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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. One of my all time favourite source tunes... at least in terms of character... which you gave a completely new and unexpected face. Love the quality of the leads, adore the speedy ending and 'choruses' you could call them. Not exactly perfect... but I'll let everyone else gripe about that. My ideal genre, a great track, and after listening to all the OCRs that were 1600+, this is in my top 3 no question.
  2. Wow. Great concept. I hope to keep up to date with this material. Best of luck guys.
  3. I rarely think about my age now that I actually think about it... I think about my health, my work, my hobbies, my friends, my food etc... but when it comes to games I usually just think about gamer new technology/releases, and retro culture. What makes me feel old is release dates: Earthbound will have been released in North America 13 years ago this June. 13. A human 13 year old is getting ready for high school.
  4. OOOOOHHHHhh.... FOUR no's... I get it.
  5. I have a strong belief that one's character is tied closely to the music they make, and that one's expressions on their instrument of choice are extensions of themselves. I do not believe I ever exchanged words with Reuben, online or otherwise, but when I hear his music I believe, at least in one respect, that I knew who he was. Around this community, we can often become nameless, faceless, people. It's easy to become 'the guy who did this remix' or 'the pianist who played that'. In the end we can become lines on people's playlists or tracks on people's mix cds... but regardless of that slip into obscurity, we become our art. In this way, know that Reuben's sentimental music touched my heart long before I tied a name to his tracks, and he will continue to do this worldwide both now & forever. You should be very very proud.
  6. Well this sucks plenty, I never talked to him online or otherwise but his music is/was great. I am similarly listening to his ocremixes right now, it's only appropriate. Yes, absolutely, I agree with the tribute idea. While it might be more ideal if we had footage of the actual person Reuben Kee for a video or what have you that ISN'T something we really have access to right? If it was to happen as BGC suggested, with game footage and reviews the words said should make up the bulk of it, with with on black text. It would just bug me to see Ryo punching someone or Snake stabbing someone in the montage. Perhaps for Street Fighter there could just be pans over character/scene artwork. Fortunately the other games are all gorgeous enough to offer an assortment of footage options. In any case, if someone volunteers to take on the creative aspects for us I will pitch in financially absolutely. A lump sum would not hurt.
  7. My roommate picked it up. I'm only in a good hour or two but I've been watching him play too. Fan-friggin-tastic. He clocked in 10+ hours yesterday. The music definitely took a unique turn and is, in my opinion, from what I've heard, the best mario soundtrack to date. Why does Luigi always have to be such a whiny useless twat?
  8. Heh, sorry about the delay... and for not voting, I'm a pretty busy guy lately. Doing that picture literally took the whole 2 months of my off time. Anyway, I live with gamers, so, I will confirm with roommates and get back to you later tonight. Glad it was liked.
  9. http://lukewilliams.org/Audio/ringtones.htm Need to post more sometime.
  10. Not entirely pretty but nothing I regret. 100% free to download and share with anyone. I think most people here will be able to enjoy some aspects of it; there's all kinds of gaming & pop samples, fun ideas, sonic bravery, and as usual with me, a touch of humour. It was a lot of fun to record too. Enjoy.
  11. I thought this was a fairly unknown game. Glad to see that isn't the case... cause it's very badass. I'm probably gonna make sure it gets downloaded on our house's VC very soon. ... BTW; what happened to mother 2 coming out for VC? I thought that was like a guarantee.
  12. Indeed. This thread's content is only half as awesome as it's title. Aptly done sir.
  13. This is what I'm stuck with as well. Gets the job done.
  14. This is good news to me djp; I like seeing unity around here. Just cause remixers can get pretentious and political sometimes doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to push our mission of vg music re-interpretation. I wouldn't want this site's responsibilities on MY shoulders for all the money in the world but I'll defend and support it with all I've got.
  15. Right. So 2. Awesome. I think I'm gonna go have a hot pocket.
  16. I believe I have exactly what you're looking for. Don't thank me, thank Hoch Weber. http://www.hochweber.ch/guitar.htm ^^^ I learned about 98% of a song I downloaded and printed here but strangely enough I can't seem to find it in his list now. Maybe you can under a different name, it's Moonrise in the PDF, might grace intermediate. Best of luck; although I don't do as much with it as I'd like, I wouldn't trade my classical guitar training for the world.
  17. OK; I'm getting a lot more stability and routine in my life these days... I would bring back the competition if I had... potentially... more interest than before. Say 10 users or so who would be willing to contribute media. DIFFERENT media. Videos, flash, songs, skits, webcomics... I want to see a range every time here. Oh, and I'd do it right too... with a site for archiving if someone would spare the time for designing it more me... storage isn't an issue for me. So my question is, if I brought back FunnyHaHa, would you participate and/or enjoy my authoritah? friendly; kindly rename the title thread would you darling?
  18. Brilliant. A brave man and showing a great amount of determination... it's cool that he's almost there too.
  19. A very very wide arrangement. The kind of piece that reminds me that talented pianists just have all out different brains than the rest of us. I can't even fully wrap my mind around some of these chords and harmonies let alone even attempt to play them all SIMULTANEOUSLY with only TWO hands. Yeah, the full presentation, on a scale from 1 to 'kick ass' gets a 'very kick ass'. Very very very impressive.
  20. The 3 note run on the clarinet that is heard throughout this piece is gorgeous. It really brings out the mood of the piece.
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