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Everything posted by AMT

  1. zomg torrent plz k thx ... Am I doing it right?
  2. So it looks like anyone who preordered the Orange Box on Steam gets their grubby little hands on Team Fortress 2 early. Anyone here have it? How is it?
  3. I highly reccommend REAPER, as suggested above. Amazing little program, and at $40 for the full thing you can hardly do better for a beginning program. It's got everything you need to record, mix, master and all that fun stuff.
  4. I could be wrong, but I think this is the first song on the site that impressed me so much that I'd post in the review topic. Amazing work, my only complaint is that there isn't more like this!
  5. http://dod.vgmix.com/ Plenty of stuff on there, check all the previous month's songs. I'm gonna give it a shot this month, although I don't know how well I'll fare.
  6. Congrats on finishing this guys, this sounds amazing! Can't wait until the rest finishes downloading. Good work!
  7. Oh awesome, these sound great! I absolutely loved the music in the previous UT games, and it sounds like this one isn't going to dissapoint in that aspect. The ONS1 mix and the menu sound great so far, not too different from the originals, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I can't wait to hear the rest.
  8. From my experience, GM7 is going to be your best bet. It's a bit slow starting off learning to program and the like, but if you're going to pursue this further, GM is the way to go, as a huge amount of the stuff you learn will later apply to C++ and the like. MMF is a bit simpler, but has a pretty different way of doing things. GM7 is really powerful and you can make some awesome stuff. I have plenty of experience with it, so if you have any questions, shoot me a PM!
  9. Holy crap, A Wario Ware stage? Pure unadulterated win.
  10. I don't have any actual tutorials, but here's how I do it. There might be a more efficient way, but this works for me, so, yeah. -First, you'll need a seperate track for each sample. In the FX > VSTi category, put a ReaSampl0matic5000 on each track. Select the wav file of the sample you're going to use for each one (Kick, Snare, etc, you should be able to find some pretty decent samples, if not just ask) and make sure the drop down menu is set to Sample and not Note. Then on the top menu bar go to Insert > New MIDI Item... and double click on what was added to go to a piano roll editor. Now just click in there to place your samples where you want them for that channel. Make a MIDI track for each one and you're in business. Since playing them from a MIDI track like that can be kind of resource heavy, if you need to speed it up a bit, right click the track you made and select "Apply FX As New Take (Mono)". Then remove the ReaSampl0matic5000 and you have an actual wav file of the drum track. If you have any more questions or need help, just ask! EDIT: Oh yeah, a quick note; I think I read elsewhere that you're using Audacity for this right now. I'd highly recommend switching over to REAPER entirely, as it can do recording as well, on top of a lot of other stuff. I used to use Audacity as well, but I moved over to REAPER entirely, and it works fantastically. EDIT 2: One more thing, I heard your "New Mix" version you posted in the Remixing forum. It's sounding a bit better, but I can't tell if there's a bass there or not or what. If there is, it definitely needs some sort of work, and if there isn't one, you could use one =P. If you want live bass, just PM me, I'd be happy to record something for you. The mixing on the rest of the instruments is starting to sound better; with drums and bass, I think you've got a pretty good sound on your hands.
  11. Just beat the third healthbar'd boss (first boss on Bryyo) and all I have to say is wow. This totally trumped my expectations so far, and I can't wait to see the rest of this game. If anyone reading this has a Wii and no Prime 3, they need to fix that. Like, now.
  12. No problem, you didn't waste my time at all. I just wanted to share what I've learned so far.
  13. Reverb on everything makes it really muddy, especially on bassy stuff. Using reverb in just the right spots can definitely sound great (Why else would we use it?) but it's far from a "just slap it on everything to make it sound good" effect. Treating any effect like that isn't going to sound good at all. As far as the mix, I'm really really liking the newest version. The reverb actually isn't THAT bad, but I'm on headphones right now. Tone it down some regardless, but don't ditch it completely. This newest one could easily go into the electric guitar thing you had going in the first recording with a clever transition, and it'd sound awesome. The mixing isn't as bad as you said it is, but it's not perfect. There's not much high end, and the bassline could be brought out a tad more. If there's any reverb on it (I can't quite tell), you should tone it down or take it off. Here are a few tutorials on mixing that really helped me out: http://www.recordingwebsite.com/articles/eqprimer.php http://emusictips.com/frequencies-of-common-instruments/ Also, as far as percussion goes, look into using REAPER. It's an awesome little program, and you can sequence drums in that. You should be able to do it fine with the sound card you have, I'm using the integrated one in my laptop and it works great. The sound card quality mainly comes into play when you're recording, as far as I know. Don't take everything I said here as totally 100% accurate advice, I'm far from knowing exactly what I'm talking about, so, yeah. Keep working on this mix, you've got a great start so far!
  14. This was the first update that I actually cheered out loud when I read; Freaking awesome.
  15. This is a good idea and I support it.
  16. Wow, he made an exact replica of Man With Another Trance Machine in a mere 5 hours? He's way better than whoever that Beatdrop guy is. ... He also has more. Orkybash's Breezy Beats is one I picked out, didn't listen to the rest.
  17. Awesome, thanks!
  18. Could someone give a quick explanation what these settings mean? Various plugins I have use either a knob that goes from wet to dry or two sliders, one for each. What exactly does this do?
  19. The very first piano you hear is really really midish. If you cut this whole thing in half and used it as an intro to lead into that beat, and then started to go somewhere else with the song, then you might have a decent start, but this is far from a completed song. Keep working on it and post again when you have more!
  20. Are you still doing this? If so, I've got a reworked version I'd like you to polish up if you don't mind. I don't know where to start when it comes to mastering, so, yeah. I'll PM you the link. Thanks!
  21. If they really did announce a new Jet Set Radio for 360, I would go out and buy one the same day. It'd totally work great on Wii, though, but I'm not expecting them to revisit the franchise anytime soon... D:
  22. Dang, not even something like either of these? http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHMS20 http://www.zzounds.com/item--EDIMA7A Or maybe bumping the price up a tiny bit for these: http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHMS40
  23. Right now all I have are some headphones, and I'd like to get a pair of monitors for both listening in general and for working on music. Any suggestions for some halfway decent ones around $100 for the pair? I know that's kind of low, but with that kind of budget, what's the best I can do?
  24. Yeah, to clarify, based on the definitions given in this thread, I meant mixing, not mastering. Sorry 'bout that. Thanks for all of the help!
  25. Awesome, thanks for doing that! It sounds awesome. I'll keep the -3db thing in mind next time too, I didn't know about that.
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