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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Not really a big issue but, how come the "Judges Decisions" forum hasn't been updated recently?
  2. I wish I could give it a try, but I hate going through all the hassel trying to get the emulator and roms without going through hell. Plus, ever since I download SP2 for Windows XP, my damn controllers cant work correctly.
  3. Spam bots all over the place, security problems, and some other stuff.
  4. My AIM is not working right, but we could probably arrange something. Just let me know.
  5. So you're telling me that Timbaland made her start singing this way and she did not decide to do that on her own? Even though the influence was there, only she could decide whether she should go in that direction or not. Who knows? She might just be trying it out.
  6. Sound Forge 7 or 8. I know them well.
  7. Yes, please. At first I thought we were talking about a Timberland commercial using the tune. Also, hasn't this been going on for a while now? People don't really make that big of a deal about it, well at least, not to my knowledge.
  8. I am looking for some decent sounding acoustic and electric guitar fonts (if there is such an animal.) Lately, I've been using the ProTrax guitar in my most recent mixes, and I'm hoping I could stumble across one thats even better. Also, I just cant find a good sounding electric guitar to save my life. To be honest with you, I sure as hell don't want to pay for any, cause I'm afraid my puter is too old to handle super high quality samples, and I'm not into music enough to actually want to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on samples that I probably will not use. Also, I am looking for pads. Lots and lots of soothing, ambient pads. I only have one, and I have to go through hell just to make them sound somewhat decent. Does anybody have any ideas?
  9. A of Ray Charles "Got a Woman" and Stevie Wonder "Superstiton." Oh, and I also got that codec ringtone from the show, 24.
  10. I guess nobody is looking at the other Sig Shoppe thread, so I'll post my request here: As you can see, I am in need of a new sig. I would do one myself, but I'm way too frustrated with PhotoShop to give it a try, so I'm asking one of you more experienced guys to help me out. I would like my sig to feature Lynx (from Chrono Cross), and have some sort of dark theme to it and a really cool background. If anyone could hook that up for me, I would be very thankful.
  11. Meh, but the Wii can only give an upper-body workout and you can also become an effective nunchauk user.
  12. As you can see, I am in need of a new sig. I would do one myself, but I'm way too frustrated with PhotoShop to give it a try, so I'm asking one of you more experienced guys to help me out. I would like my sig to feature Lynx (from Chrono Cross), and have some sort of dark theme to it and a really cool background. If anyone could hook that up for me, I would be very thankful.
  13. Oh great! Now I can get a full workout while playing a video game!
  14. Dang. It seems like every thread I try to post in gets locked or deleted. The mods are kicking butt tonight.
  15. Heeey!!! Welcome back. If I'm not mistaken I remember you or someone making a thread about you leaving a while back. Did you bring me a PS3?
  16. NICE! I agree that the lead is a bit out of place, but I don't really know what you could use to replace it. Maybe live sax? Also, I'm sure its been mentioned before, but the bass isn't all that great. I love the drums you are using though. May I ask what soundfont you are using?
  17. Ummm yes, he has. Not to mention, hes still posting songs up in the "To be judged" forum.
  18. Also, If you are using the "Default" forum style, there is no link to take you back to OCR's main page. Is there any way that could be fixed? And another thing...the smillies are screwed up terribly. But maybe its just my computer.
  19. Its not really a fix, but you could simply switch the style to "default" in the lower left corner of the screen. But, even doing that has its disadvantages. You'll see what I mean.
  20. Someone probably already pointed it out, but I you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and look at the left side, there is a "Quick Style Chooser" feature. If you click on the "default" style, you will be able to see the links, but pretty much everything that has to do with OCR is gone though. But I kinda like the blue theme better. My only gripe is that it takes my puter a God awfully long time to load the pages.
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