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Everything posted by Nase

  1. I think it succeeded at turning a (cheesy) game tune into a legit pop song fit for radio play, and that might've been exactly what djp dreamed about when he started the site. So maybe it's not fair to the rest of the pack, but it's an exception where the site creator gets really enthusiastic about something. His choice. Understand that if every mix got a home spotlight like that, the effect would soon be inflationary. Gotta find other ways.
  2. Is it an old soundfont? The industrial set thing maybe? Pretty cool, guess there's an ancient dwarven industrial complex hidden down in that cavern. I think i would've enjoyed a section where the harmonies go beyond cycling between 1 and 2, though it fits in pretty well for the most part.
  3. Are the drums ripped from snes too? They actually have kind of a lofi garage sound, though maybe that's just the playing You might be interested in this http://picopicose.com/software.html No need for soundfonts anymore, get your samples right from the .spc!
  4. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/your-house-smells-funny
  5. Again, that's why likes + simple ratings make sense, to offer 2 different filters. Personally, i've arrived at the opinion that the rating should not be optional from the artist's side, but from the reviewer's. The ratings, much more than the likes (due to the hype/critical mass issue), should be used as a rough means of filtering. That's the whole point innit? Just allowing that for some mixes seems to split up things unnecessarily. Talk about "bifurcation". And yes, mandatory reviews coupled with ratings make a lot of sense to me. So when mixers who hate ratings get rated, they atleast get something with it they probably enjoy, a review. Mindwanderer: yeah the psychometric thingumajick is an interesting topic. Just briefly, what'd be your fav? To me it's 5 stars/shoes/golden dildos all the way. It's just very simple and a rating standard for anything art related for good reason. For that purpose, low res ends up being more imo.
  6. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/maridian-meltdown Made for the last MnP compo. As a result, it starts off close to being a midi rip (using metroid samples). gets more interpretive tho. It was just meant as a bit of fun, but i quite like it by now for what it is. I suppose i could change up the notation a bit, but it'd seem a little forced. I'm usually more of a writing guy, but this is more about production and sounds. Recorded power drill, food mixer and water boiler for this one
  7. Just a little update: Thrillseeker VBL is really good. I'm probably overusing it right now, like to slap in onto pretty much everything. Nice and simple to add some warmth with.
  8. Sorry mate. I can get a little addicted to meta bullshit. I'll post something interesting when i can remember any of it.
  9. Thank you, that's a nice compliment. In actuality it is anything but improvised, only in the sense that i didn't fully rely on theory but wandered off into the dark a lot while sequencing it, doing stuff by ear. So, non-real time improvising, in a way
  10. That goes without saying, it's how scales should be used. It's just that there's always a phase of turning the learned thing into a fetish before you learn to abstract from it. And some seemingly don't progress much in the abstraction department. I keep coming back to this indian music mantra: 7 years to learn it, 7 years to forget it, and then the playing really starts. The numbers don't matter, but there is that general pattern of using newly learned stuff in a left-brained way that can be detrimental to your artistic expression, until it gets fully integrated into your language and you can use it only to get across what you wanna say. It's really the same with learning all languages. You jerk off a lot with all them fancy terms before you realise substance is more important. Maybe i keep repeating this cause it's a lesson for myself XD
  11. Happy Bday dude

  12. I agree, that's like the best argument for a rework. Ratings should be kept as simple as possible, and should reflect subjective enjoyment, nothing else. If people want to review more objective aspects of the mix they can do it in written form. I'm fine with the 5 star measurement. That feels more like rating fine cuisine or a movie. As soon as you go into individual sub-ratings, it feels more like rating a car or something. Piece of machinery meant to perform a specific task.
  13. The big difference is of course improvisation. If you improvise sections in classical music (or any other genre), there is no real difference regarding theory. Except that styles of music other than jazz are generally more accessible to people who use their own homebrew intuitive kind of theory. Just noticed that the thread title contains "scales". What do you guys think about learning scales and their correlation w/ chords extensively? Imho, it's a kind of double edged sword. It's a good tool like anything else in theory, but it seems a lot of players sort of become slaves to basing all their playing around scale runs. It's like a phase people have to go through, and some never quite seem to emerge from it.
  14. Ha, thaat song. Only played that game in shopping malls and on emu briefly, but this tune sticks in your ear. Weird it's not on ocr yet.
  15. HA, I'm not in hamburg though these days! i shall keep my exact location a secret...and NOT submit as many non-entries as i wish!! muha!
  16. The Darke Sworde does not joke. it cuts the wicked and ignorant to pieces. For Everlasting Peace!!
  17. OMG no onee understands anyoneeee que? was? eine butterbrezel bitte.
  18. if no one comes over to beat me up in case i submit nothing ever....you can sign me up as well.
  19. imo exp systems can easily end up as a trite gimmick, unless some really deep thought is put into them and they're implemented really well. just the fact that it fits the site's theme isn't reason enough to go for added gamification...unless it ends up being a really good game. i agree that it's fun to play around with in your mind, but it's too complex and ambitious to just add as an afterthought. if you really want it brandon, i suggest going to the drawing board and fleshing out your game concept. if there's just that basic grinding exp thought, i disagree on it being a good idea. honestly, extending that concept to real life is fucking terrible too much of it in games already.
  20. was that spontaneous? or is it an established nick variant? cause i'll totally be using it whenever i reply to timaeus.
  21. To quote Dimebag: "I ain't Nostradamus, but I know everything goes in circles." evolution of the arts is very much about going back to old ideas with the bonus of knowing about more recent developments. changing up the way you think about what constitutes a song creates different songs. going back in time and into the future can be the same thing. woah.
  22. i dunno what she said on irc, but sorry, that just sounds like teen angst to me. nothing in her post that seems to fit your perception, imho. don't be offended, i still get some flashes of teen angst and i'll be 30 in a couple years
  23. yeah. as helpful as chords can be, it can also be helpful to totally forget about them sometimes and just write polyphonic melody. you can always give that names after the fact, but not thinking in extended chord terms and just going by ear can help break habits.
  24. mustin did one. Savage needs 20 remixes!! Savage remix projecT!??!?!? WHY DIDNT WE DO THAT ON OLR!
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