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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I just realized that OCR's trance has never entranced me.
  2. I still remember when you transformed a potentially OCR-worthy Zelda 64 mix into unintelligible trance rubbish. That collab was doomed from the start.
  3. Actually I tried using my mixing headphones as a mic, since they cancel out noise. Unfortunately the recording had a ton of hiss, and I tried filtering it out with software, but it got worse. Then I added reverb, and a strange thing happened -- it became brilliant! "Swayer" (demo) Man, I could make a whole album with this sound...
  4. I'd wager the keys can't be smaller than these, which I'm using currently: Course, Rhythmic 2 has no velocity detection or MIDI interfacing or anything like that, so the Prodikeys would be an obvious improvement.
  5. I was planning to get a typing keyboard when I found about this keyboard/keyboard hybrid thing: Should I get it? What do you think?
  6. I think I'll write something set in one of my authored universes. That's still okay with the rules, right?
  7. I thought "breakdance" was a style of dancing...
  8. Heh, I like it. The recording has a nice studio-acoustic sound. EDIT: It might be a cool idea to take the mellower style at the end, extend it to fit the main theme, and use it as a mid-song break.
  9. Heck, it feels like Syd Barrett died only yesterday. This is all happening too quick, man.
  10. ...unless you're referring the literal minimum of a entry, which is kind of an odd thing to ask.
  11. The magic instrument must have put a jinx on the thread.
  12. Give me frog coins, give me ice bombs, give me fright bombs, give me mushrooms...
  13. Apparently Quentin Tarantino saw what Spielberg was doing and said "Hey, let me get some of that Wii action, too."
  14. I have no particular comments for this first track as of yet, but I nevertheless wish you hope and success for this project. Now if someone would pass on similar words of encouragement to a certain other remix project... *nudge nudge*
  15. That's such a silly way to promote music...
  16. I have got to incorporate MacFarlane's "da-da-da, da-da daladala" starman theme into a mix somehow.
  17. I'll admit that I laughed when I read this. Not that I totally agree with it or am less lazy -- though actually I think in my case it has to do with lack of focus rather than laziness (my attention can be easily diverted) and... what was I saying?
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