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Everything posted by Nase

  1. Can you hear in the conversion tool what the midi is going to sound like with the in game instruments?
  2. new soundcloud for teh old, gonna fill up the 2 hours over the next days. https://soundcloud.com/nase-legacy
  3. http://youtube.com/user/blacklily8 Give this guy a try. He gets some great guests, and is adept at giving them space to recall some fun stories and thoughts on games and the industry. Too little views, considering the quality. Some of my favorite episodes: Al Lowe, Richard Garriott and Fat Man George Sanger. And Chris Taylor deserves special mention. Man, he comes off as the sweetest and most sincere person in the interview he did, while his kickstarter was about to fail. Enjoy! Ain't fast food though, you need some time and patience to get into some of these.
  4. http://olremix.org/remixes/912 Secret of mana downgrade, of the desert tune (arid sands?) Done for the expanded 6 channel soundchip thing, so bit of a copout polyphony wise.
  5. Yeah i see, that unisono "rigidness" there is completely intentional though Thanks for the encouragement timmae, but as always i'm more likely to start a new one that might be in a similar spirit. I felt myself that this one could be grander in its development, not production necessarily. The brass stuff could've been a jumpstart for another really crazy climax, but i missed the window of opportunity. can only rearrange rearrangements for so long, and there's a few other metroid trax in particular that tickle my fancy if i wanna do more of this!
  6. I have nearly zero clue about room acoustics, but from the vibe of the picture, this could be one kickass studio. I'd put a fat couch right in the middle for relaxed listening and sleepytimes
  7. I've never used any of these, but judging from all the demos i've listened to, silver might well be enough if you're not going for purist/expansive orchestral sections. Like, if it's just for a bit of symphony in your metal. Gold is probably the way to go if you can see yourself dive down deep into the rabbit hole of orchestral programming. There's something to be said for simplicity if you expect limited usage (price notwithstanding).
  8. Well, i haven't really used this at all yet. Instead, i donated for this yesterday: http://www.alyjameslab.com/alyjameslabfmdrive.html If you ask me, the golden era of soundchip vst emulation has arrived!
  9. i understand you got the vibrato to work but it doesn't sound right to you? haven't really used it here yet apart from figuring out how it works. rarely use vibrato functions anyway, usually do it via channel pitch if i want some.
  10. Hm timaeus, i kind of disagree on the production. I'm happy with that, if anything i think it's underdeveloped in composition. What the hell is complextro rofl! I feel old. Thanks for the feedback, despite it being too late now Edit: i relistened and considered your time markers..2:42, it's not that the kick and bass are buried, they disappear. Replaced with a more nasal bass and a weaker kick in the chopped loop. It's a bit of a drastic sound change, but in the end i liked that because i wanted that part to be weird and stick out. 2:25 Not sure what you mean by rigid...it's rigid mechanical electro in that part all right. I understand rigid as a crit when it's like a piano part sequenced for realism, but using it here makes me think you mean something else. What i agree most with is the lacking appeal of the intro. I wanted it to be slow burning so 1:20 hits harder, but could've worked on some more sonic detail i think. Also, the whole structure of the track is kind of weird, basically the "meltdown" has fully gone down by 4:00 and then it just picks up the pieces for 2 more minutes. I can see one expecting more development there, as i kinda was myself but then it ended up fitting in my mind, so...eh. Meh ^^
  11. There's a list on the NI site, good number of libs actually. Was surprised myself. But it's not worth the licensing fees when you're releasing a smaller specialised low cost lib i'm sure.
  12. That looks more like a sausage covered in mustard though...taking the joke into questionable wiener territory /:o
  13. Meh, submitted don't feel like redoing anything. I can afford getting NO'd (despite rejection issues xD), and a month until next submission aint so bad. Also wow the queue is super long. Bring back judganator and work on postanator!
  14. have a banana cake! boring but yummy.
  15. Hm, guess i'll download some OSTs and see what's in there. Played the first smash bros at a friend's house but that's it. I'm guessing this is a good opportunity for medleys...?
  16. Kazoos are surprisingly useful with a bit of processing. Honestly, if you have a decent mic i'd just keep one near your daw instead
  17. Test one two.. Chimpazilla secretly sucks on bananas at night. COME AT ME BRO
  18. You better do a mighty fine job @ modeling the writeup AI after djp. Just as a start, I want every cheesy pun he's done over the last 14 years properly analysed. Can't wait 'til we're all robots! Beep boop!
  19. Lal Still waiting for that chromatic cowbell library!!
  20. It's funny, i borrowed a set of large akg hifi cans for now, and they are pretty quiet plugged directly into my lappy. At first i thought i'd need an amp, but after a while i realised the lacking loudness makes me care enough to optimise the mix for loudness. If they aren't extremely quiet, having a more moderate max volume can have benefits i guess. Makes destroying your ears over time less likely too. I've listened to really smashed maximized commercial stuff on them for comparison, and that still can border on too loud at max volume. That's not what i'm trying to go for anyway, so when the loudness seems just about right on them, it's an indicator that i've hit a good compromise. Course, i can go louder on my speakers and mix on them more when it isn't late night, so the headphones are just a secondary listening device. Btw, they might sound less balanced than the 240s but they're soooo much more comfortable. I always took the ergonomic ear pain for granted with the 240s, after like 5 hours of having them on. Then again, my head is pretty big lol Comfort definitely should be a big point of consideration.
  21. There's some buzz on the net about the dirt cheap headphones by Superlux. They actually did some production work for AKG iirc. Noteworthy models: Superlux HD681 and HD681 Evo. A lot of people claim they get very close to or even equal the sonic quality of K240s. I had K240s before and find it all quite intriguing, so for the laughable price of 20 euros (or 27 for the successor), i'm going to give it a try soon. No first hand experience here yet ofc, but if you can get ahold of 1st gen 681s, you're atleast guaranteed to get very decent headphones for the price, and who knows, they might suffice for your music making needs.
  22. Thanks for commenting cash, happy you like it. I will eventually fire it up again and see if i can change it in ways that make it more interesting while branching off from the verbatim notation. Can be done easily in theory, but it's harder once you have something you consider pretty much finished. Interpretation has to come in organically, not in a "gotta make it eligible for that site" kinda way That said, i'd kinda like to see it on the site. It's pretty different from what i'm used to doing.
  23. Yo, a short comment on whether you think this gets too close to source for the site would be welcome. I'm unsure about it. happy with the mix myself, but it might be problematic notation wise (i normally don't use midis so it's nothing i ever thought about when submitting)
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