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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. During a trip to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, I couldn't help but think about that damn Fear Factory theme from DKC. I was stuck in my head, so I had to try remixing it before I went crazy. This is a sample of what I came up with. http://www.mediafire.com/?zzzmzmm3ozj I am working on filling out some of the empty spots and adding more variation on the pads in the background. This is the original posted on YouTube. http://www.mediafire.com/?y2izomfmoqe
  2. You might enjoy Killzone 2, MGS4 (is a must) for shooter games. The only Action/adventure game I played was Rachet and Clank Future and that was really, really good if you like cartoony games. The Sega collection looks pretty cool too, but I didn't get that one yet. I got bored with GTA4 for some reason. I loved the past three games, but GTA4 just didn't appeal to me for some reason. And don't bother playing it online cause its stupid and frustrating. Let me know how that Little Big Planet turns out. I know you'll be honest about it.
  3. Lets see... My systems include: NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega Saturn, Playstation 1 2 3, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and N64. I didn't really keep count of all the games, but I can say its well over 100. I always made it a point to beat one game before I buy another, so my completion percentage would probably be around 95%. The only games I can think of that I could not beat were the Ninja Gaiden games. Not one single game.... Now, if you include my...ahem..."unofficial" copies, that would put me at about 3000 games. I have games I haven't even attempted to play yet.
  4. Hell, I might go pick up a new DSi for this. I remember playing Pokemon Yellow way back in the day and wanting to pick up Gold, but my Gameboy died on me, so I never did get back into it.
  5. I took me five years of making crappy music until I got to this point, where I'm making not-quite-as-crappy music. I started remixing on the exact same day I joined here with absolutely no musical background (well I still don't have any). I wish I still had a copy of my old WIPs from way back when... I was told I did mixes that I don't even remember doing.
  6. Whats Ya Fantasy was the funniest one.
  7. I bank with Chase and Chase has a credit monitoring program that keeps an eye out for identity theft and whatnot. Once you sign up, they give you a copy of your credit report. After losing my wallet at school one day, I quickly canceled all of my credit card accounts and signed up for the program to be on the safe side. Later on that day, I found out that a friend of mine found it and kept it in a safe place, so I kinda did all that for nothing. BTW, I love how this thread got derailed so quickly.
  8. Actually its the opposite for me. I always had a problem not having enough credit lines open. I had great a credit score (700+), but I didn't have enough credit lines open, so I had a ridiculously hard time getting anything. From my limited experience with this, I found that the key is to open credit lines and actually keep them paid off. That in turn, helps your credit tremendously. Every once in a while, you go out and buy some stuff on credit (even if you have the money to pay for it), and when your statement comes in, pay it off. Screw that minimum payment shit. Pay it off! And repeat it over and over again. I've been doing this for a couple of years now, and my combined credit score is about 770. Sorry if this seems like a lecture, but this is how I managed to get my credit up.
  9. Nice. Very nice. Good luck in the music industry.
  10. 1. Build up my home based business enough for me to stop working and focus only on school and help 100 people do the same. 2. Finish school (about a year left). Thought, its probably going to be longer since I am now interested in taking Music classes. This kinda sucks for me because I can only go to school part time. 3. Get the hell out of Louisiana. 4. Have a house and garden featured on the "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine. 5. Learn Spanish, French, and Japanese. 6. Rebuild a 95 Nissan Maxima into a street racer, even though I will not race with it.
  11. Get the hell off my lawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Update! I'm working on a new version. This is what I have so far... http://www.mediafire.com/?kwt2twxnrjj
  13. I remember having the Donatello bed sheets when I was a kid and I still have a fighting staff that my dad gave me that resembles Donatello's.
  14. Snappleman...if you can get a hold of him. Zyko. I don't know if Geoffrey Taucer does metal, but I do know he plays the guitar. As far as the mix, I think its pretty cool, but I know absolutely zero about this particular style, so I can't really leave any constructive comments.
  15. You'll probably have to check out ebay and other similar sites. And, if you have a Spenser's near by, sometimes they have a nice collection of VG and movie posters. I've even came across some cool posters at Wal-Mart, but thats pretty rare.
  16. UPDATE. http://www.mediafire.com/?ylvydwmyzdj I appreciate the comments everyone, and I'm still working on that piano. I added a little bit more to the mix and I do plan on adding more variation just to keep things fresh.
  17. Fantastic. I normally don't say that word, but that is the first word that came to my head. Please make more. Can I request one for the Mega Man X series?
  18. Damn, I was going to do a mix on this too. Not only did you beat me to it, you came up with an awesome idea that I probably couldn't pull off. Great job so far and I'm look forward to hearing the final version.
  19. UPDATE http://www.mediafire.com/?ylvydwmyzdj I changed the piano sample that I used the first time I posted and made a few tweaks here and there. I also made it a little longer, but the last two sections aren't complete yet, so they sound a little empty. I'm trying to decide which idea I want to use.
  20. YES. That guy is awesome. Oh by the way, I has teh Hip Hop too.
  21. Awesome. Thank you good sir and thanks for the comment.
  22. And another one! This time, the source is from Donkey Kong Country 3 "Kastle Kaos" theme. You can check out the original song in MIDI format on VGMusic.com. This is the exact page: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/index-af.html (You'll need to scroll down a bit to find it) And here it is in mp3 format: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/215432/KRool.mp3 The style of this mix is similar to my first "The Delay" mix from DKC2 which can be found here: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01546/. This is only the intro so, there isn't much to it yet. Now, for the WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?ylvydwmyzdj
  23. We've been getting hit pretty hard by spambots lately. Any idea how they are getting in so easily? Since I registered a long time ago before the big switchover, I'm not really sure how the new user registration process is done now, but can there be something done about how easy it is for people to register? Maybe that could help cut down on the spamming.
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