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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I see. That is kind of a cool idea. Winner picks the next source? It would be fun to screw people into some 8+ channel song. I kinda would prefer a theme instead of a particular song... cause then it's just a matter of who did this song the best; where as if you just picked a game, and maybe even assigned people to different tracks, it could be an ongoing collaboration thing. VG Chipdisk releases anyone?
  2. Well I remember famitracker frustrating me with it's lack of... either sound texture control or... maybe it was I couldn't get it to export... or playback... or... anyway... I'll d/l it again now in the interest of not being retarded. Also, what I meant by dod style was would the competition be like: okay you have one month and everyone has to remix a kirby game, or a capcom game, or a game from FF4... or would it be more like any song will do so long as it's from a video game. And is this strictly a non-re-interpretive project, just cover work? Cause it's cool either way... I wouldn't mind more 8-bit covers of my favourite songs. Overcoat's Cruel Angel's Thesis was one of the coolest 8-bit pieces I've ever heard. EDIT: Well that backfired. In the interest of getting Famitracker to work I subsequently broke my midi devices and don't know how to fix them. Now I'm just pissed.
  3. /Voted. Nice cover too. So if you guys advance will this be the first time a vg cover band gets tv coverage?
  4. Well I'm not UNinterested. I made a few chiptunes before but they always sorta sucked. I'd love to learn to use this madtracker2 I picked up a while ago but I've always just used vsts in FL. Famitracker never did it for me. If someone would put together a quick tutorial on the most ideal and simplest way to get the nes sound I'd be down. So what would it be, like, dod style theme for each competition? Game soundtracks? Anything goes?
  5. Man, if I organized the formatting of the ocremixes something like this would piss the HELL out of me. Nice catch dude.
  6. I thought that just meant it was a Wednesday.
  7. good ole doulifee. One man's passion for archiving is another man's nostalgic delight.
  8. This is indeed a bad-ass mother of a track. I knew the Follin Bros deliver, but their nes stuff is possibly even better than their post nes stuff. I'll be dling the whole soundtrack soon.
  9. What a fruitful discussion. Anyway, I was thrilled to hear the OneUps were gonna be playing the event. I'm not gonna be able to make it out but I'd love to hear stories and see footage or pictures. Sweet gig for Mustin too.
  10. 20 was my favourite, bell carol. A mathematical understanding of music is probably the most powerful tool in creating the most beautiful patterns within it. Autechre and Boards of Canada, and some similar mathematically conscious artists make some amazing stuff just by better understanding how synthesized sounds work. If there was a course in musical mathematics readily at my disposal I would take it in a heartbeat. Similarly, one of my previously favoured musical programs, Audiomulch, had this really cool demo file called the Perfect Fifth Drone. I won't pretend to understand how it works, I just know it fucking floored me when I first heard it. Still does every time. It's something ridiculously simple too, like some sine wave tones just phasing around with a perfect fifth interval with a touch of delay. I saved the file. Check it out.
  11. Blubberman from Captain Novolin. You run past him and duck and he kills himself with his three bolts of his own electricity.
  12. I have been keeping up with mother3.org, an english patch for the mother 3 rom, for some time now. While I'm pleased to hear this new mother related news, as I discussed with my roommate last night, there is a potential problem in it for me: I'll be getting my hands on Mother 3 one way or another... but if Nintendo decides they're going to release an english version, and the organizers of this patch cease their efforts, I'm going to have to wait until Mother 3 actually GETS released here. ... ...which is bad considering I'm still waiting for Earthbound 64. If you're not excited for Mother 3 yet, here's a good reason to get excited:
  13. I would love to join you guys again. Konami is nice and broad too.
  14. One of my all time favourite lesser known artists is this guy Dev Null. My favourite song of his is a wip titled Tarantula Funk Beats for something more complete by him check out his fast, epic, and unfortunately titled Symphonies Of Suckness His titlebar includes a great new genre title: Necrobestial Sadobreaks. But if I had to pick a favourite IDM(ish) artist my mind always shoots straight to Venetian Snares. Some of his material and remixes are just so damn cool.
  15. Love squarepusher. Nothing tops go plastic though. Boneville Occident is one of my ringtones.
  16. I say that when it gets released we should have another news item so Jake could go up there along side Beatdrop. I'll be picking up Contra 4 for sure now (or making sure one of my roomies does).
  17. Definitely check out the Nobunaga's Ambition series as well... I was introduced to it in this very requests section around 2 years ago and it's remained one of my favourites ever since; Yoko Kanno, the same composer who worked on anime soundtracks like Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell and also the previously mentioned Uncharted Waters games.
  18. Damn it. She better be ok... and her house and possessions too... I rather like that one.
  19. I was just about to say! I totally forgot about it until just now: http://lukewilliams.org/x/Big%20Boss.mp3 It's pretty damn rusty... (distortion on vocals peak a lot, lots of obviously synthetic sounds) and I'm sure the German is horrible, (a friend of mine provided the vocals) but it does develop the groove a little from the original.
  20. Wow... I knew bladiator fails frequently but this is pretty bad.
  21. I'd love to contribute. Pop lyrics seem inevitable with a track like this.
  22. I only managed to tune in to a couple shows... so... I guess my only complaint would be not the live time, but the overall LENGTH of the live time. I can make it to X place at X time to listen to a cool show... but usually not for the full 4 hours. Also; I will not blog for you.
  23. Hey lookatme; I'm Picasso! You uncultured swine! ... Ah what're you lookin at ya hockey puck? Well whatever... I'm not really gonna catch a cab to go check it out for an hour or so and then show up late to the meetup. Plus someone told me recently that Jack's does flare bartending... so I guess that counts for something. MOST IMPORTANTLY though gentlemen... I will be sans internet until Juneish. Skrypnyk has my number if anyone needs me. I'll be at the Jacks for noon on the 5th.
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