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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Update on the site. They added a six digit number on the left of the clock, and it's counting down. It's in second, so at the time of this post (354600-ish), it comes out to 5910 minutes, or98.5 hours, or 4.1 days. I think that's when the site starts displaying new pics or details, making it even more official than it already is.
  2. Mold Breaker allows moves that would be blocked by Abilities to work. Things like Clear Body, which stop Intimate, Scary Face and the like, now work. http://www.smogon.com/dp/abilities/mold_breaker Are you sure it's shiny? The male and female sprites are oppositely colored, so make sure. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/450.shtml
  3. Man, he racked CAD over hot coals and then pissed on them with gasoline. I think he has some sort of issue with CAD.
  4. BUT THIS IS MY INTERNET! NOT YOURS! MIIIIIINE! I'm well aware of it, I'm just tired of atma posting.
  5. Oh snap. I say, my good man, you have most certainly been served.
  6. To everyone that's going on and on about having to "buy the same game" again and again. Shut up. If you already own the SNES or even the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger, good for you. Go play it right now, and leave this thread alone. You have it, enjoy it. There are some of us who don't have a copy of Chrono Trigger. We may have had it once, but lost it due to moving or it dying or someone stealing it. Or maybe we only got to play it at someone else's house. Maybe we only ever got to try it on our computers using an emulator. This game is not for you who already own it. This game is for those of us that don't. So fuck off with your "but it's a port", "there's nothing new to it", and "I'm not buying the same game again" crap.
  7. Agreed.Too bad about the winter 2008 date. That means that we can see it in North America sometime around Winter 2015 for all we know. SE likes to quickly regionalize, right?
  8. I'm reading comments on various sites claiming it will be Japan-only. To that, I must say the following: Ahem. Dear Square-Enix of Japan, Should you, for some unfathomable reason, decide to not release the recently unveiled Chrono Trigger for the Nintendo DS to the other regions of the world (notably North America, Europe, Australia and so forth), you may consider your lives forfeit. I will personally arrive at your main office, and once security has been dealt with, I shall render your staff into a paste, not unlike that of antipasto, across the floors, walls and even the ceilings of your building. To make it interesting for myself, I will even fax over my plans and a photo of myself to you the day before, in hopes that you put up some sort of futile defense. After all, if you're not going to release Chrono Trigger for the DS to my part of the world, I will need something to entertain me instead. You have until the end of the week to decide. Choose wisely. Also, stop with the shitty shemale character artwork stuff on your new games. Not everyone likes that uncomfortable feeling they get when they realized they just thought a effeminate man was a pretty woman. Stop that, it's annoying as hell. Thank for your time.
  9. 2008 07 07 0000 = July 7th, 2008, Midnight(?). A week to wait. Or until some enterprising hacker or inside guy leaks more info. Also, I plan to sleep to the clock ticking. Is that... worrisome?
  10. ABOUT TIME. Also, I wonder if it will be redone in 3D or left intact as 2D. EDIT: Fucking excitement...
  11. The game makes you walk around in a listless manner?
  12. Why not tell everyone they can download it for free... here? Post messages on the site or something. Why would they pay money to download something they can get it here for free?
  13. Just you usual Pixar goodness. Carry on.
  14. Honestly? If you're not into link games, just go get a DS already. The cost is higher, but it's new, it plays your GBA games, and you get all those DS games as well. Or are you playing lots of old GameBoy carts on it still? That's the only thing I don't like about the DS.
  15. CONFIRMED: Five kinds of awesome.
  16. Nope, they're moving servers, according to the notice in the upper-right corner. Moving them... to AVOID INTERNATIONAL LAWSUITS! HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA haaaa... wait, it's Russia, they don't have money. Or a court system. Or anything at all.
  17. Not mine, but Amazon is currently having some big Nintendo titles sale right now. Every two hours, it changes, so if you want it, go now. http://www.amazon.com/gp/goldbox/ref=cs_top_nav_gb27 There are descriptions on each sell before they happen, so you can figure out what titles there are. Or just check out kotaku, joystiq, etc...
  18. Gee, thanks a lot. I had gone about two years without thinking about that movie, and you just had to bring it up. Thanks for ruining two years of relative happiness.
  19. I'm pretty sure that that's breaking, like, a hundred different laws and at least eight kinds of courtesies to fellow musicians.
  20. Like how it's going to be a WiiWare game? That's about three kinds of awesome right there. A fourth kind of awesome is how they're making old 8-bit NES style graphic, sound and music.
  21. Good god, could the plant/spammer be anymore obvious? 1. "moviefan1180" is hardly subtle. 2. You just joined today. The movie comes out tomorrow. Not the greatest evidence, but come on... 3. Your first and only post is to a site that gives the film a rather glowing opinion of it. 4. Not really proof, but you fucked up and linked to the wrong article. Nice fail. 5. Wanted is a Universal Studios flick, which, get this, is part of General Electric. Yes, that General Electric. They also have a division that handles websites, and guess who was setup by GE? televisionwithoutpity, that's who. Go away, advertising plant. We know how you work, and you've been called out. Tell your bosses that OCR isn't falling for this shit, and to make a memo about it.
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