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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. My Spanish Coach works really well. Fortunately I have a couple spanish speaking coworkers that helped me along too, but it really worked IMO - it sounds out all the words, even, and you can use the DS microphone to record yourself, play it back, and compare it with the game. This really helps with the main problem everyone has learning a new language - actually speaking it. I tried my Japanese Coach a little bit but I wanted to finish Spanish before I move on to a less useful language
  2. shit black friday is tomorrow fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff why do I get the closing shift >:V
  3. Brazilian Better Business Bureau BBBB
  4. I think I understood the real meaning behind Dragon Age: Origins Bioware is pretty much trolling us by making a game that pretty much lifts EVERYTHING from their old D&D RPGs, their "origins" if you will, and then puts a new face on it. There is absolutely nothing new and original about this game, no matter what Marilyn Manson tells you. It's simply a rehash, albeit a very fun and very good rehash of everything they've ever done before. Maybe they really want people to look at their older D&D games again.
  5. the fucking mages cowls look so dumb why can't I just have a hood
  6. You mean other than mine? :3
  7. I finished your survey. FOR SCIENCE!
  8. This is very interesting. Thank you for your research. It reminds me of something Jason Scott said at Notacon last year [during his Mario 64 panel], that it's amazing, considering how big of an industry videogames are now, that very little in the way of academic study has gone into the field. You can watch the panel here, it's fascinating: http://www.archive.org/details/20090417-scott-supermario ...oh shit you can see me at 1:50 in the red shirt. hahaha
  9. That fucking deserted house took me forever too. Also, for being the capitol city, there sure is a lot of riffraff on the streets. Goddam.
  10. I like that Renoise added a live mode in its last version, so if I ever take my show on the road I don't have to re-loop/re-create all my songs in something else :3 Also, the DS-10 can be a potentially cool live performance tool, if you can sync it up right with everything else you've got.
  11. I must challenge Mr. Meier to a round of Civ 2
  12. great moments in videogame voice acting
  13. alistair is a bro I am being all goody two shoes on my first run through, alistair and leliana and wynne and all that. Next playthrough I am going to be a badass dwarf and actually use Sten, because I think I'm missing a lot of great shit there.
  14. Playing dragon age. My female elf mage and Leliana just... ... FUCK YEAH HOLY SHIT
  15. I was asked personally to share my thoughts on virtual instruments so here goes: Virtual instruments and sampling are essential, in my opinion. When computers became powerful enough to run something like ProTools, the entire music industry changed. For the better? For the worse? That's open for interpretation. It definitely changed for the cheaper, though. With studio time and instrument prices being as expensive as they are, why not just download the synthesizer you want, or samples of any instrument for free, legally or otherwise, and save space, money, and time practicing? Now anyone can make music for free, which I think is fantastic. Of course, you have to take the Crystal Castles with the Ronald Jenkees, but you had good and bad music in any century.
  16. That reminds me Chipp have you seen TYRONE SHEPARD from Mass Effect? hahaha
  17. I am a leliana fan DAT ACCENT
  18. of course I'll be there hopefully rockin to auld lang syne chip
  19. where is poll option lol If I am given a choice I usually play female because I'd rather constantly stare at a nice ass in my game. It's also probably some deep freudian psychological shit, I dunno. How do you guys like to play?
  20. iirc leliana is totally into that
  21. Your words are as empty as your soul!
  22. OK! well that was pretty easy. when are you getting to the hotel?
  23. Who doesn't mind me boarding with them? I'm probably not even going to use the room, just use it as a place to dump my stuff.
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