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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Too bad there is no PS3 version. I would also like to see a new Conker game come out one day.
  2. I would probably be Kiros Seagul from FF8. I remember looking at his profile on this site and realizing that I would almost look exactly like him if I didn't cut my hair. We are also close to the same age.
  3. Yeah, its still hanging in there even though the Socom series has been overshadowed by games like the Halo series and Call of Duty ect. They just don't really advertise like others do, but Socom does still have a huge fan base. Hell, people still play Socom 1. But yeah, if anybody gets a chance, this game is worth at least renting. Just know that it is an online only game!
  4. Well damn! You mean to tell me that nobody is interested in this game? LOL. That's too bad. I was looking forward to chatting with some of you guys and gals. (And killing you too)
  5. Just wanted to know who will be picking this beauty up when it comes out this week. Please post your usernames so we can hook up! I'll be playing under BlacK_BreZe or That_Black_Dude. Also, does anyone plan on making an official OCR clan? I'll be creating my own clan consisting of me and a group of friends and probably my old clanmates from SOCOM 3. We will most likely be working alongside the OCR clan if someone decides to create one. A little info on the game here: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/Games/SOCOM_U_S_Navy_SEALs_Confrontation
  6. I don't know how many of you saw Hustle and Flow, but the song the lady was singing during the church scene made me shed a few tears. Damn, I can't find that video. And I don't care what you guys think, I cried when that fucker killed Aerith in FF7. Not really because of her death, but the music that was playing in the background. And also, this song touched me...in inappropriate places... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE6bqvfnPG4
  7. Thats what I'm thinking. It would be funny if he is just lurking around the forums somewhere...waiting.
  8. I'm probably going to buy a new PS3 either today or tomorrow. I was planning on getting a HDTV first, but I need to go ahead and get the PS3 before they drop SOCOM Confrontation. I will most likely be playing my ps3 on a regular, 36" Flat-Screen TV with the red, white, and yellow component cables, and I just wanted to know how good are the graphics displayed on a regular TV using those cables? I'm sure a HDTV would make things look better, but will it really be that big of a difference? And also, I heard rumors that playing a PS3 on the regular flat-screen could mess up the tv. I don't see how that likely, but has anyone heard or experience something like that?
  9. Musashi: Samurai Legend http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/musashisamurailegend/screenindex.html One of the most overlooked PS2 games. It is a great game with a kick ass soundtrack. Oh, and also, if you decide to play online shooters, I suggest SOCOM 3 or SOCOM: CA (they both also have challenging 1 player games). I don't really know if people still play this or not, but Battlefield 2 was pretty fun online and it had beautiful graphics. The only drawback is, it takes way too many shots to kill people and character custimization is out of the question. GTA: SA is also pretty cool to play after a long frustrating day, and even better when you're drunk.
  10. Well, I was hoping to get the first KH2 mix posted, but you beat me to it. And this is some beautiful piano work as well. Good work. Keep it up.
  11. For some reason, I found that particular sentence funny... Have you tried limiting the unneeded applications running on your computer in the background? Doing that and regular maintenance could do wonders as far as processing power is concerned. If you don't know how to check the programs running in the background, just type msconfig in your search box in the start menu, or wherever you computer's search feature is. It will show you all of the applications running and how much memory it takes up. Hope that helps some. Ahem...anyway, smooth stuff as usual. I would have probably replaced the string(ish) sounding sample that comes in at 0:16 with a smoother, sinewave like sample. The only example of this sound i can give you is the synth I used at the end of "The Song of Ruin." Since you're not that far into the mix yet, I can't really give you more constructive criticism on it yet, but I can tell you that I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more of this. I wish I bothered to learn more about FL Studio. I would have loved to do a collab with you.
  12. I think this is the best mix I've heard from you in my opinion. We don't get many like this. And the samples you are using are incredible. Almost makes me want to go out and actually pay for samples...almost. Beautiful work.
  13. This is something that I have been looking for. Thanks.
  14. I didn't realize there was already a thread on this. Sorry bout that.
  15. Isaac Hayes that is. He died earlier today. This is just too much. The soul legend has been a huge influence for countless musical artists and he will be missed.
  16. At first I thought this might be rumors started by people that were angry about what Mac did at one of Obama's fundraisers but all of the sites that I found that were disproving his death are out-of-date. I don't want to believe it, but I guess he really is dead. Another great comedian...gone.
  17. You know what? I have nothing bad to say about this mix. It really reminds me of something off of the Musashiden II Blademaster (PS2) soundtrack (If you haven't played this game, or heard its soundtrack I strongly suggest you do.) So, I'll just sit back, and wait for this to be posted on the front page.
  18. Amen. Why does Sega HAVE to make Sonic's adventures so damn complicated? He went from trying to save his little animal friends from turning into robots and just collecting rings and emeralds, to saving the city from a giant mutant jelly creature, to saving the world from a giant crashing satellite stuck on the ass of a giant monster, and so forth... I think if they produced a game that pretty much went back to Sonic's old roots from the glory days of SEGA Genisis, but used the graphics processing power of today's generation of gaming systems, they could completly turn the Sonic franchise around.
  19. I am really sad to hear this bad news. Me and my family will pray for you and your family, Blind. Get well soon, bro.
  20. I often thought about thinks like that. But, the songs didn't really seem to be faster or slower, they seemed to be louder and softer, and clearer an cluttered. I especially notice it when I'm working on my mixes. Sometimes they would sound perfect to me, but when I'm tired, they would seem loud and confusing. Like there are just a bunch of beeps and bloops everywhere and it all sounds like shit. I can play a song at a certain volume level (higher than it should be) and listen to it later at that same level and it would either be too loud or not really loud enough. I guess it depends on what I'm doing and the noise levels of my surroundings.
  21. I love the mix. You are using some great samples. The only one I kinda dislike is the guitar sample you used with the squeaks and stuff. The lead synth that comes in at 0:15 also gets kind annoying after time. Maybe you should try not to use it as much or replace it with something a little more subtle. I can't help but feel that theres something missing from this mix though. I can't really explain it. I just would like to hear more melodies and variations on the drum work. Love that "Classic Remix." Also, is there somewhere I can downloads your songs. I like them, but I would rather not open a MySpace account just to download them.
  22. I kinda like it, though it is a bit repetitive at first. I would add panning effects to those synths at the beginning and even more so to the synths that come in at 0:25. Also the main melody should be brought out more and it needs percussion. I would start the percussion off with something simple and add more and more layers to it and the song moves forward. Maybe an introduction of some sort of drum sequencing would be nice around 1:04. Thats all I can think of right now.
  23. Another Update. (all links are updated) I added an extra melody to the section thats starts around the 1:50 mark just to fill in the emptiness. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the next section after that, so for now, I just cut it off at 2:20. I have so many ideas on where I should take this song next, but just picking one and applying it is proving to be a little difficult. I'll make up my mind soon. Let me know what you guys think.
  24. I've been playing if for a couple of days now under the name Turtle Slap, and I think its okay. I just can't seem to kill people as quick as the kill me though. I unload entire clips on people, but they just kinda shake it off and just turn around and pops me a couple of times and I die. WTF? It seriously says that I was shot in the legs taking of 16-20% of my health, but I die immeadiatly. WTF happened to the other 80%? I'm not an expert marksman, but I know at least ten of my bullets hit them in the chest, yet they still manage to survive and kill me. There is also quite a few cheaters out there as well. I even have to shoot people in the head twice to kill them on many occasions, and I don't mean the guys that equip helmets. And I wont even begin to talk about the number of times I die within half of a second after I spawn...(and I swear I'm not making this up). I spawn and I die before I can take a step. I also hate the fact that there is no stealth at all. You are either wearing a bright red suit, or a bright blue suit, so you cant find a nice sniping spot where you wont get noticed. Overall, I'd say its fun for a little while, but it gets pretty difficult and down right frustrating very quickly.
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