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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. My only problem with Reason 4 was getting used to the new sequencer after using 2.5 for god knows how long. The thing is fine
  2. David Axelrod - The man is brilliant, Songs of Experience is one of my favorite albums ever made If you haven't heard "This Binary Universe" from BT, you're missing out on some of the best music ever made
  3. I am so excited for this film, it's perfect, everything is cheesy just like the show SHIT WILL BE OFF THA CHARTS
  4. Rap Beef Nigga
  5. Dhsu Dhsu Dhsu Dhsu Dhsu...
  6. What's crackin? Time to put up my fistacuffs
  7. Who's bad? Mazedude is
  8. Dumptrucks for everyone!
  9. Ha, that's an awesome hit animation Dhalsim being back makes me go WHOOOOOO, hopefully we get some more Dan
  10. So I got it and I'm looking at the pictures from the concert in the book, and I go "hey I remember that old dude at the mixing table, he was dancing funny and stuff." I slowly realized that it was a picture from the Berkeley concert and look to see if I'm in the picture. Looks like I got to the concert too late, if I was there a bit earlier I'd be in the picture D: (pg. 2, right in the middle next to the white poll was where I sat/stood) Still good stuff
  11. It'll be four pictures One of Sakurai's face One of Sakurai's face looking in the other direction Sakurai being hit with fire A picture of Captain Falcon standing there saying "Show me your moves!" EDIT: Oh wait it's pokemon, stupid
  12. Slight Spoiler: In this film they do (or so says the script) Well not all of them, not the most dangerous ones
  13. Tony Hawk 3 was Jesus When your job is giving people your opinion, you're in a bomb ready to go off if you don't try to let it please everyone
  14. 0:33 - 0:42 just sounds so damn great to my ears, I would want to build a whole song off of it Keep working with it good sir, I always enjoy your work
  15. Word life, Oswald is one of my favorite characters in a long long time, not to mention Duck King and Mr. Big are back, just beautiful
  16. Terribly saddening, one of my favorites in the whole scene. He'll live on in his music for a long time
  17. Why is the site loading so slow? I can't even get it in my cart or whatever, it just gives me an error D:
  18. One of these days, he'll be the king of pillows
  19. Someone played a dirty trick then
  20. Alive 2007 was leaked on Nov 6th I've been hearing people say they trimed it down and cut some stuff out from the real live show, making me sad, but then again it is Alive 2007 and was awesome
  21. Maybe Sakurai is hinting that playable characters also have their own assist throphies?
  22. This is great, I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about
  23. Mazedude single handedly inspired me to start making music I don't know if this is good or bad, but happy birthday
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