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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Really? I didn't know that. I tried MP3 Tag already. Its OK, but I couldn't fill in all of the required information with it. And sometimes the tags would change into unrecognizable characters for no reason. I also checked the second link already. Most of those programs will not work properly with Vista. I guess I'll have to wait until my song gets judged, then I'll see what happens.
  2. I can't remember if I made a thread on this already or not, but I need help finding a good MP3 tagging program that works with Vista and can support all of the "OCR Mp3 tag specifications." I've tried quit a few programs out there, but either they don't fully work with Vista, they don't allow me to make all of the different labels I need to make, or I have to pay for them. (I may sound like an asshole for saying this, but I REFUSE to pay for such a program.) Does anybody know a good, compatible, easy to use, and free program out there that can help me out? Mixers...Judges...DjP...ANYONE!?!?!?
  3. If anybody can locate Bug, Bug Too, and Clockwork Knight mp3 soundtracks, I'd love to get a hold of them.
  4. Louisiana. Baton Rouge to be exact, where people are too lazy to read the entire thread. So, is anyone else on this damn site from Louisiana? ...anyone? ...ANYONE!?! ...*crickets* ...well fick you guys.
  5. WTF? I'm stuck on 3. I tried to use google, but I don't exactly know what I'm looking for.
  6. I haven't been so excited about a WIP since GameBox drop his tunes. I love what you got going on so far and I can't wait for the final product. Keep it up and good luck.
  7. Thanks alot for the comments. Another Update: http://www.mediafire.com/?apnz9jzexu9 I made a few changes with the EQing and added a new section, but I haven't decided where I want to go with it just yet. Oh, and I also changed the name as well. Enjoy.
  8. When I saw this topic, I totally ignored it at first. I thought it was just some more BS.
  9. Update in first posts. And you can find the original songs in mp3 format here.
  10. Have to agree with Tensei here. Just as he said, if there was a "search by genre" feature, I probably would not have even listened to more than half of the songs in my 2000+ mp3 collection. I love the idea, but I have a feeling that it will cause people to loose out on some really great music out there. And not to mention, none of my songs will fit properly in a specific genre. Also, there will be more songs in the "Other" genre than anywhere else.
  11. A little something I've been working on for about a week. Its still kinda rough, but you'll get the idea. I'm using this new program to do the mp3 tags and its kinda being a bitch right now, so forgive me if the tags are a little screwed up. In this mix, I'm trying to combine the "Rusty Ruins Act 1 and 2" while keeping the same cool, mellow mood set by the original artist. Like my other mixes, I'm not trying to be "over the top." Just something to chill to. Anyway, I've completed about two minutes so far and I will try my best to actually finish and submit this by the end of January. Small Update: I appreciate your comment guys. In this update, I tweaked the EQing for the drums and the Synth. I'm trying to come up with another lead synth, but I haven't found anything that sounds good enough yet. http://www.mediafire.com/?apnz9jzexu9 Comments are welcomed.
  12. I don't believe... Say that pic looks kinda like Bruce Willis on roids.
  13. Finally did a little more work on this. I made a few changes with the EQing and got a new sample. I'm also using a new wave editing program, so the file is a bit larger than its supposed to be. I'll fix that a little later.
  14. SirRUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its good to see you back bro. Wonderful work as usual. So far, I don't have any gripes. The EQing and samples you used are great. I can't wait to hear the updates.
  15. I'll DL it later and give it a try. Might catch you on there.
  16. Thanks for the input OA. I had a feeling someone was going to say something about the guitars. Unfortunately, I don't have the hardware needed to record myself playing. If I can't find any better guitar soundfonts, I'll probably have to collab with someone.
  17. This is an old WIP is started a long, long time ago. I ended up losing it due to a computer screw up, so I had to spend about two months redoing it. It is a remix of the "Keys the Ruin" or "The Pyramid Cave" theme. I honestly can't describe what genre this would fall under, so I'll let you guys figure that out. I've only have a little over two minutes done so far, but I consider this one to be one of my toughest projects to date. UPDATE (10/27/07) Tell me what you think.
  18. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! I am....happy........in...my PANTS!!!!!!!!!!! That 2 GB download is crazy! What up with all of those big ass WAV files in there?
  19. Agreed. I'd love to hear a KH2 mix from ya. I will also be choosing a song from KH2 pretty soon.
  20. SH1TBoXX Its really a good computer, but I just felt like calling it that.
  21. Whats up peeps. Holy crap, its been so long. I'm glad to see things are still going well with the project. I can't wait to see how things turn out.
  22. Made a small update. I added some bird sounds and a few embellishments in the intro. I also tweaked the volume levels on some instruments. I still have a couple more things I plan to add to the intro and I should have a new section added by the next update.
  23. I would love to be in it, but I'll be starting a new job soon, and I don't know how my schedule will be just yet. So I don't want to tell you that I'll participate and end up not having the time. Not to mention, I'll be going without an internet access for a little while once I move in to my new apartment. If i can finish this song quickly, I'll be happy to have it added on to the project. Thanks for the feedback fellas. You can find the original song here. The DL link is at the end of the first paragraph. Update coming soon.
  24. Damn, I haven't been here in a while. While trying to recover from drinking four Long Island Ice Teas, I manage to throw together a little something from the Sonic Adventure soundtrack. II am working on a remix of the "Leading Lights" (I think that is the name) theme. I' will try to find the original mp3 tomorrow. I've only been playing around with this for about 45 minutes, so its kinda messy, and the beginning is a little emppty right now, but I'l add more to it later. You can find the song posted on my parge here: http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic/ As always, your comments are appreciated.
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