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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. That made me sad.
  2. Very impressive classical style piece. I love how he cut the mixes together.
  3. A great song, just a little too short. But don't let that discourage you.
  4. Excellent song, I think this qualifies as a Salute Pibroch, but I'm not that up on my bagpipes. I'm 1/4 Scottish, and that's the largest percentage of me that any on ethnicity takes up, so I kind of gravitate to it. Very well done.
  5. Very well organized piece. While the music itself is nothing unique, the organization is among the best of any song on this site, it's more or less five minutes of quality in under three minutes.
  6. Does an excellent job of capturing the Etherial and transient nature of the Kingdom of Zeal as depicted in the game, excellent work.
  7. It's very repetative, and doesn't do a whole lot to seperate itself from the rest of the Schala mixes. But, if you like Schala, go for it.
  8. Likely the most original mix of the battle theme you'll ever find. It's a good thing.
  9. Reggie Bush was decidedly mediocre his rookie year, and he was hyped as a sure fire hall of famer. I wasn't expecting big things from him, but I was expecting more than 4.0 YPC if he was only going to get 155 carries. love it.
  10. Here's a classic case of someone going to a movie expecting it to be Godfather meets Gladiator meets the Matrix. Here's some advice, don't belive the hype. On anything, 300, Reggie Bush, Final Fantasy XIII, nothing. Nothing will ever live up to your expectations for it, deal with it. This movie was not supposed to be a great epic film for all posterity, it's supposed to be a movie you get together with your friends and watch, then go eat steak and lift wieghts afterwords. So, because you're obviously not satisfied with your experience, here's some steps you can take to bring it up to the level of my experience. step 1) get some friends. step 2) learn how to use a gym. step 3) renounce your weak vegan ways. step 4) Watch 300, sit in the 5th row, center seat. step 5) restrain yourself from overanalysing. step 6) find a steak house. step 7) order a 48 oz porterhouse steak. step 8 ) devour it. step 9) hit the wieghts. Repeat ASAP.
  11. Well, here's my two cents. Treat this as if you actually failed to appear. Be prepared to pay the fines, and for God's sake, show up in court. This will ensure that things won't get worse. Then, explain your situation to the judge, and pray the judge is understanding. If the judge is nice, you might get away with much less, however, if the judge is a prick, you're ponying up some cash.
  12. Fair enough. Anyhow, excellent work DJP. I'm excited to see where you take us next.
  13. I just got the Soundtrack from Amazon, badass! Returns a King and Fever Dreams are awesome tracks. I love choral tracks.
  14. Why was I not informed of the OCR Amazon outlet before I went on a $300 Amazon binge on Monday?
  15. It's simple, thewingless.com is a fairly distinct domain name. Theirs are closer to something that someone might accidently type in while trying to hit a more popular website.
  16. Wow, here's hoping DJP doesn't give into temptation and makes April Fool's day into reality.
  17. I think this is one of Grey's best works. I love the use of the chorus in the back. Good work extending the length of Frog's Theme without seeming repetative.
  18. Very evocative. I like the storm sounds in the back. Epic could be used to describe it.
  19. I'm not a fan of the harsh analog sound of the song. The arangement is good though. It gets a little repetative after a while.
  20. Very smooth, but not very different from the original song. However, I really like the original song, so I don't mind that much.
  21. This was the second OCRmix I downloaded. The first was Ziwtra's Downwind mix. I love the perussion line that DJP lays down here. This is proof positive that DJP knew what he was doing when he made this site.
  22. Happy Birthday! I've always wondered how you came up with the name Bladiator...
  23. I found him, it's just a matter of waiting long enough. the liklyhood of finding him increases the longer you're in that place.
  24. So? Just as men have their feminine side, so do women have their masculine side. 300 is so manly, that even the most weak and womanlike pre-pubescent girl feels compelled to eat raw red meat after watching it.
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