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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Shut up, that was posted from my phone. I didn't catch it before it went through.
  2. No, it isn't. This is just a variation on the "what are you listening too?" thread.
  3. Uh... yes. It's a show about build-up, and then it delivers. If it's not interesting to you after 5 episodes, then I guess you won't enjoy it at all, then. No biggie. Carry on.
  4. Such a feature would ost likely have to go through some sort of human review. Mostly because otherwise, we would see lots of questionable avatar pics. But aside from that, I wouldn't mind personal ones as well. As it is, I understand, only admin, staff and some project/album people get to have personal ones.
  5. While in Calgary, after our failed attempt to get into the Expo without weekend passes that were pre-paid weeks in advance, we went to a Goodwill store. There, in the toy section, was this: The plush stump is from an older Totoro set I got back in 199X or 200X. Not really sure any more. But the Treecko is free of smells, stains, rips, missing labels, seams and limbs. It was a golden nugget in a sea of crap. I promtply threw it at my friends while saying "Use Tackle!", alternating with "Treecko, tree tree, treecko!" and "But if we kill them, how will we get back to Edmonton?" "Treecko!" "Ahh, good point. Their bodies would make a good raft". I am no longer allowed in that Goodwill store. Also, something like, $500 in Lego from the Lego store there. Two Avengers Lego sets and that big Imperial Shuttle set that is like 10000 pieces and weighs about ten pounds. So yeah, I got myself some good stuff. NO ONE ELSE WILL.
  6. Incidentally, I'm currently playing through my old Ruby cart, and I actually did choose Mudkip as my starter. It's a over-leveled Swampert now. It seems to like eating opponents. Stop reading my mind. It's becoming creepy and a little unsettling. I'll get a psychic restraining order out against you if I have to. Fixed. But thanks any way.
  7. Yes, yes, yes, this all well and good, but there's a far more important matter at hand! Can the Vita emulate NES and GameBoy games?
  8. Well, this explains everything. Good to know.
  9. Mysterious Girlfriend X being made into anime. I like the manga, but it's dragged on a lot lately. Maybe the anime will pick things up again. I've also read Tasogare Otome x Amnesia some time ago, so that could be a good transfer from paper to video. Eureka Seven Ao... not sure about that one. I liked Eureka Seven, but that was some time ago. Could a sequel series be any where near as good?
  10. GSC Kanto says hi. In fact, let's take the two versions in the original games, and just compare them a bit. Original Kanto (RBY) and GSC Kanto. Those are large-scale sprite maps from the games, so you can really see what changed. Hell, even the updated versions from Fire and Leaf to Heart Gold and Soul Silver are pretty impressive in what changed. Most obvious,of course, is Cinnibar Island. It's a smoldering crater a few years later.
  11. New Gym Leaders is kind of unexpected. Even if it's only the two, that's different. I mean, yeah, we had Juan replacing Wallace in Emerald, but that was such a minor change. The male Leader seems to be a Water-type user, which isn't found in the Unovan League (other than Cress from Striaton City, but that's only a third of the time, and not the gym specialty). The rocker girl is cool/odd enough to warrant interest. She's ever-so slightly bleh in design, but the fact that it's a 10-year old punk(?) rocker with a big-ass guitar makes up for it. Will we see other new Gym Leaders. maybe even E4? Will any of the replaced ones reappear later in the game, even in simple cameros?
  12. Needs more 12-year-old girl with long legs and panties showing. Then it's a kids game again.
  13. Hey! I already called that, so you can't use it. Didn't you read the User Agreement?
  14. So, Japanese release dates are set. June 23rd. That's only two and a half months away. Holy shit, I never really thought about how soon this will be out. It better not suck. (insert posts about how games will suck because it's always the same thing, new pokes are ugly, no new ideas, etc)
  15. 5 bucks says we see the whole "New 52" thing reset again to be the old universe that it was supposed to replace. I mean, it just comes off as a temporary thing, and they'll hand-wave it away, and go back to how things were before.
  16. Hoenn in BW2? Nope, Toshinobu Matsumiya. That would be the lead scenario designer for Black and White, as well as Black and White 2. He also worked on the majority of the series since gen 1. The "ruby" and "sapphire" mentioned in the tweet refer to the logos on the box art. Some people have been saying that the red and blue gems in the logos are hints that the games will involve Hoenn somehow. Considering that the only real time we've had hints in games about future games was in Diamond and Pearl, this kind of makes sense, but is also a single example, which is hardly enough to base a pattern on. So, I guess that means no Hoenn in BW2, but that doesn't rule out a remake still.
  17. Cool. Bass is never wrong. Unlike that Mega Man jerk...
  18. Regarding that file, it's almost exact the same as this one: http://www.zophar.net/music/gbs/pokemon-blue.html

    Slightly different background noise. That's it. Play that and add in a slight buzz/pop effect, a lot lower than the main notes. There you have it.

    And I'm glad someone else doesn't believe it. It's like trying to tell people that Obama isn't really a Muslim, or that eating pop rocks and cola isn't going to make your stomach explode, or any of the other stupid things people believe. It seems pointless, but if you can get one more person to think about it, it's worthwhile.

  19. From the Japanese Green ROM. This would be the pure version without any effects like reverb, fading or anything else added onto it (like on YouTube) or even the soundtrack CD they released for it back in 1996 (seriously, the CD had reverb on all the tracks. WTF?) I sincerely hope you're not talking about that bullshit Lavender Town Theme suicide thing. That's so fucking fake, I can't believe anyone on this site would believe that. If you do, I will have to ask you to hand in your OCR card, as per section 24 of the OCR User Membership Requirements you agreed to when you signed-up.
  20. They find them in a cave, so they weren't intended to be used for the trade system. I know it's a reference to Ruby and Sapphire. As I said, it's a shaky connection.
  21. Supposedly, the Ruby and Sapphire items you find in the Sevii Islands are supposed to be related to the Red and Blue Orbs from Mt. Pyre in Hoenn (some speculate that after Kyogre and Groudon are dispatched by Rayquaza, the orbs were damaged or altered into the Plates). It's a stretch, I know, but it's the only link between these items. Since the Orbs are intact in RS, they should be the first form of the two. I vaguely recall a character in FR/LG hinting about one of the events in RS, but it's been a while since I've really played it. I would have to confirm it with a text-dump. I think it was one of the Fame Checker dialogues. Like I said, it's not written in stone, but there are some minor hints pointing towards RS taking place first. There is a somewhat detailed timeline of the games on bulbapedia, though. Until Game Freak releases an art book with a fully comprehensive (and totally official) timeline, it's all merely deduction and speculation. You shut your whore mouth. Stunfisk is cool.
  22. The eagle screeches are a little over-used. I'd drop one of them, like the one at the end. It's a rather straight composition. It needs a bit more "western" flavor. I'd suggest hitting up as much old and modern western music as you can find. The actual playing is fine, but the composition is just... kind of flat. It doesn't really feel western at all. It's got a guitar, yeah, but that doesn't make it western. It needs more of that very distictive western movie soundtrack feel to it.
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