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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. I've been rented that Fire Emblem about a week ago, and it's pretty addicting. Definitely one of the more underrated Wii titles, probably because it doesn't take advantage of the pointing and motion sensing controls.
  2. Oh man. I know what you mean. Every year, my family is up at something like 7am... I can't do that. Not even for Christmas. But I got my own apartment in June, and I was able to sleep until 10am this morning. It was awesome. They still let themselves in to wake me up, but at least it wasn't so early.
  3. I don't know what to say...
  4. I need to update my info on there. I've actually gotten a few good wireless games since then. This was a rather amusing year for presents at my house... "The Totally Interactive Band Bible"... looks pretty extensive, probably has some useful info in it. "The Complete Bible Experience"... lol lots of Bibles this year. This one is a dramatic reading by the likes of Denzel Washington, Sam Jackson, and a lot of other cool black people. "Sansa Clip" 2GB Mp3 Player... kinda looks like an iPod mini. An Optimus Prime Voice Changer/Helmet... It doesn't cover my whole face, and it looks pretty funny. I'll try to post pictures later if anyone wants to see Optimus Prime with a beard. Animaniacs, Vol. 3... My collection is now complete! Now on to Pinky and the Brain, Vol. 1! The usual apparel items... including a very cool looking black t-shirt with a Raven holding a pair of mixing headphones. A pocket knife with artwork of a big mouth bass on it... wtf??? Stuff I bought for my brother, but I'll probably end up using as well.. yeah, I'm that guy. A bag of Goldfish... mmmm, Tasty.
  5. Man... it's only 8pm Christmas Eve here. Lucky dog.
  6. Well it's 11:51 GMT time. Santa's probably already started making his rounds, so I say it's close enough.
  7. There. I said it. Now leave me alone.
  8. I agree. Maybe this way I can actually still finish my track. Good stuff, by the way. I'm liking everything I'm hearing so far.
  9. Sweet. I'm a huge fan of anything and everything cyberpunk. Downloading now. Awesome cover art, by the way. EDIT: Spoon! Haha.
  10. Those are strangely cool. What exactly are they?
  11. 4 ur brthday i made u a wip. it is hevily inspird by u darksord but i made it all by miself. i sware. hear it is let me no wut u think. hapy brthday lolz
  12. Look. I'm not worried about the video games. I'm not worried about people stopping me from playing them. I could care less what the media says about them. But to think that the media repeatedly uses tragedies like this to fuel their crusade... To think that they would riddle a heartbreaking article with their editorial propaganda... it makes me sick. Whether they're doing it to needlessly spark controversy or they legitimately believe that video games are the cause of these crimes, Jack Thompson, CNN, FOX, AP, Reuters, and whoever else is involved in the anti-videogame crusade are a bunch of asshats with no sense of tact whatsoever. I really don't care if you want to spread the word that video games are evil... but a 7-year-old girl just got beaten to death. Show some fucking respect.
  13. QFE. The problem with the Mila Jovionavich movies were that they they took all of the rich background and lore of the Resident Evil series... and threw it right out the window so we could have yet another action-packed zombiefest. I could see someone arguing that they were entertaining movies in their own right (although I'd have to respectfully disagree), but they were NOT Resident Evil movies. I really hope this will change that trend. I love Resident Evil, and it deserves a good film adaptation.
  14. Eh. I'm skeptical, but it looks like it could have potential. I liked what I saw in the trailer, but who knows how a feature length film will play out. I'm glad the Wachowski's are making it though. If anyone's going to do Speed Racer right, it's going to be them. This looks like another movie I'm going to have to see before I can pass judgment on.
  15. Well, I hate to do this to everyone, but unless some serious inspiration hits me by Thursday, I don't think I'm going to be able to finish this. After posting my first WIP, I got another nasty case of writer's block. Every time I try to improve upon it and expand it, the song winds up sounding like crap. Sorry.
  16. Well, he's definitely got the laugh down. The closest thing we got to representing his insanity was at the end, where he just stands there in front of the Batcycle (or Batpod according to Wikipedia) and Batman has to dodge to keep from running him over (which was probably my favorite part of the trailer). Personally, while I've only read some of the comics, I've always preferred the more realistic, evil, bat-shit-fucking-insane (pun not intended) Joker. I think I'm going to have to wait and see the movie before I make my call on this one. Ledger's acting seemed decent enough, but you can't really judge an entire character based on a trailer. Anyhoo, he couldn't be any worse than Jack Nicholson.
  17. I'd put a Llamaworm/OddLlama in my sig.
  18. dodedodedo... fixed.
  19. Yes. Plagiarism is morally wrong, and it's probably the worst form of copyright infringement possible.
  20. So is the "Metroid Rap" an OCRemoved? I did a search for "Urban Epidemic" and "djbritt" and I can't find mention of either of them anywhere on OCR. That song is catchy as dubs.
  21. Reason 4.0 and a Mac Powerbook or G4/5 would be nice (Windows is just not made for music creation.) Studio monitors and some live recording equipment would be nice too.
  22. Hmm. Never heard of it, but I'll check it out. I'm not a big fan of mainstream anime myself. Most of the stuff I've actually enjoy is the slightly more obscure, thought provoking ones like Gunslinger Girl.
  23. Yeah, just saw that. Weird. I searched the forums for a thread like that before I posted, and I got nothing. Mods, feel free to lock/delete.
  24. Bump, because I'm more important than you.
  25. My parents asked me to put together a Christmas wish list of stuff under $100. I couldn't think of anything. Then I thought, "VIDEO GAMES!" Except I've been kinda out of the gaming loop for a while and I have no idea what's good and what's not. So I figger'd I'd head on over to find out what my pals at good ol' OverClocked had to suggest. I pretty much like everything (except for sports games) as long as it's well made, though I tend to prefer action-adventure games and anything with a strong storyline. I've discovered the addictiveness of KOTOR, Seiken Densetsu 3, and other "multi-path"/"replayable" type-games lately, and I've been trying to get into RPGs (though I haven't found one truly worthy of my time since the SNES, barring KOTOR.) I'm not really a hardcore gamer, so if a game isn't totally-wicked-awesome, chances are I'll never finish it. Systems I own: GBC, GBA, DS, NES, Super NES, GameCube, Wii, PS2, XBOX, Crappy laptop that can run games from '02 at moderate resolution. (Should I consider putting some older used systems on my list?)
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