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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. A/D & D/A are by far the best of the runners in this day and age. Dervishes do fit many roles, but they only problem is that they must specialize heavily in the role but are subject to being stripped of their vital enchantments which allow them to replace something like a warrior. I personally enjoy them more as a secondary class so I can play with scythes.
  2. I've never had the pleasure of seeing the OneUps live and I prolly never will.. Anyway, it definitely is good publicity for the band and hopefully a good place to announce Volume 2. =D
  3. I personally found the radar one to be the most intriguing. Closely followed by stereo.
  4. Live - Yes. You are living. Action - Yes. You're randomly fighting or fighting for a clan with a purpose in mind. Role - You are yourself. In a game. As a loner looking for fights or as a clan member. Play - This is a game. So you play your role in real live action. Also, if that wasn't clear: LARP
  5. Does this even work? I mean, on OCR specifically. I'm sure it'd work in most forums, but I'm curious to see if OCR would do this as a whole w/o those who look out for it. Granted, looking out for it is as easy as just looking at the OP.
  6. AFAIK, not through legal means...
  7. Stop provoking him. He'll go off on another "it's not LARPing it's LARPing" rant.
  8. Yes. ____
  9. Not to delve too deeply into this topic, but that's kind of hard to do. It's possible to try and keep the area moist, but with the conditions, that doesn't last long at all. And aren't most of the firefighters and helicopters from other areas? You can't really expect those to always be around if they're not yours. Edit: Also: That's fantastic news. Good to hear it.
  10. But who seriously wants more of that?
  11. Whatever lets you sleep at night, buddy.
  12. It's still LARPing whether you want to justify yourself with a character "history" or not. Edit: Damnit. Beat me to it with the site's explanation. Either way, the point is made.
  13. If I may. This >>>> your current. Also, source? I'm assuming from the artbook, but I don't have access to my files currently so I don't remember. That sig makes me want to work on a Gwendolyn one...'cept the same computer that has my artbook scans also has PS and happens to be dead.
  14. It's a beautiful thing, no?
  15. I wonder how long this one will last...
  16. This is true. What is causing most of this confusion over the manner is that there was a concert where they played fully orchestrated version of SSBM songs.
  17. The...crap I don't know what to call them...we'll go with stepfiles...are more difficult. Bemani definitely has a higher mean streak when it comes to making their stepfiles compared to others.
  18. I like the idea of paragons, don't get me wrong. But, I only see their superiority when there are 6+ in the same group. Let me just tell you now, it's so much fun to do a metagame dungeon run (you know what I mean, right?) with 6 paragons and 2 warriors. Standalone, they don't stand a chance, but that's the point. They're meant to be very supportive and stand in between the front and back lines. I personally like them to be used as secondaries to either rangers or elementalists. I also think this way about dervishes...although their avatar forms are just way too much fun to romp around with.
  19. The original in itself is pretty amazing. The fact there are a bunch of variations just make it incredible.
  20. Whoa there new system for Extra Stage and OMES...err...EES.
  21. Well, I agree with Nintendo on this one. Why do you want to show your entire hand at once? You already have your consumer's attention with showing them a little bit of information each and every day. You have them hooked, they'll keep coming back for more and more information. So why do you want to show them more than you have to? Milk it out. Keep it going until the day you release the game in order to ensure that nobody has the slightest chance of forgetting about the biggest thing that has happened to gaming. Ever. (That last part was in the eyes of Nintendo, not myself.)
  22. This is actually the first I have heard of this comparison. I will definitely look into this further as I enjoyed the first PoP even though I never pursued the series.
  23. Again I pose this question: With these options for multiple control schemes, will support for GCN controllers continue? I understand that the classic controller is meant to overshadow this and eventually take over, but at some point do you think that they will eventually pull the GCN support? I daresay that even MK:Wii is up for the ending point of GCN controller support. Edit: Also, if that wheel isn't giving strong force-feedback (which I doubt if it's a WiiMote attachment, which I'll wager it is), then I'm not too interested. I'd rather it plug into the GCN ports so it can get the energy it needs for some -real- feedback.
  24. Problem is that snaking has always existed since mini turbos always existed. That strategy has also always existed. Though, in DD, the Star+Speed Boost save was a more acceptable means of exploiting items. I loved MK64 at the time, but I could never go back to it like I do time and time again with MKDS and MKDD.
  25. I do think you're right...but I completely forgot myself and was shocked when I saw it...not to mention that I do believe the entire panel thing on G4 was shocked as well over it. At least I remember Morgan commenting on it.
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