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Everything posted by jmr

  1. What program will you be using to play the NSFs once you're finished? And does it support NSFe? If so, you can use Winamp + the NotSoFatso plugin to convert an NSF file to an NSFe file, and set the playlist to only play that one track: Open the file in winamp, and open the file info window: Click the convert to NSFe button: Open your newly-saved file in winamp, reopen the file info window, and go to the playlist tab. Everything should be pretty self explanatory: select the track you want, add it to the playlist, and save the file. You can also set track times, fadeout times, and song title tags with NSFes.
  2. Hmm... I always thought that the term 'classical' referred to music from a particular time period, but it seems you are correct.
  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Got them both at a yard sale for 20 cents. Not each. 20 cents total (obviously they're not in the best condition). Don't think I've even listened to them yet. Didn't even know there was a tv show...
  5. Why do people think that both Dreamcast GD-Roms and Gamecube discs are made 'backwards'? It seems to be a common misconception. They don't spin 'backwards', they just spin at a constant angular velocity as opposed to constant linear velocity that standard CDs / DVDs normally use. Other than that, GD-Roms are essentially CDs (and Gamecube discs are essentially miniDVDs). In both cases, the hardware can be 'tricked' into reading regular discs burned on most recordable CD / DVD drives (it is just much easier to do with a Dreamcast than a Gamecube). EDIT: This may help.
  6. Wasn't NiGHTS into Dreams a Saturn game..?I actually re-connected my Dreamcast for the first time in months and started replaying Grandia II. Good fun thus far.
  7. It's been seven years (to the day) since I first registered here... so it's about time I actually contributed. +$10.
  8. I've seen a small handful of game soundtracks in game / electronics / music stores around here. (Heck, I once saw the Conker: Live and Reloaded OST at a Walmart... and I kinda regret not buying it.) I've yet to see an actual brick and mortar store with a dedication section for VG OSTs, though.
  9. It is NOT on ice Really? If this project is starting up again, I'd like to fix up / re-do my collab with Random Hero (Drill Man) before calling it done. It was alright back when I first declared it 'finished', but my standards have gone up a fair bit since, and I'm not really satisfied with it as it is. Ryan spontaneously started changing up that remix not long ago anyway; he's sort of taken it in a whole new direction. Not sure how much progress (if any) he's made, though. I've still got all the stuff from back when I was working on the web page for this project. Last time I looked at it though, I thought it was a bit amateurish so I'm not sure if I want to continue with it. It would probably be a good idea to find someone with some actual web design experience. I definitely wouldn't mind helping out with design process, though.
  10. The song is called 'Annie's Song', not 'You Fill Up My Senses'. That should help you find it. Edit: also, welcome to OCR.
  11. May Jon Talbain and the smiley continue to entertain us for many years to come. for some reason I remember your birthday just as well as I remember my own...
  12. Don't remember any similarities? They're practically the same!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uupQ-tCqjQ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mceAlfjqGBU
  13. Depending on the style you're looking for, I might be able to help.
  14. If only those who listened to it last night on Dyne's show felt the same way. I was hoping that the awesomeness of Chromelodeon would somehow cancel out all of the Britney hate, but I was wrong.
  15. I know that there was a rough 5.1 mix of an earlier version of this, and I *think* I might have it on a backup dvd somewhere. If I can find it, I'll post it.
  16. I still see him on MSN from time to time. He seems to be a nice enough guy. I remember it being someone who was involved in Project Chaos, but I don't think it was Mike....Apparently it was sixto.
  17. UPDATE: I was bored. I made a video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY6sHNA7BlM ---- Thanks to Shawn Phase for the inspiration. http://jmr.sitesled.com/jmr-triangularwomanizer-mashup.mp3 My very first mashup!
  18. Does Nero 6 include Nero Vision? If so, you can use that to convert your DivX files to a DVD-video compliant format. Otherwise, try avi2dvd. It's a pretty straightforward program, and seems to work well. Here's a guide if you need it. edit: but yeah, get a DivX-compatible player and save yourself from the headache of converting your videos.
  19. I just assumed that djp forgot to pay the hosting bill.
  20. That last megacollab / mashup better be direct posted to the front page by the end of the day, or else I'll lose all faith in djpretzel.
  21. me: http://twitter.com/_jmr Just about everyone else on OCR / those who would be of interest to those on OCR: http://www.vgfrequency.com/larry-oji-presents-video-game-musicians-on-twitter/
  22. It's just a matter of knowing where to look, really. I've got a video clip as well...
  23. http://jmr.sitesled.com/TEMP/hereos-e21-zircon.mp3 Yep, featured pretty prominently. Pretty sweet.
  24. Hah, I was considering mentioning both of these. I was given both of those when I was younger (9 or 10 years old), and didn't really appreciate them until I relistened to them in the past two or three years. I really like that Cardigans album in particular.
  25. What? The video (and the thread that it was announced in) was only posted a week ago, and most news sites only picked it up within the last 5 days. Since when is one week considered old? Even by internet standards, that's a bit much.
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