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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/enms4rvcs7si4rs/Unknown_lick.mp3 http://thecoop2.webng.com/Unknown_lick.mp3 While this may or may not belong in the Help section, I figured this would be a better forum to put it since my threads in that forum haven't brought me much luck over the years. So yeah, I woke up yesterday, and for God only knows what reason, I had this guitar riff/lick stuck in my brain. For the last day, I've tried to think of where it's from, but nothing will bring any other parts of the song forward. I threw together a quick rendition of it that I think is pretty close, and I'm hoping someone here will be familiar with the song this is from. It's a published song, and the riff/lick is being played on either a pedal steel, or on a guitar that's being used a bit like a pedal steel with the bends in it. I think it may have even been used in a commercial or two, but I'm not certain. Thanks for reading, and please... help a brain in need
  2. Another update on my end. The front and back are done, as is the CD label. All I need are the track order, remix titles, the official website URL, and the OCR album number this will end up being, and this is completed.
  3. Well, the cover's basically done. I have two versions of it; a front back/cover combo with the staff credits and OCR legalese, and a four page booklet with two additional pages of remix credits. I just need all of the proper track names and such (not to mention their final order for the project), and that'll all be done. I'm keeping the other pages relatively simple so that everything can be finished up for the June 10 deadline, but I think the cover turned out pretty well. I know Brandon only asked for a cover, but a cover needs at least a back. And if you've got a cover, you'll need a CD label (which I'm doing). So should anyone feel like burning a CD of this project, they'll have some art to flesh it all out for a slimline jewelcase.
  4. Good to hear it was resolved. I've been thinking about submitting a couple of my more recent remixes to the site, and was hoping it didn't end up being dealt an untimely demise.
  5. Considering the gratuitous amount of sprites I used for the website and album art with the Gunstar Heroes album, unless this GameBoy album is going to be actually sold for cash money, I don't think there's going to be an issue using game sprites (excluding anything by Squenix of course).

    As for the cover, I think I've already got an idea forming, so hopefully I should have a WIP of it by the end of May. Just remember, this is going to be a 1x1 pixel cover that's enlarged. So expect squares in yo face.

  6. SEGA Genesis music. I know there are a decent number of fans here on OCR, but the nature of the Genesis sound chip always seems to rub a rather vocal portion of haters out there, the wrong way. It gets compared to the SNES' midi synths, and then lambasted for "not sounding like anything." It's kind of strange in a way. In this age where electronic, synth-laden music is so popular, you'd think a lot more people would be open to the synth sounds the Genesis sound chip pumps out. But I guess not.
  7. I can certainly give such a cover a whirl. A couple of questions; what games are featured on the album, and when would the cover need to be done by?

    As for what I do to make the covers, it's usually a mixture of original pixel work, and edited sprites/backgrounds from the game. The six An OverClocked Christmas albums I made covers for (which are here... http://www.obtusemusic.net/OCR_Christmas/index.htm ) are done like that, as are some of the other covers I've done over the years (one of which was for an album that isn't out yet).

  8. Nope. I've never been to MAGfest, the OCR meetups, or anything like that.
  9. I can't even begin to say how many times I've meant to come to this thread, and somehow, something kept coming up to distract me and get me to forget about it. BUT NOT TONIGHT GODDAMMIT! First and foremost, many thanks to DusK and Dj Mokram for asking me to be a part of this project, and for letting me run with the ideas I had both musically, and site-wise. I wasn't always an easy road, but I was happy with the end results. And thankfully, so were they. Secondly, thanks for the compliment on my track, eXtaiN. And thanks to those who had nice things to say about it and the website on the preview podcasts and such. They were all appreciated. Finally, I know this isn't an album that will be given the attention that the likes of Mario, Final Fantasy, Sonic and such bring to remix albums, but this is a solid, great album. The work put into it shines through clearly on all facets, and the listeners who dare to step off of the well-worn remix paths that lead to the aforementioned franchises, will find that out quite quickly. So kudos to everyone involved for making a wonderful album dedicated to a great game P.S. We have WWE wrestlers listening to our stuff? This world's gone crazy I tells ya!
  10. As Ken Titus used to say, "Don't be a wussy!"
  11. Anyone want Dead Space for free? All you need is an Origin account, go to the new section under Free Games called "On The House," and grab it... https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/on-the-house
  12. By the time I got the game, the bug had been fixed. But in the Pool Of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, when you uninstalled the game? It would uninstall your system files. Nice, huh?
  13. Oh, I know both ways are accepted these days, but as I said, I've heard some higher ups poking fun at applicants who spelled it without the little dashes above the Es, and some who even threw out applications for that reason (talk about being too nitpicky, eh?). So I figured it was worth mentioning just to cover everyone's butt
  14. How dare Unicron! OCR and all its forums belong to me!
  15. Laziness on the part of many in the U.S. doesn't make it the correct word, though. I believe there is a difference that should be taken into account, considering the word "resume" (ree-zoom) exists. Not being a grammar nazi or anything, but it is something I've seen come up with other people, and heard bosses joke about. So unless people want to hand in something that they're going take up again after being interrupted, as opposed to a list of their skills and accomplishments, I'd suggest spelling it right. You want to be someone that gets their attention thanks to your résumé, not for your inability to hit "Alt + 0233" on your keyboard. Yeah, some bosses don't care, but others do. So why chance it?
  16. RECYCLE! It shows you're environmentally aware! A few tips... - When you make your résumé, make sure you actually spell it "résumé" and not "resume." You'd be surprised how many times that gets overlooked. - If you make a PDF that features layers (perhaps you did some graphic design work to its background in Photoshop), save a copy of it and flatten the image. It doesn't happen every time, but sometimes, the text layer gets lost or messed up in the exporting process, and won't be there on some views (or it loads late, and the page looks blank until then). Flattening the image gets rid of this. - Find out who's actually doing the hiring at that company. Maybe it's the owner, or that branch's manager, or even just some lower ranking employee that they stuck in charge of the task because no one else could do it. Never put "To whomever is in charge," or some random semi-important looking name. Your cover letter will come off much better if it's addressed to a specific, and the correct, person. - Don't be too repetitious with the wording in your résumé. YOu shouldn't keep saying "skilled in" or "experienced in." Find new ways to say the same thing. "Skilled" and "Experienced" are fine to use a couple of times, but if they start nearly every line, you might not make the best initial impression. Consider phrases like "Specializes in" for the things you're really good at, or "_____ years of work using _____," and so forth. Don't go apeshit and make every single line different, just vary it up.
  17. Thanks much, Rexy :)

  18. Thanks, jmr. And a nice birthday to you as well :)

  19. Pfft. You need to get out more. I do that on my way to work each morning.
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