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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Yay! It's about damn time my friend! I remember the WIP of this from back in the day (and the many many others), you really followed up with some of the things I think I asked for - and then some. Real chill, as always. Really glad your music gets to be heard :J Congrats bud! As for the song, really like the drumwork, of course I'm a huge fan of the EP and rhodes, as well as your padwork, awesome. Like the changeup at around 3:00 as well, dream-like.
  2. Best vocal arrangement in a long long long while. Very nice. I also like how clear it all sounds, not drenched in crazy reverb (for the lead) because her voice doesn't need to be. Also, katethegreat19, hhaha... What a remixer name.
  3. I wish you guys would all lighten up.
  4. Another cool awesome song from Mazedude... Also fyi, I really tihnk he looks like a vampire on the front page. Those is some evil eyes!
  5. Forrest Gump: I used to live in Savannah, and the square where he was sitting at the "bus stop" I've been to many times. Of course there is no real bus stop there, and the bench was made specifically for the movie, but it's a beautiful place.
  6. Honestly I think Suzu and sixto/Hemo are all very talented, if they have a problem with comparisons, that's one thing, but if they don't (because people are going to compare whatever they want anyway) then it really shouldn't be a problem. To me it'd be apples and oranges.
  7. Since there are two games that use the same theme, why don't you guys just have two people doing the theme. Let Suzu do one, let Hemo and sixtoes do the other. There is like five second difference in the sources ha. No really, that's like the best song out of Lufia ever, so why not have it done twice, you even have a good excuse to do it!
  8. he's so right, also robobro!

  9. OMG ALL THE PROJEKZTS also I bitched at ari about india today fyi I hope this project roksz
  10. I been workin' out religiously for about three weeks. I do 12 weights/resistance exercises, two sets of 15 (a couple with a lot more reps) and 2 classes a week. 1 martial arts, another something random like yoga or pilates. And when I have the time, about half an hour of high intensity eliptical. I also bike a couple times a week and have been actually watching my calorie intake for the first time in years haha. I gained a lot of weight this winter, way more than I ever have, (guess being 27 has that downside) so I need to get it off. I'm starting to see some results so I am happy. I hope I stay on this horse for a long time. Working out is fun times. Oh yeah and p.s. My goal is to lose 10-15 lbs by the end of the summer and be way more fit so I can hike up those mountains of Phoenix, AZ without losing my breath when things cool off, in style. So far I have lost 5lbs. already, and I am not as tired with physical activities, however I am sore all the time, so to counter this, I get in the spa a lot and got a 30 minute massage last week *_*.
  11. What does that mean for da Jewsz? Anyway, look, it's against your religion for you to "take the Lord's name in vain" but this is YOUR belief. You speak for yourself. You have the right to complain, yes, but guess what? The people you are complaining to have the right to listen to whether your complaint is valid enough to warrant some kind of response. In this case, djp was kind enough to offer a response to you that was at least thought-out and informative as to why he chose to not do as you requested. (which was obviously to change the name of the song) Doug is a really nice guy, and I am completely 100% sure that he meant no offense to anyone. As a Christian, your set of standards is different from those that are not, and there is plenty of offensive material out there for you to become offended by. So to this, I offer a little advice. Pick and choose your battles a little more carefully. The world is way to big for you to get offended by something like this... I mean yeah it's your right, but you're just going to be met with the same kind of resistance and you'll just get sad/hurt/disappointed/angry again and have another fight on an internet forum. In this case, you played the role of a victim over this. This would indicate that the ReMixer (and the site) are abusing you and your sensibilities. But the people that know DrumUltima also know that he's not an abusive individual and he just don't roll that way. They used their noggins and they decided that this was a pretty ridiculous request. He's not abusive just because his definition of what is sensible to say is different from you. As has been said before, try to think of "why" he would use this in the title, and understand the context. I really think that's the best way to get along with anybody in general, and there are a whole lot of people out there to try this with. Less people would be alienated if both parties tried it out. So anyway, I just think that wasn't the right way to go about this at all, I would go as far to say that it's not even the "Christian" way to go about it, and it happens far too often in the name of Christ. Maybe if your grandmother's name was Jesus Christ and she was eaten by a dinosaur, maybe you'd have more of a case, and maybe those in charge would take more pity. What a waste of precious energy, you know? ALSO DOUG THIS IS A GREAT SONG. REALLY IT IS A GREAT SONG YOU ROCK, GREAT JOB, WHAT A FUNNY NAME TITLE! Hey guys what do you think about this ReMix?????
  12. awwwwwwwww u 2 so gay in the love together <3 :D
  13. Pretty awesome game. I've beaten it SO many times at the arcade. Was wondering about a port.
  14. Play zombies ate my neighburgers and watch everyone stop dancing and go "what the hell?" plz
  15. Lightspeed is real neat. Not digging the other two so much, sound kinda busy and honestly some synths don't agree with me. That's not to say the rest of this album isn't cool enough to check out. Overall, tracks sound pretty good, especially with the production. Congrats. Also I love anything e-pianooooooo
  16. This was a death I was not in the least expecting... UMA THURMAN FOR QUESTIONING!
  17. Doug, way to be an asshole... You should have titled this song as: Jesus Christ! It's a Leviathan get in Noah's Ark!
  18. This is a really really great song, even if it drives me fucking bonkers. Protricity is a spaz. Five stars or something.
  19. I was very surprised by the acoustic guitar, so now I <3 you. It's short and stuff, but w/e, it's still sweet. I would say though, that to me, the song evokes more of a "this character just died and all the other dudes are reflecting on his/her death while standing at the grave in a village and trying to figure out to do next..." feeling I am a sucker for acoustic guitar, so happy day. Any advice from expert me would be, better recording quality and mixing, the end!
  20. Friggin awesome, and the rest of the videos rule too!
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