Gygas...
  20. This song is amazing. What game is it from?
  21. Thank you very much sir.
  22. Any and all Wind Waker music please.
  23. This pretty much sums up the Brawl forums over at Smashboards.
  24. Yeah, I really liked the Melee one too. Oh well, the Bramble song more than makes up for that.
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