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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Ok; A) Creepy that my creation is still spawning threads now. Creepy that you were TOTALLY living on the other side of the planet before. & C) The thread exists about a flash animation that isn't even linked to in this thread? Weak. In any case; funnyhaha has been on my mind a lot lately. I loved the fact that I, and we, actually produced a fair amount of lawls with it. Bladiator even admitted to me recently that his sister loved my 'spoilor' skit and put it on a CD and listens to it frequently... how effed up is that!?
  2. I realized at work tonight that there will never be a better time to use this picture I put together:
  3. Very impressive quality guitar work. Definitely near the top of all accoustic vg cover work I've heard to date. Excellent effort. It paid off.
  4. I was wondering that too... which came first. I'm assuming everyone here is blaming Brittney of ripping off OCR.
  5. Anyone got a youtube link to backup whatever the hell it is you're talking about?
  6. My all time favourite is still SMW2: Yoshi's Island but you'll get plenty of glitch entertainment from any of the sonic, mario, castlevania, and metroid series. Best RPG run I saw was easily Secret Of Evermore. All tool-assisted videos can be found here. Oh, and it might interest you guys to know that a user here, one Upthorn, has contributed some sonic material.
  7. Sorry if no one else cares about this; I started a thread when it broke 16 minutes too... but it's just so cool seeing this game glitched to all hell. The bowser levels are total eye-candy to watch.... and the final fight features mario catching bowser's tail twice when he rebounds off the explosion. Here's the run in question. Pretty got-dam cool.
  8. The imario.com domain name is still for sale... in spanish... who wants it?
  9. Wait... did he even do an eye roll? Is it even really him?
  10. Lord only knows what makes someone wake up in the morning and say to themselves: Locke's Theme... Brass Quintet... of COURSE! Still, regardless, a very nice execution and a very nice mix. Very welcomed and a very excellent theme. It compliments Shnabubula's new mario bros piece on the front page very well.
  11. It really makes you wonder about a few things: a) What kind of douche puts together a list like this and 'releases' it in the first place? How much interest DO VG companies put in public opinions/fandom? If they put as much interest in them as they should they would be working on a sequel to Chrono Trigger right now. (They might be right? Wasn't there some controversy about that?)
  12. Hot damn. This is definitely made of win. I'm not a fan of vshmups but I will definitely give it a shot. Can't wait for the RPG.
  13. It really is a case by case thing. It's not like certain mixes haven't brought on controversy before, and I'm sure more mixes will bring on controversy again.
  14. Time to split hairs eh? I love starting semi-productive discussions. Well the line can't be drawn at games with specifically objective-based games (ie: you achieve tasks to complete the game) because there's already some mario paint remixes no one wants to see leave. Mario Paint isn't much more than a glorified MS Paint and only 1 of the 3 passed mixes is even from the 'game' portion of the game. It's not very different from the Mii software at all; ... and YET... it totally is. No one pays for the Mii software, it's free with the system. Mario Paint is a cartridge, paid for individually, that gets placed in the SNES system. But wait; that still leaves further exceptions. What about the Sonic & Knuckles opening cartridge which, I believe, played a song and showed a special screen when you tried to play a non-compatible game... and didn't gameboy camera have that mother 2 song in it? What about individually purchased browser 'games' for the dreamcast or ds? What about electroplankton and other game-less games? I'm not trying to be a bitch here. I'm not gonna actually be the one to push the envelope here, seeing what 'not-entirely-a-game' remixes would frustrate the panel the most... but the more I think about it the more exceptions I see to this 'what-constitutes-a-gamey-enough-game' issue. Thoughts?
  15. God damn I like this mix. New IDM is always welcomed on OCR by me. Instantly played 3 or 4 times, with many more times coming in the future. A contender for my personal top 10 list. Beautiful execution, great recognizable tune, great percussion, great character... hearing some hints of Telefon Tel Aviv closer to the end... maybe it's just the way the hi-hats shuffle up. Another finer point I enjoyed is the... volume tremelo(?) effect at 3:53. Well suited to an ending and an effect not frequently used. Not that it matters; but you totally, if only subconsciously, ripped the mute beats from 2:18-2:19 off of Ziwtra's Desert Snowstorm. Excellent work guys. Skrypnyk especially, I would love to cross paths with you again, in person or musically.
  16. Sweet Dhsu, much appreciated. But really, is remixing game console software music that much worse than remixing really obscure games or games that weren't even released? Are we catering to the formatting around here more than straight-up VG culture and nostalgia? That Playstation Black Disc mix was removed right? I'll admit that wasn't exactly a shining example... anyway, I'm just playing devil's advocate here.
  17. Pretty good friggin news hun, I do believe I'll be in a good mood all day now.
  18. Sorry if this is an old issue or has been covered, but I was curious if console software related music could/would ever be considered for official ocremix status... Y'know, like the various Wii songs, news channel, weather, mii, shopping channel, etc... I'm not really sure of any other examples other than the wii stuff... but yeah... would there be an issue?
  19. I agree. Minimalism IS good. Also... this song makes me WISH I had an I-Pod. That makes three portability comments in 1 page. Spooky. Fan-freaking tastic Palpable. Stick around. Do 1000 more like it.
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