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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. These were my old sigs, as long as we are showing old sigs... I miss my Judy Tenuta one here... I think I did the emo-dance for molto. I scratched off the "who don't have the guts to" for Jenga
  2. Can you make a good WW gsme plx :/... I just noticed Buttercup has one here *_*
  3. Honestly, I think the phase out comment and the unexplained retroactive banning is what set off the ticker for the UnMod deletion turning into the craziness it was. When it happened, there was already a ton of bad blood. Like I've said before, I can understand the staff's perspective on most of this, but I still want to point out that many of the people that "lashed out" were the ones that felt grossly misunderstood... A lot of people were grouped and stereotyped. When you do that to hundreds of people that use a forum every day and have formed a tight-knit community after years and years, and they are mostly 15-25 year olds with nothing but time on their hands (heeeee OCR demographic) They are gonna group together and lash out at whoever is responsible... And believe me, there were a few individuals that pretty much thrust themselves out into the spotlight when it was about to happen, pretty much just "asking for it" and then becoming dismayed when everyone was angry at them. I was just surprised that they were so surprised... What do you expect? I mean, what did I do to anyone before it happened? I am a nice person, and I still felt like I was being punished for something I didn't do, and noses were turned upwards at me. Maybe that's the story all around for everyone involved. I got worked up and angry about it as much as anyone else did. It left a bitter taste in the mouths of a lot of people. I'm just glad people are good-natured enough to eventually let things go, I hope. I mean in the grand scheme of things, it's not important, but then again, what is, especially on the internet? This place? This community of OCR? Well that's what UnMod was too. You latch on to what you care about. To Darke, I've said this before but I do feel bad that dudes like you and Smoke had to sit there and handle all that stuff while the people that deleted it were out playing, but I just as you shut it off and watched kung fu movies, it was the right thing to do, and even if it was a mess, it wasn't like cleaning up toxic waste. Not sweating stuff like this is what makes life easier, and I think it everyone had just not taken it all so seriously from the beginning, none of this crap would have happened It's over though, and everyone's cool now that will be cool, and I'm glad that I can just say what I want again in a place where I've spent way too much time :J. You all cool dudes.
  4. Upon glancing at this one more time... Elton sure is a happy guy, and Billy just wants to kill the damn world. Also... I always thought Billy was talking about himself in Big Shot... I didn't want to automatically think of him as an asshole.
  6. Yup, the vocals are at 2:04 - 3:00. You can hardly hear them after 2:30, but they are there if you listen closely. I gave starla a more prominent starting "ooooh" at the beginning of this part, but she fades into the mix, especially because of the cello and strings. Honestly I wanted them that way, to be more subdued, because it's really not a vocal-ish part, just a more ethereal sound that I was going for, as part of the mix of other instruments (there are a TON of things going on there lol)... But anyway, I think her vocals (as opposed to fake ones I could have used) really added the touch that I wanted there, and I'm really glad for them. I give credit where credit is due, and starla sang all those parts for me (there were three that I wrote) in a real timely manner too. So she gets remix credit. I mean, I almost was willing to put Posibolt into remix credits of this song even though he contributed a like 10 second midi of the source for me (that crazy harpsichord in the original) because I was too lazy to sit down figuring it out that day. I ended up not using it and you'd never be able to hear it at the part I wanted it to be (where starla sings with all the other stuff lol) Anyway glad people like the song, but sorry for the confusion! Oh yeah and dhsu is ubar bass though it got changed up a bit lol... Also I mentioned this all in my goddamn submission mail I think, or maybe not because Palpable was confused. ANYWAY, yeah thanks dude for the reviews of all the songs, kickass.
  7. haha doug, good job doing something that was thought THE IMPOSSIBLE<E<B<E
  8. I'm finding that the older I get, the more relevant my dreams are to my daily activities and the people I spend time with. I really used to see no pattern whatsoever, but within the last year or so, my dreams really seem to be me sorting out important and minute things in my daily life, mix and match, and they make more sense... Even if the settings/people/random objects/and tasks I have to do make no sense, there's uaually a theme I recognize and understand what my brain may be doing.
  9. happy birthday to the king of WIP forum
  10. Too bad you dudes don't play useast classic ladder, my ex boyfriend is a big troll around there, he troll ya good.
  11. Agreed, not only that, I really think that in this day and age, there are SO MANY YOUNG JOHN WILLIAMS out there and that however cool John William's music is, there's still plenty of other people that, if they couldn't do better, could have at least done as well as he, given the opportunities, connections, luck, and talent he had. That's not to say he didn't work his ass off, as many composers do... But what makes him special, what sets him apart from everyone else, and who is to say that you are great JUST because you are popular? Especially now? John Williams is an amazing talent, but I just think there are too many people to ever know just how special he REALLY is... But then I guess you have to redefine special... It's what you do and not your talent, what you accomplish, your record, and not your will or the unrecognized things you have to offer... Your fame, right? I think that's what's going on right now, the curtain between god-like fame and fortune is being lifted by the huge over-saturation of artists that want the same thing... But I guess this is only my guess... I could be wrong and we will still have our one in a million idol that EVERYONE knows and respects and wants to be... maybe... Hell though, there are way worse fields that could be taking the hit besides music. If only sports athletes were following the trend of musicians in terms of their over-glorification and pay... Huurrrrrrrrrrr!
  12. Seb <3 Yeah I loved this back in the day, glad it got such a fast post (well, in comparison!) You're so good at combining all elements into a badass whole and your synth selection is always stellar. Plus the damn tick sound! Keep up the great work my Swede friend!
  13. Man I think Sim City 3000 has such a great OST, I <3 it.
  14. http://thepiratebay.org/special/2009epicwinanyhow.php interview webcam thingy up One interesting thing is they've just been "convicted" yet he doesn't seem phased, just annoyed.
  15. It means "We are morons but we are gonna call you all stupid because you were smart enough to call us on our bullshit?" ???
  16. honey in tea also drink lots of water and hydrate yourself
  17. Yeah it is still accurate AFAIK, and yes it's only for the first three DQ games.
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