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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. Please recommend me some games for a smart 8-year-old. We have a Wii, GB (mono), GBA, DS, PSP, PS3, X360, Dreamcast, PSX, 3DO, and emulators for other systems. He was big into the Humongous adventure games but obviously outgrew them.
  2. Hi, Dr. Nyk! But seriously, these "recommend musics plz" threads are strange. The correct answer to all of them is to search the genre on wiki and find the list of popular artists in that genre, then hit youtube to listen to the ones you don't know. Youtube will lead you to more obscure artists along the same lines.
  3. Sorry, I meant "linux command line." I can't run itunes at all as far as I know, and Music Manager is only available for X, which I don't have (headless system).
  4. Autechre. V/VM. Whitehouse. Bong-Ra.
  5. Nice work! Now when Google supports command-line Music Manager uploads, I'll be able to automagically add new OCR music to Google Music.
  6. Interesting study: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0026457
  7. So are all the tracks up for grabs again, or what?
  8. No, because subjectivity.
  9. My living through the 80s and 90s proves that it wasn't. There's always been a high ratio of shit to gems. I don't think it's changed. So yes, while what "the kids" listen to these days is mostly shit, it was the same way in every other decade.
  10. Get mic stands with boom arms.
  11. "What the hell happened to music!?" You got old.
  12. Hitman: Blood Money - 2006 (where's the love?)
  13. +1 for Buddy Rich. The guy was a genius. Also
  14. http://www.zophar.net/music.html
  15. http://neutronstar.org/music/Steve%20Pordon-Secret%20of%20Mana%20-%20Oracle%20(2-Chord%20Garage%20mix).mp3/ Started working on it a decade ago, never got past scratchpad stage.
  16. "Yo yo yo yo YO!"
  17. Initially it was because my free unix shell only allowed 100KB of web space (you read that right) and I needed somewhere to host my terrible FF prelude remix. After that, it was because it felt good to have my name plastered on a growing (now huge) community. And I'm forced to continually get better as the bar gets higher, which is never a bad thing. As to why others submit, I'm guessing the reasons are going to be exactly the same.
  18. That second tab is a very small portion of Blut Aus Nord's "The Meditant." I put this in a separate post to keep automated scrapers from archiving it on some tab sites. (EDIT: fixed sloppy grammar)
  19. OK. I tabbed out most of Metallica's "The Wait" cover a long time ago, using hybrid ASCII notes and spacing for timing (I should have transcribed it at half-time and those 16ths should probably be 8ths): Key: | > >> o'. = dotted half / = quarter / = eighth / = 16th Intro: | | > >> > >> > >> > >> >> >> >> >> o'. / o'. / / / / / / / / / / / / / -----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| -----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| -----------|----------|*--------------------------------------------------0-*| ---------3-|-------3--|*-2-----x---2-----x---2-----x---2-----x---------3----*| -----------|----------|--2-----x---2-----x---2-----x---2-----x------3--------| <2>p0------|--0-------|--0-----x---2-----x---2-----x---2-----x---1-----------| ^\ P.M. ^^^^^^^^^^ \ Main: >> >> >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ------|--------------------------------------------------|------------------ ------|--------------------------------------------------|------------------ ------|*----------------------------------------------0--|------------------ ---2--|*-2--x-----2----x--2----x--2----x--2--------3-----|--x--2--x-----2--- ---2--|--2--x-----2----x--2----x--2----x--2-----3--------|--x--2--x-----2--- ---0--|--0--x--3--0----x--0----x--0----x--0--1-----------|--x--0--x--3--0--- P.M.^^^^^^^^^^^^ >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> / / / / / / / / / / / -------------------------------------| -------------------------------------| repeat several times. ------------------------------------*| ---x--2--x--2--x--2--3--3--3--3--3--*| ---x--2--x--2--x--2--3--3--3--3--3---| ---x--0--x--0--x--0--1--1--1--1--1---| P.M.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |Chorus (Gtr. 1) -- part 1: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---2----------------4----------------5----------------10--------\----| |---2----------------4----------------5----------------10--------\----| |---0----------------2----------------3----------------8---------\----| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |Chorus (Gtr. 2) -- part 1: | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---2----------------4----------------5-------------------------------| |---2----------------4----------------5----------------3--------------| |---0----0--0-----0--2----2--2--0--2--3----3--3--2--0--3--------------| |--------------3---------------------------------------1--------------| P.M.^^^^^^^^^^ P.M.^^^^^^^^^^ P.M.^^^^^^^^^^ |Gtr 1 -- part 2: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---2---------------4---------------5---------------------------------| |---2---------------4---------------5-----------------3---------------| |---0---------------2---------------3-----------------3---------------| |-----------------------------------------------------1---------------| | |Gtr. 2: |Both Gtrs -- part 3: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---2---------------4---------------5------------------10------\------| |---2---------------4---------------5------------------10------\------| |---0---------------2---------------3------------------8-------\------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| Pre-solo: |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |*---10-\--9----------------------10-\--9------14-\-13--------10-\--9------| |*-----------------10-\--9-------------------------------------------------| |----8--\--7----------------------8--\--7------12-\-11--------8--\--7------| |------------------8--\--7-------------------------------------------------| _____________________________________ ________________________________ 1. \ / 2. \ -----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| -----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| ---10-\--9-------14-\-13-------17-\-16--*|--14-\-13-----17-\-16-----22-\-21--| ----------------------------------------*|-----------------------------------| ---8--\--7-------12-\-11-------15-\-14---|--12-\-11-----15-\-14-----20-\-19--| -----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| Solo: 1.25 1.25 <-- bend up this much 1.25 1.25 ------------------------------------------------------------15-\-------- ---15^----15^------12-\----------------15^-----15^----------15-\-------- -------------------12-\------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These days I just use accurate spacing to indicate timing: Guitar 1 (left) |-------------------------------------------------------| |-6~~~~---5--------6p5-5~~~6~~~~---5--------6p5-5~~~~---| |*------------7------------------------7---------------*| |*-----------------------------------------------------*| |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------| | | | Guitar 3 (left) | |------------------3h5-5~~~-----------------3h5-5~~~~---| |-------------------------------------------------------| |*-----------------------------------------------------*| |*-----------------------------------------------------*| |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------| | | | Guitar 2 (right) | |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------| |*-----------------5h7-7~~~-----------------5h7-7~~~~--*| |*8~~~~---7---5------------8~~~~---7---5---------------*| |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------| | | | Guitar 4 (doubled L & R) | |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------| |*3-------7-------------\--3-------7-----------------\-*| |*3-------7-------------\--3-------7-----------------\-*| |-1--sl/--5-------------\--1--sl/--5-----------------\--| |-------------------------------------------------------| | | | Guitar 5 (right) | |-------------------------------------------------------| |------------------11p1010~-----------------11p1010~~---| |*10~~~---9~~~~p7----------10~~~---9~~~~p7-------------*| |*-----------------------------------------------------*| |-------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------|
  20. This is not true. Every tab I've ever written includes timing.
  21. MP3s below 2136 are missing the Track tag (or where present, it's "0") in the mirrors. Something like mp3tag can fix this problem with a simple html export/import on each mirror, instead of having to reup old songs.
  22. Well, there's a little blame on both sides. The packing could have been more than two small strips of bubble wrap crammed to one side of the instrument. But yes, they did step up in a big way. Thanks for the tweet!
  23. Usually when I post it's to complain about something, but these guys went above and beyond. I got a cheapo bass guitar (Dean Zone XM) so I can stop resorting to using a pitch transform on my acoustic guitar when I want bass sounds, and it came with shipping damage (thanks, UPS). Specifically, something heavy crushed the face of the box, pressing the lowest 3 strings against the 22nd fret hard enough to kink them and damage the winding. The rest of the instrument is fine and it's holding its tune, though the strings are going to break sooner rather than later. I shot them a polite email and said rather than ship the entire thing back on their dime, I would be happy if they would send me 3 individual strings of whatever comes stock on this model. The reply from Chris was that they don't carry the exact strings that came with this model but he offered to send me a twin pack of D'Addario nickel-wound strings instead. These are ordinarily $18 per pack, on sale for $20 for the twin, and way above what I would expect a company to offer for slight shipping damage to a $130 instrument.
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