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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. Egg propulsion? Sweet. Also, I don't think that pic with DK has anything to do with any move. It looks more like Yoshi is just falling and is clipping through DK.
  2. That game has so much potential. If the ocean you deal with is at the very least the size of LoZ:WW's ocean, then it'll be just fine.
  3. Prophecies just takes so long to level I can't stand it. If I ever want to run through it again I always make a Factions or Nightfall character then just hop on over at Lion's Arch and go from there.
  4. It is fact that this setup is the most fun you'll have with competitive play ever. If you can win a tournament with Mewtwo because you rock at item whoring, then you know at least half of the room is laughing hysterically while your opponent is freaking out because he can't hit you.
  5. They stated the plans to destroy the remaining ex-spheres along with destroying the mines. There are a multitude of possible paths for the story to follow. I wouldn't call it wrapped up at all.
  6. Whoa direct sequel to ToS? I'm sold.
  7. Yea, I know. But it just fits too well. Pit, in my opinion, seemed like a very random character to add to the mix where Metaknight was almost a no-brainer. I just think there'd be another reason that solely to add him because he's Pit.
  8. Wait. Okay. The Halbred looks like it'd be more aptly named "Harbinger" and is tied to MetaKnight. Now think about Pit. Strange that you have the wings of darkness appear complete with its corresponding angel?
  9. All good evil masters have their minions. Knowing that there are good candidates already: Bowser, Master/Crazy Hands, and Ganondorf...but wait! Ridley? I'd be very surprised if this was a little clue thrown in to a potential character and/or boss figure.
  10. Good man. That's a very good first impression to be had of the VC.
  11. That is a good way to petition right there. Since I don't remember posting in here before... I always loved Earthbound, but I never actually finished it more than a couple times because every time I played it I just expected more and more from the gameplay. It looks and sounds like you should be doing more than just issuing commands. The game compels you to want to do more than the simple interactions that were possible back then. I dunno, just feels weird. I would have loved Earthbound to have been a tight platform/adventure/RPG, but it's still more than beautiful in its current state.
  12. No ________
  13. Wait wait. Brandon Chez? It's been a while since I've seen him. (Used to go to high school together and do the whole DDR and play video games together thing.) Edit: Checked more vids. And yea, it's who I thought it was.
  14. To recap: Trophies fighting against each other is SOP. Once one wins, the other is turned back into a trophy. SOP designates that the victor reanimate the fallen so that they may fight another day. Friendship seems to be accepted as long as competition through fighting remains. Breaking the rules could mean anything from preventing reanimation to complete destruction of the trophy.
  15. The computer isn't noteworthy at all in my opinion. They definitely could use a massive update in difficulty and strategy. Edit: Wait...so does that mean you don't play anyone decent?
  16. Now all we need is a version with a start/stop button. Preferably the 210 stereo one! ^___^
  17. Okay. That's really freaking cool.
  18. He's corresponding to the fact of seeing no previous Transformers to only seeing Beast Wars. That's actually quite unfortunate in my opinion. While it's almost a complete standalone storyline, you're catching the tail-end of so much. One more thing I'd like to add: I'm happy this movie didn't turn into a blatant commercial for new toys like its predecessor did. I know times have changed and it worked back then, but I'm just saying the crazy idea crossed my mind at some point.
  19. Slick videos, man. Keep it up. I think we'll like you around here.
  20. I think is mostly due to a false sense of distance. This can be seen not only in situations like this, but within programs like AIM or even these forums. A false sense of closeness is generated in the digital realm. You could be anywhere in the world, and still read this post. Not unlike if you were right next to me as I said this aloud. This is present in WWII games where you "relive" the action. You get to be closer to that scenario than ever before. But what happens when you realize this sense of closeness because it actually did happen close to you either physically or in this current state of mind? You'd be scared. Suddenly you realize that what games and the internet shows you isn't always so far off. That it just may be very real. This all stems from philosophy that my buddy and I bounce back and forth regularly.
  21. As only the Captain can.
  22. A part of me wants this to be true because Samus was my favorite, and Sheik my second to play as. I also don't want this to be true as I really want ZSS to have something even more original to her past the method of transformation. But if you start a side by side comparison, the supposed paralyzer shot would be similar to the daggers. Presumably quick, charge-able and weak. Close range whips. Fast melee attacks combined with a light character. The only difference issue I see regarding this theory is how ZSS Up+B will work. Oh, and obviously down+B since Samus lost both screw attack and bombs.
  23. For Yoshi: Giant eggs replace Up+B. Just like at the end of Yoshi's Story.
  24. Mr. L. aka GREEN THUNDER (and Bro-Bot, of course)
  25. If at all possible, this thread needs a compiled list in the first page for complete awesomeness. That being said, the Gama album near the beginning is sooo goooood. ^___^
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