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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. [this is about Breakpoint 2008, a popular EU demoparty] [00:41] <Drule> Q: Where can I sleep? [00:41] <Drule> In the hall, either on the grandstand or on the fluffy carpet under the tables. [00:41] <Drule> that's fucking disgusting [00:42] <stupid> nite [00:42] * stupid (stu@71-36-107-9.ptld.qwest.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:42] <Drule> good night [00:42] <yessopie> heh [00:43] <yessopie> Yeah, I guess, I've been to a lot of demo parties before, the only one where you didn't sleep on a sleeping bag was block party last year, you had to rent a hotel room [00:43] <yessopie> with the cost of the hotel, I'd rather just sleep on the floor [00:43] <yessopie> at LTP we actually slept on a sleeping bag outside [00:43] <yessopie> I was woken up by some guy yelling for everyone to get in, since it was about to start to rain [00:43] <yessopie> Oh, and Statix slept on my sleeping bag [00:44] <yessopie> I should have asked him to autograph it
  2. So we can finally, officially, and happily stop talking about Jack Thompson ever again? Hooray!
  3. Not really any free all-in-one packages like Reason, but you could always go with Cockos Reaper and some free VSTs
  4. The horns come in and don't really jive with the rest, and create dissonance. But I liked the groove you created with the voice and the beats/bass hopefully you do something else with it
  5. Bifecta'd. Great game. Also, hey this seems like a good spot to plug this.. I'm not much of a reader, but my friend also says you should read Neuromancer. And anything Ghost in the Shell is great, though the manga may be a bit above the adolescent level [those who read it know what I'm talking about. Yay lesbians!]
  6. But a turntable does not turn without a motor...
  7. It's lacking a "Renoise" category [or at least an "Other DAW" or "Trackers" section], other than that it looks pretty good to me! I can understand overlooking Renoise as it's... less popular than other DAWs, but it does lend itself well to collaboration. And I use it. So there.
  8. Can you upload the .umx files as well? I would like to play them instead of the MP3s I exported manually with modplug [and then edited some silence out in cool edit ]. Since I got XMplay I realized I can skip through songs in .umx files much like a nsf [i do this with Unreal tunes :3] and they take up less space than mp3 probably.
  9. I named it at the last minute and Hellvetica was the only thing on my mind :3 OH MAN THIS IS HOT
  10. [21:47] <soc> coda [21:48] <soc> are you going to blockparty [21:48] <@coda> yes [21:48] <@coda> are you [21:48] <soc> no lol [21:48] <soc> but Rayza from OCR apparently is [21:48] <soc> maybe [21:48] <soc> there's a thread about it there LoL [21:48] <soc> who else is going [21:48] <soc> virt is going [21:49] <@coda> everyone [21:49] <soc> D: I've always wanted to go to a demoparty but MAGFest is enough plane rides for the year. I might hang with shizzies during PAX though
  11. Mine is pretty relaxing imo that's really all it's good for I have another remix about to be posted that is similar.
  12. http://soundtempest.net/soc/album/HellveticaEP/ http://www.archive.org/details/OverCoatHellveticaEP 4 short ambient tracks for your enjoyment I did a lot of experimentation with chaotic randomised elements in this release, I've discovered some interesting hacks. This is also my third album release made with Renoise :3
  13. here is the song pack: http://soundtempest.net/soc/COMPOST74.zip here is the results: http://soundtempest.net/soc/CompoST74.txt
  14. starting in about an hour! now's a good time to get into the channel
  15. Hooray I am adding this dude to my friendsssss
  16. ozmg be thar!!!1 irc.esper.net #soundtempest theme will be announced at OHC start WAVE probably won't be there but hopefully at least Nario will be in this. Oh yeah.
  17. I knew a guy who pronounced it "my die" but he was Canadian so he had a good enough excuse... I felt I had to correct him on that though :3 mid ee!
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