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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. This R-Type Command has been out for months, so imagine how puzzled I was to click on this thread and see folks talking about it as if it were still coming soon. I was honestly expecting to read something about R-Type Dimensions for XBox Live.
  2. Some games I haven't seen mentioned yet... Master of Monsters (Genesis) Alisia Dragoon (Genesis) Thunder Force IV (Genesis) Thunder Force III (Genesis) Phantasy Star IV (Genesis) Gauntlet IV (Genesis) Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis) Streets of Rage (Genesis) The Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis) Stellar Fire (Sega CD) Soul Star (Sega CD) Lords of Thunder (Sega CD) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Saturn or PS1) I could name a bunch of other soundtracks that have some great tunes in them, but those are the ones that came immediately to mind where most of the soundtrack is a great listen from start to finish.
  3. Plus two unlockable arcade games. Although I prefer the PS2 version, since it came out the best of all the MAC versions. Um... Believe it or not, there are some areas where this happens. Both Taito Legends and Taito Legends 2 for the PC use ROMs that can be played in MAME. We're talking ROMs, right down the proper MAME naming format when you zip up the folders in the TL and TL2 installtions.
  4. Plus a "Final Mix" version of both PS2 games. The series is nearly six years old now though, so I think "over the years" qualifies
  5. This is just a casual observation from someone who has played little in the way FF or KH games over the years, but it would be nice to see something else get sequels. If they're going to squeeze franchise teats until they're milked dry and left raw, they could at least try tugging on the Einhander teat once in a while. Or, since they bought Taito, the Darius one. Or hell, get wild and make Taito Legends 3 finally happen. It's great that they're making what amounts to Parasite Eve 3, and keeping all the FF fanatics happy, and all that. But...
  6. And I suppose you like them with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  7. Apparently they did. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been an on-line petition, image edits, and countless pages of fanboyesque hissy fits. And see guys? I really do know what I'm talking about sometimes
  8. Does he have a move where he takes a piss on his opponent?
  9. All bosses have a trick to beating them. It doesn't really matter if it's a platformer, FPS, RPG, shmup... each boss has a means of being beaten. It's just that some involve a bit of luck as well... especially if their attack patterns are randomized, or if it requires lots of dodging. Take for example, the final boss of DoDonPachi... the real final boss. Its name is Hibachi, and it's insanely hard. I mean "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" hard. The bullet patterns cover whatever part of the screen you're on, and they're fast. They also adjust themselves as they move, so there's no "sit here and don't move" periods (or at least, very few). The boss itself also has several forms, with each one getting more pissed than the previous one. If you'd like to see it, here's a link (with a song dubbed over the real music and sounds unfortunately)... I'm not sure if this is played live, or if it was done with a programmable stick, but there are people who are able to beat that boss. They're able to meet the hard requirements just to get to it, and then dodge all those bullets to win. But just because there are people who can do it, doesn't mean it wasn't a tough road to reach that point. It takes learning, timing, and luck... much like any boss. Once you get the patterns, counter spells, or rhythms down, then yes, a given boss becomes easier for you. But up until you figured those things out, dying all along the way who knows how many times, a boss from any genre is capable of being hard to me
  10. Yet they can deny gravity. Surely they're from another world!
  12. We also live in a society where a woman is fat if she's five pounds overweight. For Christ's sake, Ivy from the Soul Calibur series is considered fat by a good number of people.
  13. Back with more updates. http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20080728/tf.htm That link takes you to a Japanese site, which has a lot of screen shots from stages 1-3, and it also has a movie where you can see the game in action on those same stages. It's looking quite nice thus far, and it seems to be sticking to the series' roots in terms of speed and on-screen bullet count. If the music on the trailer is any indication, the person who did the music for Technosoft's last few games, Tsukumo Hyakutarou, may not be on board this one. It could just be music for the trailer, but there's a chance that's the new musical style for TFVI. Maybe they didn't want him after his taking part in the horrid Broken Thunder PC game The page I linked to has a good quality version of the trailer on it. But, if you have trouble getting it for viewing, here's a YouTube link...
  14. I think at the moment, it's more like Sonic lull.
  15. he... he's talking about me! Well he sure as hell wasn't talking about me
  16. Tron was a cheesy and mindless 80s movie, but it was a fun watch (like a lot of 80s movies). Bringing Jeff Bridges back for the sequel is cool, and hopefully it'll be as enjoyable as the first.
  17. no this You're both wrong, because this whole thing's a hoax. It will be revealed that this game is actually a sequel to Sonic Spinball, because it's combining Sonic with this...
  18. Eh, she's probably just in it for the djp fortune. A month later, she'll ask for a divorce, and take the house, car, mixing equipment, and leave djp on a street corner holding a sign that reads, "Will remix for food". But congrats nonetheless
  19. My guess would be these dimensions, at 300dpi, all done by when DS posted (namely, Wednesday).
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