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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. ohwait...that was a game for the SNES...don't care about this thread anymore
  2. Somehow that name sounds familiar...oh well...you're probably not going to fund much help with only that much info.
  3. That one pic of him chasing Kirby needs the timeless caption "GET IN MA' BELLY!"
  4. I already -kinda- did that. I performed a solo piece for my aunt's wedding on clarinet and at one of the rehearsals I played the Mario tune in a semi-somber fashion. It was pretty funny, a lot of guys recognized it and yelled at her to jump a few times. Oh man I never heard the end of that one. But on topic, congrats man!
  5. A similar thing happened with Postal 2...so I don't think you can chalk that one up for thompson.
  6. Pikachu's has more potential to hunt down a specific target or go for a battle and probably has a decent duration to it unlike Mario's which seems to be a one-shot deal which could be limited if you want a specific kill and could only deal damage across the board which could be feeding your opponents the kills...this is all considering that winning isn't enough for you and kill count is key. Also, it reminds me of Pikachu's Agility (Up+ where a nub could kill himself easily.
  7. I knew it was either volt tackle or surf and THANK GOD it wasn't surf.
  8. Then what do you think of the idea of a final smash being susceptible to an interrupt? Would it be in a similar fashion to a hammer where only a certain strategy can stop it, or you're just outright screwed when it happens.
  9. When that friend I was talking about logs in next time I'll make the alliance then PM you the specifics.
  10. The plural in opponents means that Link is competing against more than one person in the Smash realm...not necessarily that he'll be able to hit multiple people with his final smash. This does bring up an issue, however. From what I'm seeing, this final smash involves a cinematic. I'm not exactly for nor against having cinematics in fighting games, but that does have the potential of not only screwing over the person who's getting hit, but anyone who isn't mentally capable of the whole stop and go part of cinematics and could lose a combo over it or just outright die because it gave their opponent the edge he/she needed.
  11. You do realize a comment like that is more suited for a PM... Yo Seph, instead of trying to make a list in such a relatively quick fashion, if you could find support, try having at it one game at a time. By doing that you force discussion on topics until a clear majority can be held. The only problem is finding support because not only because of the kind of thread you want to make, but because the number of people on OCR is pretty low from what I can remember just reading but not posting much.
  12. First: Grammar lol Second: Sephfire's got a new pet! But seriously now. Sephfire, I honestly doubt you'll be able to continue this with the support that you're getting. Not to mention, the list of games to sift through is far too large and vast for us to know completely. Though if you really do continue, here's my advice: Find a master list of games from a reliable source and put every single game on the voting list. The nomination system is what makes this thread so close to a favorites, because only games that stand out for people made it onto the list. I can personally say I only nominated games I personally enjoyed. Just some thoughts.
  13. Hey Prophet, want to make an alliance? I can temporarily promote my friend who owns Factions to set it up for us if you'd like. I'm pretty sure neither of us would want to give up our own guild, so might as well unite them under a set OCR front.
  14. Hm. I do see your point. I agree with that the glow on the buildings and units is a bit too bright, but I think that the worlds can be as bright as they want. I mean, any given planet in that universe can be however they want to depict it. The units though, should definitely have a darker and edgier feel to them.
  15. I'm inclined to think that they're going to call it the new hyperbeam as they've come to have their own style of Samus' blaster. I don't know if I like the idea of missle tanks as a weapon...but I do think it is possible. Biggest issue I have with it is that you already had (maybe have) the screwball as an item and I personally think it a little unfair for Samus' weapons to be available as items like that. Regardless, triple screw attacking someone was always funny.
  16. How convenient. I recently bought Nightfall after passing up Factions. To be honest, I only have access to Nightfall because my Prophecies account was technically my friend's and I didn't want to give him that access. This being said...I'm pretty poor (<50 plat) and am currently working on a W/E. Name is Katti Solaris, currently level 17/18. I work at a fast clip, so I'll probably be level 20 by the time I finally decide to leave the beginner island. I have a guild, guild cape, guild hall, and xunlei agent. Under the name "The Valar" or [Valr]. This was the guild I created in my days of Prophecies and I have recently resurrected it along with my vent server for new play. I currently only have four or five members who are friends of mine from Rutgers. Now..about business, haha. I'm interested in finding a perfect mod max dmg icy dragon sword. I hear they start at around 25k or so. If anyone would have one, I'm very interested. Also, even if you're Prophecies or Factions only, but still have the item, contact me via PM here cause I have a friend who owns all three. I eventually plan to expand my account back into Prophecies and then Factions.
  17. I just remembered. The hyperbeam is actually an attack Samus implemented and it does go through everything, including enemies. That being said, I don't think my idea of being able to use another player as a shield will save you from Samus' final smash, but I do believe it will be a more concentrated blast compared to Mario's which seems to fan out.
  18. FFS? That's pretty nuts. Very clever, also. The only issue with the key thing is that doesn't a Wiimote need to sync with the bluetooth in a system before it can be used? Otherwise anyone with a Wiimote could compromise that security.
  19. Please explain. This doesn't make sense to me. Also. TFT < RoC? I dunno, Bahamut...it's better for ladder matches, but you're kinda stuck in TFT if you want competetive DotA, obviously. Seeing as I'm a competetive DotA player...I'm a little bias.
  20. It's easy to see how you could differentiate Mario's and Samus' final smashes if it is really the "hyper beam." Mario's could travel through characters, but Samus' could stop at contact with a character or possibly be more concentrated. The whole stripping of the armor with her final smash is merely speculation due to how they presented Zero Suit in the trailer. I am still against the idea that Zero Suit will be an additional identity on Samus similar to Zelda and Sheik. It would be lame to be stuck having to hunt for a final smash to get Zero Suit, or to totally avoid them in order to maintain Shiny Suit.
  21. What's with all the WC3 hate? Honestly, I could care less on how it looks (mostly because I don't mind the WC3 look) and just want some freaking amazing gameplay and new mechanics.
  22. Damn that suit looks mighty fine. Samus was always my main for crushing tournaments, and this update really makes me happy. The last pic definitely does look like she has her charged shot on standby. Bottom left is the missile shot. Top right is f-air. And if you don't know top left, you have some playing to do. Also, wouldn't you say that huge beam shot we saw in the trailers to be her final smash? Makes most sense to me.
  23. What the hell're you talking about? He wants to go through each system on its own in a thread like this? That's a month at a time for each freaking system which would be, in my opinion, a bitch and a half. I don't even plan on contributing in them past this point it became such a chore.
  24. Just because it's easy to get under you skin: Kirby will have an "alternate costume" for each other character in Brawl. =O Also...Drack brings up a good point with the physics in the game if they do decide to bring it too deep...ugh...I don't think I'd like a full-on physics engine in Brawl, but I do want some kind of control to how quickly you can get that box in motion. edit: DSX, you were also didn't notice this was already said about the costume idea:
  25. Someone who has a basic knowledge of physics please respond to my momentum idea and see what you think of it. I never thought of smash to have such a gravity/mass system because it only had to deal with weight. I also doubt they'll be changing gravity from stage to stage, that'd be too gimicky for me.
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