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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. It's not historically accurate. They took a lot of liberties with the spycraft angle and some serious character embellishments.

    But it's not really meant to be completely accurate. It's a docu-drama. Pretty good, overall.

    ALTHOUGH... I do hate the scene where they reveal the GameBoy to Henk Rogers, and the screen is easily viewable. And then he slightly re-programs a Soviet PC version on a floppy, on a much more modern PC, using C... to convert it into a GameBoy game without doing any sprites or anything else.

    I know, I know... movie bullshit to make the story go down easier.

  2. I'm currently in an argument with several friends over how I hold my mouse.

    They all say they use only two fingers on top of the mouse, and hold their ring finger on the side along with their pinky.

    I put my index on mouse left, middle over the wheel, and ring over mouse right button.

    I am now being called a monster and have been "doing it wrong" since I was about 8 years old. (For reference, I'm over 40 now).

    So, what the fuck? How do you other people hold your mouse?

  3. One school of thought is that is you have to ask, you have your answer.

    Another school is that you already answered yourself by joining.

    But it's summer, and school is out. :grin:

    Yeah, sure. Lots of talent pooled here, it's mostly just finding people that are free to collab and willing to invest the time. Just make sure anything you want to do is interesting and original.

  4. All the worry about exclusives to XBox, like that wasn't already a thing.

    Meanwhile, any Nintendo fan has been dealing with that for about 40 years now (Famicom in 1983).

    And I agree with the idea of "buy the system that has the games you want" because... that's how it's always been. There was never any reason for buying a console because it was made by a certain manufacturer. You bought that system because it had the games you wanted on it.

  5. https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-activision-blizzard-buy-acquisition-acquired

    And Bobby Kotick gets to stay in charge! Win-Win for everyone!

    Except for all the staff that will be laid off for "financial stability".

    And the fans that will now se their favorite games become X-Box exclusive, after how many years of being multi-platform.

    And all the people that Kotick accuse of all the nasty stuff he allowed and personally did, as he now gets a cut of that buyout, making him even richer.

    But still! WIN-WIN!

  6. Because this site is about remixing video game music? ;-)

    There are lots of anime remixes out there (Platina Jazz Anime Standards being the best. Fight me), it just isn't as big as video game remixing. I think that's because until probably around 2000 or so, anime was still mostly a Japan thing, as anime didn't start becoming more accessible and mainstream outside of Japan until then. Yes, I know lots of shows were localized around the world like AstroBoy and Saint Seiya, etc, but I'm not really counting those because... they weren't really identifiable as "anime" at the time, and were usually heavily edited and dubbed in the local language. I'm referring to Japanese audio, uncut and unlocalized stuff here..

    So you have less exposure and knowledge of anime in general in a global sense, which compounds nicely with less exposure to anime music as well.

    Meanwhile, North America and Europe were exposed to video games with actual music in them from the mid 80s and on, and it grew in popularity and appeal, so more and more people were getting more and more of it stuck in their heads.

    It's a simple matter of exposure and scale compared to anime music. Then factor in that to organize and maintain a site for discussing, making and hosting all those remixes would require a lot of time money and effort. Think about how many remixes and remixers OCR has to deal with. Not do all that again for another type of remix community. OCRemix has been around for what... 20 years or so now? Feels like 20 years. You would have to do so much work to make an anime version of it, just to eve catch up.

  7. I reaaaally hope US customs didn't freak out for some reason and throw out/return what I sent... because that parcel was sent out three weeks ago and I haven't heard if the recipient has gotten it or not yet.

    Though, someone did start gutting the postal service down there, and combine that with the x-mas rush and the covid thing forcing everyone to send stuff instead of visiting in person... it might be sometime in January when it actually arrives.

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