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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. "What's wrong with him?" "Lunger" "Well... I hope you die!" fdajkglsdghaha
  2. Friggin awesome *_*, watching it is mesmerizing
  3. personally when I play, I like to fill my piano with snakes
  4. For some reason this is what I thought of: Johnny Ringo: And you must be Doc Holliday. Doc Holliday: That's the rumor. Johnny Ringo: You retired too? Doc Holliday: Not me. I'm in my prime. Johnny Ringo: Yeah, you look it. Which leads me to believe... analoq will be back when it's time to bring down the thunder, and hell will be coming with him?
  5. Well holy shit, ANOTHER PROJECTFKDs,lkagldg?? Just kidding, good luck guys. DO IT HARD, DO IT FAST@
  6. Yeah congrats to him. I talked to him like twice ever on aim randomly a long long time ago. Anyway they look sweet together. Although yeah, I do hope he would be okay with you posting pics/info, I'm sure you wouldn't do that without knowing it would be so I am assuming this is kool news. CONGRATS DUDE TO YOU IF YOU SEE THIS
  7. cuz you're da bladiator and bladiator is da shit and nobody messes with him I'm MAD WITH MY FINGARRRSZ and sometimes you play chords that are so big that you have to use your nose...
  8. This kinda stuff has been known to happen a lot, just because the person doing the article really doesn't care so much about the content as so much as getting the story out... I feel bad that anyone has to experience it. I mean, how many times do you hear a story and it just felt wrong, or the whole story just wasn't there, or you knew someone in the story and knew the content was misleading, or the article left you with more questions than answers? CHURNIN OUT STORIES LIKE FACTORY BUTTA! I'm glad she at least revised this a little. Talk about a freak out, misrepresenting you to a huge audience.
  9. I personally think we are all very very very very heavily retarded and are all typing to you on the weaver bus! Hey did you like my song, I just wanna know, what did you think about it. To me it has the source all over it but some people say it is too liberal for them. So what do you think, hello....hello
  10. Hi Shariq's little bro. From reading this thread, you may have gotten off to a shaky start around the community, but that's okay. A little advice: On the net, your age isn't so important compared to what you actually have to say. This is your opportunity to communicate with people many years older and younger on a similar playing field. It's about the maturity of your text, not so much your age (although age obviously plays a factor in your development as a person in the long run) Don't sweat critique, or even insults. People are gonna do and say just about anything they want on the internet because it is anonymous. (even where moderation is enforced) So my advice to you is to not take everything so much to heart. There's no need to defend your song, or yourself, as long as you have confidence. And usually, if you keep the mood light, others will too. INTERNET IS FUN! It's good to listen to critique, even negative crits, because ultimately, if you are smart, you can make it into a tool, and use it to your advantage. It is up to you to decide whether feeedback is worth listening to in the end, maybe a little bit, and maybe not at all. BUT BASICALLY, THE INTERNET IS OPINION CENTRAL, Opinions are here, and because of the nature of the internet, will probably always be here in some shape or form, and even if they are not intended for your benefit, you have the ability to use them to learn. The same goes for the people you give your opinions to. You're in charge of what comes out of your mouth, er... from your fingers... So it's a good idea to ask yourself, "How will anyone react to what I am saying? How will they take it? Is what I am saying what I really mean? Is it accurately describing what I really feel? Is what I think important enough to say at the expense of FILL IN THE BLANK?" I don't think anyone here meant any harm, however if you go into a forum (especially asking for help) like this with a defensive or even aggressive attitude, you will probably receive it back tenfold, literally. (ten posters who all saw your post and are like OMG N00b) People basically are looking for a fight on the internet even if they don't really know it. It happens so easily. I hope I didn't come off too preachy! But I like you, so I wanna tell you some of the things I think most of us wish we had heard when we were first on forums, talking to strangers on the internet about the weirdest crap! AS FOR YOUR SONG: The snare hit is pretty awful to me. It's not so much the beat, but the snare itself that jars my ears every time. If I were you, I'd try to find something lighter for the mood... More ethnic drums all around. It's like this, your snare hit sounds like it is from those 80s Rock Ballad drum kits, is that what you are aiming for to represent Metroid Prime? The song itself is unexpectedly pretty heavy, kinda reminds me of my first songs actually. I think the problem with this song is really that it's just too forceful. It's just too much, there's no quiet dynamics in my ears that make the loud, important parts seem MORE important and have some contrast. It's like you're saying EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT LISTEN, HERE IT WILL GET LOUDER WITH MORE AND MORE LAYERS!!!! The problem is, while I can see that you love the source and really love the song, others won't see it that way, we will just get kind of flooded out by all the noise. So my advice is, break your song down in your head. It's like telling a story, so concentrate on that. You have an intro, to get everyone's attention, and set the stage and show the listener what they are getting into, you have a build, and then you have the ALL IMPORTANT CLIMAX (one or more) and the important thing is, you want the listener to be interested up until the part where you blow them away with it. It's not about quantity of what you can do but quality. Think of dynamics... A part before a loud, important part would be contrasted better by a build, with lower dynamics/channelvolumes/velocities/softer timbres in instruments... Even drum heavy, crazy metal, trance, rock, etc. etc. will probably have something like this in some shape or form. Before you continue this mix, I would advise that you listen to some music that sounds similar to what you are going for in this Metroid song, as soon as you really figure that out... You can try to execute it as best you can. I also think that the song suffers from generally a very flooded sound, try to separate instruments out more by their FREQ and EQ and also use Panning. If an instrument floods out another instrument too much (like the choirs and the dulcimer) maybe change the instrument entirely, or move the chords, leads, up down an octave... Think layers, from top to bottom... Like um... lasagna. (Hope I didn't confuse lol) Good luck.
  11. My bonus track, Smooth Sun of Magma will probably be submitted within the next month or so, so you won't see it for a while. The story with that song was that in late June, audiofidelity asked me to give him an old, unfinished version for the bonus that I collabed with Long Dao on. However I said F THAT and said I would redo it... I had to redo it from scratch because I no longer had the same sample library or even the project file. Anyway I redid it some last month, but did most of the work on it July 10th (all night while packing before camping) and turned it in on the 11th. While I think the song is nice for the album, I am really not happy with how a lot of it turned out because I have been so busy and it was pretty damn rushed. Also Protricity basically did most of the drums that night as well. The version I will probably submit will be much cleaner and have better drums, that I will redo (again) myself. So yeah, expect it to be a bit different if you hear an OCR version. THE END!
  12. lmao... this is seriously the coolest realization ever... I wanted to be a Nintendo Wizard
  13. I guess I have to comment on this too! This is basically ear candy so I am glad you are the candyman. Hahaha, when that guitar comes in I am such a happy little girl omg. Thanks dude, please don't stop making the wacky muzaks. That organ is friggin badass! 2:10 section seems a little minimalistic after such a great build, also kind of makes the next section with the steel drum not as contrasty and cute? That's my only thing that I could notice. YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
  14. hahaha this is crazy YES!! Also I love these songs and glad you did so much crazy stuff to it lol The palette is friggin amazing... I've got it on loop... I just also love SOM so friggin much so thank. you. Also Kyle, you H8er *_* <3
  15. No see, what they gotta do is buy a pair of Air Asulins and learn to jump/remix and maybe sell Hanes underwear and hot dogs.
  16. Cool I am glad they liked it, I think. Anyway I am glad I could participate on this project and always love hearing what people think about the music. IMO FFIV has a lot to live up to &_&
  17. Pretty cool, should post a jpg of the image here for all to see
  19. Apparently my song means potato! YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I don't even care if that is a good or bad thing lol Okay I used babel fish for that... Google translator makes more sense, but is way less fun. Still like the potato better haha.
  20. Skrypnyk owes me five dollars because I fucking CALLED IT!
  21. So glad this was posted... I remember being all peeved about the rejection back in the day... debating source and time usage, etc. in #ocremix. Glad you guys posted it... I really heard Cyan all over this. Anyway about the mix, just nice writing, I don't think the solo was too long, the song didn't feel long at all... It was filling and just right. Guitar and bass were just stellar. The mixing is great and also I am wtf surprised that Sam ended up somehow being involved. The real playing he added is also great. GREAT GREAT WORK GUSY!
  22. He was gonna put on a few sold out shows this year for his comeback. What a weird week. I was just going through a bunch of MJ stuff the other day, because of that one South Park episode actually. This was a death I wasn't expecting, I'm not that old yet!
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