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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I mentioned this to Zircon already, but seeing as how it hasn't been fixed yet... In the Pokémon Remix Project (we'll have a proper title soon) thread in Site Projects, I can not post a new message. I can access the board and the thread. I can edit my previous posts in the thread. I can make new posts in other threads on Site Projects. But not in my own thread. When I try to make a new post, I get his message: If there was some sort of account issue, then I shouldn't be able to post in other parts, or at all. If it was an access issue, the same would be true. It's sort of bad when the person running the project can't post in it, don't you think? Thanks in advance.
  2. This. Anyone that is currently running a project knows that there is a some competition for exposure now. Every time another project is started, it means that the previous ones get less attention. Before, this was a matter of months (or even a year) between each one, so each album had lots of time for people to work on it. But now, we have so many going, that remixers are being stretched thin. I've had a couple people drop out over the last year because they didn't have the time. It's not just a matter or resources, either; it's also about the spotlight. I don't want my project to knocked out of the way for the next one to soon, and neither does the guy that ran the last project when mine is done. There simply isn't enough room for all of us. So let's just cool it for a while with all the projects. Let's finish the ones we have already before starting some more, please. Oh, and I just hope that the FF7 one doesn't completely overshadow everyone else.
  3. I would have figured that with the advent of the internet and digital formats, all music was electronic these days.
  4. I thought there was a rule about bringing up other consoles in console-specific threads (to avoid fanboy fights). And to see a mod doing it... shameful, it is.
  5. Hell, I only got a handful of chances to play NES games (rented them on birthdays, played at other kids houses...), and it wasn't until I got into emulation around 1998 that I really got to experience the system. So it's not a matter of age, it's just a matter of exposure.
  6. Uhm... this is so old, that I can't even think of a joke comment to tell you so. This has been in magazines and papers since early last year. Hell, it was covered by Readers Digest, for fucks sake.
  7. Is it funny or scary that Microsoft's rootkit removal system crashes and fails when I try to run it? I mean, it goes straight from the icon to the error reporting window. Nothing opens up. It just goes straight to error reporting. Now, either MS's own rootkit software is fucked up, or I have said rootkit, and it's preventing me from running any software that would let me find and remove it.
  8. What? What? Sony rootkit? On my computer? Great. Just fucking great. I'm so glad that this was mentioned in the End User Agreement. Now I'm going to have to look for it and find it, then try to remove it somehow. I want links, Bahamut. I want some proof before I completely freak out.
  9. Is whatfruit going to be the new awesomeman500? 'Cause if he is... this is going to be great.
  10. Mainstream media not getting the point? I am shocked. Utterly shocked, I say.
  11. Graphics graphics graphics, blah blah blah... I'd rather have a handful of really good games than a bunch of pretty ones. So far, only Twilight Princess has done that. I'm not saying I regret getting a Wii. On the contrary; it was the first time I stood in line at launch for a system, and there have been some genuine fun times with it. I just wish that they would come out with more stuff of that caliber.
  12. Yeah, that falls outside of parody at that point. I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would have issue with this.
  13. Wii has officially outsold the 360. Not by much, but it did it in less than a year. http://kotaku.com/gaming/retailed/wii-passes-xbox-360-in-worldwide-sales-292442.php Wow. So much for being a fad, huh? I guess this means, with such a large user base and a high sales rate, that the Wii is going to be around for a while. Which in turn, means that more developers are going to see potential sales, which means more games for us. Yay!
  14. I gotta buy a classic controller. The button layout on a Wavebird just isn't right for SNES games. I need the four buttons laid out in a diamond, not a... triangle-like shape.
  15. Actually, coboltstarfire already traded with me. But, I still have lots of starters for anyone that wants one. All eggs, too, so they get your trainer name and number. We need to turn the Pokémon D/P thread into a trading list.
  16. The download from Gamestop (I think that's it... might be another name) is going at 200 to 300 k/sec. I ditched the torrent.
  17. Uhg... 9.5 k/sec. Where are you guys getting these 100k/sec and up speeds? You gotta be kidding me. By the time it's finished, the full version will be out and several mods will have been made.
  18. I think this is the same one he submitted to the Pokémon project. I don't remember if majeliss still worked on it after then, because the link on our forum is also dead. If it is, then I think it might do well here. It was good enough to warrant majeliss' inclusion to the project. Speaking of, are you still in or what, majeliss? Long time, no hear from.
  19. Yeah, that's the one I got. I'm going at 1.8 k/sec. 1.2% and climbing!
  20. 1. I don't think they could use fair use. It's not being used to mock or satirize something. It's being used to associate their game with that of Nintendo's. Everything about the game says (hey, look how much like Nintendo this is!" 2. I'd take that, but a lawsuit would be great. Personal wishing? Yes. But I'd still like to see it happen. 3. The fact that PETA is using Nintendo's character as enticement to draw attention towards their game sounds like something a company would take offense with. It would be like if someone used OCR's work to draw people towards their site.
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